Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,788 views

#322 • • Motuman Guest
hehe..this post is getting big.....i see you like norwegian girls...
also check out http://www.xtracedmotu.net ;)

#323 • • Remotion Guest


at least we have sorcerer @ coma who speaks unknown ancient norway! :001: :002: And he seems to be happy for some reason so we don't have to be scary at all... ;)
#324 • • genki Guest

Hm... looks like elise actually... i dunno, I think it's her yes, OMG it's her! cute, isn't she? :)

sh3 = h0tt

#325 • • Ezzy Guest

sh3 = h0tt


uh-oh, one of our trusted agents is being seduced here. omg, let's do something before the poor man is wasted :D

he's seriously whack already.
#326 • • genki Guest

uh-oh, one of our trusted agents is being seduced here. omg, let's do something before the poor man is wasted :D

he's seriously whack already.

1337 H4XXX0|25 N3V3|2 937 53|)Ü(3|)!!!!!

7H15 15 4 (0V3|27 0P3|24710N!!!!!

7074|_ 0\/\/|\|493!!!!!

#327 • • elok Guest
I don't think sorcerer @ coma are the only one's who understand unknown ancient norway... ;)
#328 • • jUSSi Guest

1337 H4XXX0|25 N3V3|2 937 53|)Ü(3|)!!!!!

7H15 15 4 (0V3|27 0P3|24710N!!!!!

7074|_ 0\/\/|\|493!!!!!


I volunteer to be the translator! see, I too understand :D

eleet haxxxors never get seduced..

this is a covert operation..

total ownage..
#329 • • genki Guest

I volunteer to be the translator! see, I too understand

now u can translate what Coma said back there...

...every letter... :D
#330 • • JussiS Guest

As a matter of fact the infiltration has already started. JZZ, our scout, is now a registered Partynett member and will report back soon. I'm sure after seeing all those pics of modern-day vikings he will recommend that we'll use my non-violent, and yes indeed, very cunning plan.

Thank god I'm no longer alone there, as Jokke, my brother in arms, has also joined the partynett forums :)

Nothing to report yet, as my norwegian is "quite" bad, but I'll continue my infiltration for as long as it takes :D
#331 • • Tapi T Guest
These for me please.

Btw, did you know where clubbing scene in Norway is heading ...?
#333 • • genki Guest

Btw, did you know where clubbing scene in Norway is heading ...?

my fragile little mind!!!! :eek: :(
#334 • • genki Guest


this is gonna be dirteee!!!! :D

i lllike it already!!! :004: :002:
#335 • • MissJarea Guest

Jarea, eller hva faen folk vil kalle deg, som _mange_ andre har sagt... Du har driti deg ut noe jææævli, og det anbefales at du skjerper deg...

1. les det du har skrevet før du poster...
2. tenk deg om...
3. rediger det til noe fornuftig...
4. slett alt du har skrevet og gi faen i å poste...
5. en ganske basic ting innen engelsk: det skrives _have_...
6. som en annen person sa, ta engelsk kurs... jeg har mine feil jeg også, men du slår meg :-p

Jarea or what the fuck people wanna call you, as MANY other has said...you have fucked up seeeeriously, and i recommend you put yourself together...

1.read what you have written be4 posting it
2.think it all over
3.edit it to something meaningfull
4.errase all the shit you have written
5. basic eng corr. 'have'...
6.and like another post said..., take an eng course...i have my errors but u beat mine...

GREAT! now iktah, seems is on to me too, this is getting better and better, as some people just don't get the fun we are having here.... right guys???

Jarea prepares her her Doom-Plasmagunner, and starts making 'war paintings' on her face...:D
#336 • • genki Guest

as some people just don't get the fun we are having here.... right guys???

riiiiiight.... ;)

i wouldnt call this FUN anymore!!! did you see those pics where they tried to promote those young girls!!!! :eek:

i almost went blind!!!

ps. tres u crak me up!!! :D
#337 • • MissJarea Guest
#338 • • Tres Guest
My career as Finland's #1 DJ Promoter is rocketing!
I think I already made an actual booking!
#339 • • hexasonik Guest

My career as Finland's #1 DJ Promoter is rocketing!
I think I already made an actual booking!

shit! as ever, us turku lads seem to be losin it.. not that i could seriously get into norwegian promoting bizznizz anyway: my missus would whack me up with a kaulin (whatever that heavy kitchen object might be in english).

yours and genki's infiltration seems to work out fine anyway! good luck!

still, an ageing soul boy might need a concubine or two.. :D
#340 • • hujades Guest

Btw, did you know where clubbing scene in Norway is heading ...?

DO you know the reason why?...

Cause soon all these are playing here...

and this is what they're left with...