Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,532 views

#201 • • rhedlund Guest

"It's different thing to argue about opinions, than to piss people off. Your (Talbot) comment was IMO the most off-topic and stupid in the whole thread.

If the meaning of your (Talbot) comment was to continue the fighting, I advice you to go bypassing people in queues at nightime. That way you can see some fighting in the first persons wiev."

Well well. Isn't this nice. No matter what you say, you get dissed. As I mentioned in IRC (don't know if you remember) and here too, my words were not meant to cause any more fighting nor were they dissing anyone, especially Miss J. I don't know why and how some you saw my question as a diss or an all-time-low against Miss J. For gods sake, It's just a question. If I asked it, I probably wanted to get an answer. dot. Nothing else. And I'm sorry if I used language that might have confused you. Where did all your PLUU dissapear?
#202 • • hujades Guest


Got that right! :001:

This thread is too much fun.
#203 • • MissJarea Guest
then you guys should see the riot it has started on [url]http://www.partynett.com....[/url] *sigh*

#204 • • MikkiHiiri Guest
mikäs olikaa sitä saa mitä tilaa englanniks?
#205 • • Jokke Guest

mikäs olikaa sitä saa mitä tilaa englanniks?

"Trust in Allah but tie your camel" :D

Nyt tarvittaisiin Espoon pyllynpyörittäjää avuksi... "You made your bed, now lie in it" ainakin hengeltään on samansuuntainen.
#206 • • Edited MikkiHiiri Guest

"Trust in Allah but tie your camel" :D

Nyt tarvittaisiin Espoon pyllynpyörittäjää avuksi... "You made your bed, now lie in it" ainakin hengeltään on samansuuntainen.


ja tohon vois suositella jatkoks että "lisää viinaa silmät liikkuu" = "more booze, my eyes are still moving?" =)
niin unohtuu murheet (jos unohtuu)
#207 • • MissJarea Guest
say what???
#208 • • Tres Guest

then you guys should see the riot it has started on [url]http://www.partynett.com....[/url] *sigh*


I had a look :001:

A few interesting details about the scene in Norway,
for example: seems that every northern European country
has a female dj called 'Lady Dana' and playing gabber :D

Shows where the roots are, of course. ;)

But yeah, since most here understand swedish (they should, at
least ;)) - so that they understand most of what's going on - and
enjoy spectating a good flamewar, here are the topics:


#209 • • hujades Guest

then you guys should see the riot it has started on [url]http://www.partynett.com....[/url] *sigh*


Geez... This looks pretty bad...

and I can't understand a word of it. :001:
#210 • • Sampson Guest
I wish I would of paid attention in Swedish classes! The first time I really need it. Could someone translate that stuff here! I can donate couple of e:s to the one. Let's make a kolehti! ;)
#211 • • MissJarea Guest
thank god i have made up with the girl mentioned in my second post :) the little bitch of 16 who is a dj too, elize, is the one that found my post here on platinum and made someone with a bigger mouth post it as well as some bad comments on partynett.

I never used any names here on platinum, but they draged inn names of people and the war was on again....she's just a little bitch and will pay her lesson, mark my words, for in the end it's the one that has the last laugh who winns ;)
#212 • • MissJarea Guest

Geez... This looks pretty bad...

and I can't understand a word of it. :001:

the main thing is that this little bitch is a part og the clubbers in my town who hate my guts, so they do anything they can to put me in a bad light, as if i cant to that on my own, LOL throwing bricks in every glass house i enter....HIHI!

and after that, she's bitchin to me on a priv irc channel!!! i POSTED THE LOG, but it got removed, still some could see her for what she is,....a bitch...not that innocent cute girl she pretends to be... I NEVER said anything wrong about her or anythin.... and then it turnes out that one of the resons may be that when my mate wanted to have her djing on the party we were aranging in april, i told him i would not book a dj without hearing her play or a demo first. never said she would not play, only that i wanted proof of that she could play....gee what a kindergarden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this will never end!!! everybody are backstabbing everybody, and even if something i say is true, or if anyone agree, they will only pm me about it, never put up any word on my behalf, as they are scared to be left out if they take my part in anything,,,,,what a bunch of JUNNTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
#213 • • Edited Tres Guest

what a bunch of JUNNTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

Nice one :D

This quote will live forever in my 'platinum-quotes hall of

In the name of proper communication I should state
that the correct spelling of the word in question is 'juntti'.
#214 • • Edited Tweeek Guest
All I'm gonna say is I enjoy watching this thread very much. Don't stop! :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002: :002:
#215 • • hujades Guest

this will never end!!! everybody are backstabbing everybody, and even if something i say is true, or if anyone agree, they will only pm me about it, never put up any word on my behalf, as they are scared to be left out if they take my part in anything,,,,,

Sounds like PLUR to me... lol

what a bunch of JUNNTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:


edit: pikkujuttuja
#216 • • Jokke Guest

the main thing is that this little bitch is a part og the clubbers in my town who hate my guts, so they do anything they can to put me in a bad light, as if i cant to that on my own, LOL throwing bricks in every glass house i enter....HIHI!

and after that, she's bitchin to me on a priv irc channel!!! i POSTED THE LOG, but it got removed, still some could see her for what she is,....a bitch...not that innocent cute girl she pretends to be... what a bunch of JUNNTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

Excuse me for being stupid, but are you writing about Elize, the girl you just told you made up with? If so, at least in my mind you are using quite strong vocabulary. Then again, I wouldn't know if this is how people are used to communicate with each other in Norway.
#217 • • Simon_London Guest

Excuse me for being stupid, but are you writing about Elize, the girl you just told you made up with? If so, at least in my mind you are using quite strong vocabulary. Then again, I wouldn't know if this is how people are used to communicate with each other in Norway.

Stupid you are not Jokke but appears that this Miss Jarea is.... Why are continueing to add fuel to this fire? But continue this petty arguing on this forum is going to do your carreer no good at Stupid you are not Jokke but it appears that this Miss Jarea is.... Why is she continuing to add fuel to this fire? By continuing this petty arguing on this forum you are doing your career no good at all. Time to call it quits and stop. I think this thread is no longer funny and has just become an embarrassment to all concerned...When will Platinum end this now sad joke?

Love and Peace

Simon London
#218 • • Simon_London Guest

Excuse me for being stupid, but are you writing about Elize, the girl you just told you made up with? If so, at least in my mind you are using quite strong vocabulary. Then again, I wouldn't know if this is how people are used to communicate with each other in Norway.

opps some problem with previous post...

Stupid you are not Jokke but it appears that this Miss Jarea is.... Why is she continuing to add fuel to this fire? By continuing this petty arguing on this forum you are doing your career no good at all. Time to call it quits and stop. I think this thread is no longer funny and has just become an embarrassment to all concerned...When will Platinum end this now sad joke?

Love and Peace

Simon London
#219 • • Benedix Guest

When will Platinum end this now sad joke?

Should have done that loooong time ago.
(what happened to PLUR? Haha!)

:p :D :rolleyes:
#220 • • Edited Jukka I Guest

....she's just a little bitch and will pay her lesson, mark my words, for in the end it's the one that has the last laugh who winns ;)

Tyttöjen välisestä ystävyydestä... :008:

Miss Jarea: why don't you do your career a favour and put an end to this "Bold and the Beautiful" type of bullshit and save what little remains to be saved of your credibility? I really can't figure out why you'd want to add fuel to this fire? Unless you are one of those people who live out of conflict and other people's sympathy...