Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout 17.4.2010 @ Helsinki

624 posts, 32 pages, 357,227 views


Posts: 651

#161 • • Sssan* Kalastaa kalsarit jalassa
Me ollaan niiiiiin täällä *sydän*

Yy kaa yy kaa, minä olen Hämähäkki..


Posts: 47

#162 • • Whiteout
Too many friends?

Check out the 10+1 entourage ticket package! When you'll buy 10 normal Whiteout tickets you will get one VIP ticket for free (59€ value). Start creating your entourage!

Posts: 468

#163 • • GrimsouL Hybridize, Fury, Electronica Exposed
Joku etevä vois järjestää bussikuljetuksen Lahdesta sinne ja takas?

Posts: 88

#164 • • Sleipner
Voisi mennä aika tiukille saada bussia tähän hätään, ehkä taas joku vuosi. Onneksi lähijuna nyt ei niin kallis ole.
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#165 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
onneks on kuski ni säästää montakymppiä kun ei tartte hotellia varata.. :)

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 394

#166 • • UkeUke
Jooh.. Huomenna / ylihuomenna voisin varata nyt vihdoi ja viimein ne liput ja hotskusta huoneen.

Posts: 24

#167 • • TiKKu^

Replying to Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout 17.4.2010 @ Helsinki:

Amnesia, 25.3.2010 13:12:

Lieneeköhän tuola olevan jotain viinanarikkaa? Joutuu kuitenkin sen kolmen tuntia odotteleen junan lähtöö asemalla, mikäli nyt ei satu johonki yöksi eksymään :-)


Ennemmin kyllä suosittelisin Redrumin aamubileitä kuin steissillä dokaamista...

Reitti suunnitelmat muuttuivat, ja tuun tampereen kautta bussil ja samal takas. Varmaanki sinne bussiin saa jätettyä eväät sitten =)

Posts: 31

#169 • • LD
½ kk:ta enää!
Toivotaan et Saksan vaatetilaus tulee ajoissa perille...

Posts: 11,768

#170 • • sapeli jokukukamikä?
Meil kans Cyberdogia tulossa... Toivottavasti ehtii - liput on!

Elämä ei ole pelkkää lasten leikkiä.


Posts: 246

#171 • • Temazepam Forever N00B
*jiihaa* LIPUT *jiihaa*
OMG, mitä mä puen päälle? (Kyllä, vaatteet) *tirsk*

-Your Lordy Mistress-


Posts: 31

#173 • • LD
Huh, pelkkä pipo?

Posts: 77

#174 • • klrp Fukken Max Penalty
Mistäs tähän hätään valkoiset housut, tyyliin jotain BDU-mallia? Valkoinen t-paita taitaa löytyäkkin.. :D

Terror Worldwide; Kid tested, mother approved!


Posts: 622

#175 • • pyhimys
Kävin sitten tänään ostamassa lipun, kun niitä vielä saa. En kyllä meinannut ostaa/laittaa valkoisia housuja tänne. Saa valkoinen paita ja hattu sekä farkut riittää tällä kertaa... Ei niitä valkoisia housuja kuitenkaan tule muuten ikinäkään käytettyä.

Posts: 47

#176 • • Whiteout

Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout - Interview 1/6 - Way Out West

01. You will be playing live at the upcoming Labyrinth// Laserpoint event - which advantages does a live set give you in comparison to regular DJ-set?

"The live show is a chance for us to play all our own material from the present day to stuff to our classics from years gone by and the dynamics of a live show are really different to a DJ set - you never know what might happen!"

"Well, I think a live set can sound more interesting and exciting because of the human element . When you DJ, you are basically playing finished tracks, but when performing live there are so many different parts that can be used and it never sounds the same twice. However, on the flip side there is also a slight edge of danger , which keeps you on your toes."

02. Way Out West has released already four albums and you could be described as one of the pioneers of progressive house/trance. In your opinion, how has progressive sound changed after you released your debut in 1994?

"It has changed tremendously, what you might call progressive today is not as complex and arguably not as forward thinking as it has been in the past. I never think of the labels anyway, i just play the music I like"

"I actually believe that the concept behind this style of music is exactly the same ( forward thinking, melodic, emotional, energetic etc etc.. ),but unfortunately the word progressive became associated with boring,generic sounding cheesy trance. The media always needs something new to thrive on, and prog became a dirty word. However, the cross pollination of styles right now is resulting in some amazing music."

