Miss Jarea, you have a serious compeitor!
:eek: :eek: :eek:
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Miss Jarea, you have a serious compeitor!
I don't singnature that. And im not sig and had never been sig. And I thing that other perons isn't done miss jarea that what you say signess.
?? Whatta hell ??[/B]
Tämä threadi on nyt sitten ilmeisesti tätänykyä omistettu mr. Hamiltonin lukihäiriölle vittuilemiseen.
I've seen the future! It only took 20+ years to finally discover what makes a great DJ. I have all along disagreed with people who claim that the visual part of a DJs performance has a great importance. I sincerely apologize. Next to this smashing guitars on the stage is l-a-m-e.
didn't you already do a topless gig once?
Do I pass as a pre-historic Proteus now?
Typojen ja kummallisten lauseiden määrä näyttää siinä määrin hämmästyttävältä että Mr.Hamiltonilla taitaa olla lukihäiriö tai sitten kaveri kirjoittelee foorumille jumalattomassa jurrissa. Ja tämä ei siis ollut mikään vitsi. Olenko oikeassa?
(If someone books Portia, she can sleep in my place!)
if someone books jarea, she can sleep on my face!
Thanks to Portia, Jarea's stock is low.