Dj Street [Spacehouse,]

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#1 • • Edited _Dj_Street_ Spacehouse Resident

Name: Markku Saikkonen
City: Kotka
Age: 25 (16.1.1986)
Contact: [email protected] (e-mail)
[email protected] (msn)
Mobile number: +358442900169

Style: Hard Trance and Progressive House


Monelle paikalliselle bilettäjälle Dj Street, eli Markku Saikkonen on varmasti tuttu Kotkan Seurahuoneelta, jossa hän on jo vuodesta 2005 tarjonnut ihmisille maistiaisia myös klubimusiikin saralta ja täten ohjannut uutta, verestä reivaaja-ainesta klubikulttuurin pariin. Itse levyjen pyörittämisen mies aloitti vuonna 2004.

Dj Streetin edellinen suuri rakkaus oli Euroopan rave-areenoiden suosikkisoundi, hardstyle, josta tyyli on suuntautunut kohti italialaista, nostattavaa hard trancea ja rokkaavaa electro/proge-housea. Dj Street on The Ultimate Sound-klubin perustajajäsen ja on nyt yksi kuudesta Spacehouse-klubin pyörittäjästä. Jos energiaa voisi mitata aidolla innokkuudella musiikkiin, tapahtuisi keikoilla kummia ja niin varmasti tapahtuukin, kun Dj Street pääsee tykittämään Uk:n ja Italian Hard Trance soundin tiukimpia raitoja. Jos olet melodisen rankemman trancen ystävä, tiedät, että paikkasi on tanssilattialla, kun tämä mies on puikoissa.

Bio In English:

Dj Street aka. Markku Saikkonen started deejaying when he was 18 years old. His first gig was at the local pub called Jolly Rogers in Kotka and at that point he fell in love in deejaying. Now he is playing 3-4 times a week at local nightclub. Dj Street has a mission of converting regular bar goers in club scene and everytime he is behind the decks crowd is going mental.
Dj Street´s first style was hardstyle but after two years or so he fell in love with italian and uk hard trance. Style not so very common in finnish clubscene as far as the italian sound goes.

His repertuar also include progressive house and common club sound. Dj Street is young, he is eager and ready to show his skills in clubs anywhere. At this point he has played alongside with notorious mixmaster Sasha F, Dj Orkidea, Meke, Eryk Orpheus, Dj Proteus, Urmaz, TommiH, Individual, Macio, J-Gear, Traba, Friik, JussiS and Dj Rx. If the Dj Street´s passion in music could be measured in energy there would be strange things happening and there certainly will.

Resident: Spacehouse

Dj Street - TC2011Kisa (UUSIN)
Dj Street - Operation Phoenix (Uk Hard Trance)
Dj Street - Somethin' Odd With Taste
Dj Street - Spacehouse Promomix vol. 2
Dj Street - Rollin' energizer vol .4
Dj Street - Rollin' energizer vol .2
Dj Street - Rollin' energizer vol. 1

Past Gigs:
Summer Dance to Hardstyle 3.8 @ Haminan Seurahuone
Smashin' to My Beat 26.10 @ Haminan seurahuone
The Ultimate Sound - 20th Birthday Party 12.4 @ Tapiolantalo, Kotka
The Ultimate Sound part 2 - Second Coming of Energy 19.7.2008 @ Kotka
Club Terraza 2.8.2008 @ Kotkan Toriterassi
The Ultimate Sound Part 3 - The End Of Trilogy 8.11.2008 @ tapiolantalo, Kotka
Energizer 31.01 @ Estonia, Kaarli Caffee
Club Terraza Opening Party 9.5.2009 @ @ Toriterassi / Kotka
Torstai 16.7.2009 Club Terraza Weekend starts here! @ Kotka
Lauantai 25.7 BErmuDA presents Saimaa Sessions
Lauantai 8.8.2009 VOEMA - The Island 2009 @ Kuopio (peruuntui kuumeen takia)
perjantai 21.8.2009 Spacehouse - The School of Hard Knocks with Sasha F @ Kotka
perjantai 2.10.2009 Såint with Orkidea (Kotka 2009 osa 5) @ Kotka
Lauantai 20.02.2010 H A R D B O U R presents ERYK ORPHEUS @ Telakka, Lahti
Spacetech From Old Skool To New Skool 20.3.2010@ Kotka
31.7 Spacehouse presents GekkonenStage - electronic edition @ Kotkan Meripäivät
4.8.2010 Summer Såint with OlliS @ Kotka
4.9.2010 Spacehouse Presents: Underground Mayhem @ Kotka
perjantai 18.2.2011 SÄDE - *NEW BREED* @ Playground / Helsinki
Lauantai 14.5.2011 Spacehouse vs. Battle Royale: Proteus @ route66 / Kotka
lauantai 20.8.2011 Battle Royale IV @ Nightclub Mixei / Tampere
perjantai 21.10.2011 Weekender 6 @ Radio / Finland
perjantai 11.11.2011 Trance Connection @ Bar&Club RedMoon / Kouvola

Future Gigs:

????? @ ????, ???? (TBA)

Own Word:
Music is 4 life, if you can't stop loving it then mix it!

Posts: 881

#10 • • Nikke Robodisco / Techmu
komia lougou!

Wunderbar... wundervoll... superschön... supertoll