Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 243,625 views

#221 • • MissJarea Guest
u miss understand, elize is the bitch who posted this post on the norwegian board to make me and Marini enemies. I hav called Marini, explained and she forgave me, but the 16year old elize is still bullshitting with me....now she's after the way i dress and other shit...she's lucky I'm over 18, or I would give her an black eye or two, maybe she then would learn to shut up, as being nice and talk do not help...


but now that marini and i are friends, elize can bitch as much as she wants, people finally see her for the little bitch she is, not the sweet innocent lad....

WAR!!! :)
#222 • • Jokke Guest

u miss understand, elize is the bitch who posted this post on the norwegian board to make me and Marini enemies.

OK, it's back to square one then. Do you hold her guilty of making you and Marini enemies? With all respect, it's your posts that have caused this mess. If becoming enemies with Marini would worry you, why make those posts in the first place? This is a world wide web, you know. Anybody can see your posts.

I'm becoming addicted to old sayings while reading this thread, so I have to add one more that applies very well here: Don't kill the messenger.
#223 • • Remotion Guest
Plattis taitaa olla vähän väärä paikka tälle äkäpussille... vois vaikka mennä jonnekkin rinnekotiin rauhoittumaan... Sielä ois aina mukavia valkotakkisia setiä ja tätejä jotka osais kuunnella...

"Äiti toi tyttö kiusaa mua! Mä en oo tehny mitään, kutsuin sitä vaan h0r0x"
#224 • • Laite Guest

Plattis taitaa olla vähän väärä paikka tälle äkäpussille... vois vaikka mennä jonnekkin rinnekotiin rauhoittumaan... Sielä ois aina mukavia valkotakkisia setiä ja tätejä jotka osais kuunnella...

"Äiti toi tyttö kiusaa mua! Mä en oo tehny mitään, kutsuin sitä vaan h0r0x"


on tää varmaan paras thread plattarissa
#225 • • MikkiHiiri Guest

u miss understand, elize is the bitch who posted this post on the norwegian board to make me and Marini enemies. I hav called Marini, explained and she forgave me, but the 16year old elize is still bullshitting with me....now she's after the way i dress and other shit...

But the text you wrote about them was pretty .. insulting. I can't see a reason why they wouldn't got angry.

she's lucky I'm over 18, or I would give her an black eye or two

Normal style of conversation here where I live =)

#226 • • MikkiHiiri Guest

Plattis taitaa olla vähän väärä paikka tälle äkäpussille... vois vaikka mennä jonnekkin rinnekotiin rauhoittumaan... Sielä ois aina mukavia valkotakkisia setiä ja tätejä jotka osais kuunnella...

"Äiti toi tyttö kiusaa mua! Mä en oo tehny mitään, kutsuin sitä vaan h0r0x"

:001: :001:
#227 • • MissJarea Guest
:001: :001: :001:
#228 • • LTD Guest
So did I get this right.... Miss J called sum1 a bitch here, the sum1 else told that to the girl and now Miss J is angry to the girl who told the other girl what Miss J had said....Mwahahahah!! This is too funny to be true...I mean, this cant be real!!!

heheheh...like Jokke said: dont kill the messenger...
#229 • • MikkiHiiri Guest

So did I get this right.... Miss J called sum1 a bitch here, the sum1 else told that to the girl and now Miss J is angry to the girl who told the other girl what Miss J had said....Mwahahahah!! This is too funny to be true...I mean, this cant be real!!!

Seems to be true :D
#230 • • genki Guest
im gonna book Ms Jarea and just give her a mic for the show instead of a pair of dexx!!!

would make a swell stand-up comedy night!!! :D
#231 • • MissJarea Guest

So did I get this right.... Miss J called sum1 a bitch here, the sum1 else told that to the girl and now Miss J is angry to the girl who told the other girl what Miss J had said....Mwahahahah!! This is too funny to be true...I mean, this cant be real!!!

heheheh...like Jokke said: dont kill the messenger...

NO NO NO!!! Gee some of you guys are REALLY stupid!

The second post I wrote, about the girl who was sleeping her way to the top (scroll up for fucks sake!), THAT was discovered by a DIFFERENT girl elize, who made someone else post THAT post on the norwegian board. The girl I 'dissed' and i are now, friends, but the one who showed it to the norwegian clubscene, is still a bitch. Now u get it?

ANYWAY, I never ment to hurt anyone, and thats why I did not use any names in my post, as it after all was an example to state my feelinga about an sertain issue. But that small bitch made sure that names got filled inn, and by that ended up me hurting others.

I know that this is internet, i'm not stupid, i know all can find all my posts and read them.... THAT'S why i dint use any names, as i didn't wanna hurt anyone... please tell me you finns are more clever than norwegian junttis ;)


#232 • • jUSSi Guest

please tell me you finns are more clever than norwegian junttis ;)

Finns are more clever than Norwegian junttis ;)
#233 • • hexasonik Guest

please tell me you finns are more clever than norwegian junttis ;)

it's impossible 'cos we're the original juntti nation coming straight out of the woods with an axe in on hand and a chainsawe in another! junttis rule! :D
#234 • • hexasonik Guest
and as anyone can judge from my above mail: really boring day at work!
#235 • • hujades Guest

please tell me you finns are more clever than norwegian junttis ;)


Finns are way more clever than Norwegian junttis... but...
I don't know if I can say the same about Finnish junttis... Cause there are some superjuntti people here... :001:

And for real too!
#236 • • Edited Jokke Guest

NO NO NO!!! Gee some of you guys are REALLY stupid!

The second post I wrote, about the girl who was sleeping her way to the top (scroll up for fucks sake!), THAT was discovered by a DIFFERENT girl elize, who made someone else post THAT post on the norwegian board. The girl I 'dissed' and i are now, friends, but the one who showed it to the norwegian clubscene, is still a bitch. Now u get it?

Wait, wait, wait! Are you saying that there's still another bitch out there we don't know anything about?

Bitch #1 = is no longer a bitch as you're friends again
Bitch #2 = Elize
Bitch #3 = someone who posted THAT post to the Norwegian board

Am I right if I say bitch #1 is the girl who sleeps her way to the top? But since she's your friend, she's no longer considered to be a bitch. We all know Elize is this 16 year old little bitch, no problems there whatsoever. But who on earth is this bitch #3? If I understand your post correctly, you're saying that bitch #3 posted the naked truth about bitch #1, ie the things bitch #2 had witnessed, before you had posted anything here? If this is the case, shouldn't everybody be picking on bitch #3 rather than you? I scrolled up to find this out, but you had edited some of your earlier posts. With bitches here, there and everywhere I can't be the only one who has difficulties following this thread.

After reading your post again I realise that by THAT you must mean the post you made. First I thought that THAT meant discovering the "sleeping ones way to the top" business. Like I said, this is a hard thread to follow. Sorry. :)
#237 • • onnela Guest
Oooh, this is just unbelievable! What a thread...
This would make a perfect soap opera in the television.

*eagerly waiting for the bitch #3 to show up...*

Please, do go on! :D
#238 • • LTD Guest
Hey if there's 3 bitched I bet there's one spare one for me!!!
#239 • • Quu Guest
I remain silent.
#240 • • Laite Guest

Hey if there's 3 bitched I bet there's one spare one for me!!!

Hey, one for me too.