03. Is there any Way Out West production of which you're not particularly proud of?

"There are some remixes in our past which I'm not too keen on..."

"I think our remix of Paul Van Dyk's 'For An Angel' could have been better."

04. Talking about your past productions, you've just released new remixes of "Gift". Are there other re-releases in the pipeline and/or which of your early works would you like to see re-remixed?

"None at the moment but maybe Deconstruction will want to do the same for Ajare or Domination in the future. We were really pleased with all the remixes of the Gift"

"For the live show we have remixed Ajare, Domination , Mindcircus, and The Fall. Some of which we may release. Two more tracks that I would love to bring up to date are Shoot and Montana ( lakota mix )"

05. You're both doing strong solo careers, too. What kind of effect have your solo careers had on Way Out West sound?

"I think it brings a freshness and new directions to our sound"

"Thanks ! I think they both feed off each-other to be honest. The stuff I do on my own and the current WOW sound are not 100 miles apart, obviously Nick's influence is what makes the WOW stuff different, but the general vibe is the same as this is where my head is at right now."

06. You're both active visitors in Finland - what's your favorite memory of our country?

"I spend a lot of time in Finland, having a Finnish girlfriend means I am always travelling back and forth. My favourite time in Finland is in June, the long warm days always seem to bring everyone out in the evenings and there is an amazingly positive energy to the country".

"Enthusiastic party people, lots of snow and intense pear-cider hangovers :)"

Posts: 82

#177 • • AJ
Liput o! vielä valkoinen pipo jostaki, sitte olis paketti kasassa!

En kuuntele Housea koskaan


Posts: 577

#178 • • juu-zo *KoneHuone*
Lippu hommattu ja koko valkoset kuteet löytyy. *jiihaa*

Respect is not given, it is taken

Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#179 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
mulle riittää valkonen T-paita..

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 47

#180 • • Whiteout

Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout - Interview 2/6 - Darude

01. Back in Finland! It's relatively rare to see you here these days - how does it feel to come back and to play at Labyrinth // Laserpoint?

"It feels absolutely great to be back in Finland and, of course, to play at a party that is a such staple in the Finnish electronic dance music scene! I'm looking forward to seeing the lights and lasers and decos again, and I can't wait to drop a couple my new bombs and hear them on that big system! ;)"

02. You're an usual sight behind the decks in the States. What are your best experiences and the most memorable venues from the past years?

"There have been so many great nights and different kind of happenings, it's really hard to pick! Some amazing recent ones are Vanguard and Avalon in Los Angeles, Rain in Las Vegas and Ruby Skye in San Francisco. Beautiful venues, crazy crowds, proper booths made for DJs = such joy to play!"

03. Darude sound has changed a lot during the years. What can we expect from the last slot on the main stage?

"I'm in the final steps of starting up our own label together with my friend and DJ/producer Randy Boyer, so I'll most likely play at least a couple of our brand new tracks-to-be-released, as well as something older of mine, too, and a couple of my current dancefloor destroyers from other producers. Depends a little of what the DJ before me ends with, but my slot will most likely not be starting from my regular proggier stuff, but will go rather quickly to the more banging shit. ;)"

04. What are the latest Darude rumors? Also those, which aren't true ;)

"I've heard that Ricky Martin denies our brief but steamy relationship back when I was an exchange student at his high school. 8)
I heard thru the grapevine that I'm going to be recording and shooting my set on video at The Whiteout party for some grand purpose... Ummm... That one might be true... ;)"

05. You're a strong supporter of Finnish electronic music on your radio sets. What are your current Finnish favorites?

"Hell yeah, I always look for good Finnish music to play! Right now Joonas Hahmo's new release 'Brainflush' on his own label Hahmo Recordings got a spun in my radioshow and I love both of the tracks on the release. My buddy Weirdness' couple of tracks and remixes have been regulars in my DJ sets for ages and will get the releases they deserve later this year on my label. K-System's remix of a certain JS16 classic has been a killer in my sets, as well as Kimmo's remix of Heikki L & Max'C's 'Classic'."