Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,694 views

#541 • • hexasonik Guest

yeh you can recognize that sax ANYWHERE... always the same licks and riffs...

true. i just can't stand that sound..

never bought a record of theirs, but i can kinda see why some people dig that stuff..

me too. if i'd tell my theory on this i suppose i'd really piss people off so i'll back off.

evryone else is a fuck-bitch but i am the man yeah :015: :019: :002: :010: :eek: :eek: :eek:
#542 • • Edited Tres Guest

evryone else is a fuck-bitch but i am the man yeah


You're just being mean!! :(

And you do nasty things to language!!! You are so evil!!! :mad:

This isn't about throwing shit!!! It's about giving a shit!! With
love and care and tenderness!!! Giving a shit about what's
going on!!! Loving our neighbours!! Especially if they
are Norwegian and need promotion!! :004:

That's it!!!
Unconditional love!!! Do you understand?!?! Or do you
just want to revel in the evil that you breed?!? That makes
me SAD!! :007:
#543 • • MissJarea Guest

Aaahh, sorry Tres, you're right and I don't know what I was thinking of! Let me make up for it by saying you're all a bunch of c**ts, especially...er...I dunno, Karri and Miss Jarea - Jarea cos she's been using her sex to get gigs by sleeping with promoters, even though she says she hasn't we all know she has, and Karri just cos everyone says so, in fact it was Jokke who said to me "That Karri is a right old c**t", I don't know if they have some kind of problem but there ya go. Plus any DJ who plays Hard House is a fuckin BIG c**t. Actually, anyone who even LIKES HH is a c**t. In fact, now I think about it the only person who isn't a big c**t is me, so fuck you all, you stupid bitches.

That should get the conversation back to it's pre-decent level PDQ. :p :003:

WTF!!!! Now u stop that shit!!!

eh...uhm...NOt again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nooooooooooooooooooo!!!

LOads of people love hARDhOUSE, and the trance u probably digg is 'old' , 'out' and 'boring' and 'cheesy'!!!



*adding moore wood to the fire*
#544 • • genki Guest

No!!! Dada is Me!


What? :confused: :016:

#545 • • Dubchild Guest

LOads of people love hARDhOUSE, and the trance u probably digg is 'old' , 'out' and 'boring' and 'cheesy'!!!

Yeah they do, but only cos they're a bunch of c**ts!!! And I don't like trance either, I think trance sucks arse!!! In fact anyone into trance OR HH is a stupid monkey!!!! And DJs who sleep their way to the top AND play HH are even MORE STUPID!!!!! YEAH!!!! And I LIKE cheese! It's BETTER than SHIT!!!!!!!
#546 • • MissJarea Guest
If i had slept my way to the top, I would have been a famous dj long time ago ;) So too bad you just make an idiot of yourself by posting such a comment...
#547 • • Tres Guest


You're just being mean!! :(

And you do nasty things to language!!! You are so evil!!! :mad:

This isn't about throwing shit!!! It's about giving a shit!! With
love and care and tenderness!!! Giving a shit about what's
going on!!! Loving our neighbours!! Especially if they
are Norwegian and need promotion!! :004:

That's it!!!
Unconditional love!!! Do you understand?!?! Or do you
just want to revel in the evil that you breed?!? That makes
me SAD!! :007:


I see I was right!!! :007:
#548 • • Simon_London Guest

I've got blisters already!!! It hurts!! :(
This topic really got me going before some guys decided
to have "a decent conversation" in the middle of all
the fun everybody else was having!!! :007:

Im sorry... we are talking about female hardhouse DJ's?

In over 10 years of clubbing i have heard only couple of good female DJ's, (Lottie is wicked)
better they stay home cooking, cleaning and having babies...

Is this better Tres and what happened to the Invasion of Norway?

Love and Peace

Simon London
#549 • • Jokke Guest

In over 10 years of clubbing i have heard only couple of good female DJ's

Oh yes, you did tell me once you liked Boy George a lot.
#550 • • Dubchild Guest

If i had slept my way to the top, I would have been a famous dj long time ago

Not if you're shit in bed you wouldn't have been.
#551 • • Simon_London Guest

Oh yes, you did tell me once you liked Boy George a lot.

Yes indeed and as soon as Ive finished with your Boy George collection I will return it , so you can stop worrying!

Love and Peace

Simon London

#552 • • Jokke Guest

Not if you're shit in bed you wouldn't have been.

Good point. I had never thought of this.
#553 • • Tres Guest

what happened to the Invasion of Norway?

I've decided to take my work back underground -
to stop it falling into the wrong hands. pimp.gif
#554 • • jUSSi Guest

Not if you're shit in bed you wouldn't have been.

true, nobody likes to poke a cold, wet and dead fish
#555 • • Tres Guest
Those Norwegians have started promoting more of their
female DJs in a proper way: http://home.no.net/vidie/dj_elize.html
this is just the kind of promotion we need here in Finland as well !! :mad:
#556 • • Simon_London Guest

Future Acid House!

This may have been mentioned on this thread before, but I dont think hard house will be become the Future Acid House ever, do you even know what acid house is? Probably not as you only been DJing a couple of years!

Love and Peace

Simon London
#560 • • hexasonik Guest

In over 10 years of clubbing i have heard only couple of good female DJ's, (Lottie is wicked)
better they stay home cooking, cleaning and having babies...

what a bad, bad chauvinist attitude!.. er.. actually, i've been wondering that for a long time now, why there are so few good and devoted female deejays and record collectors anyway? i've got my theory on that but no time to write it down right now..