Orange, 24.3.2006 18:14:
Let's just assume that the official "truth" on the Holocaust is a lie, and that the revisionists are right. The result would be a recognition that there was indeed a PERSECUTION OF JEWS under the Third Reich, but no deliberate EXTERMINATION OF JEWS; that the gas chambers and gas vans were an invention of atrocity propaganda, just like the children with their hands chopped off during the First World War; that not five to six million, but less than one million Jews died in the areas under German control; that of these Jewish victims, only a small percentage were killed, while the rest died chiefly of epidemics and deprivation in the camps and ghettos. What would be the result of this revelation? They are easy to imagine:
- a worldwide wave of anti-Jewish feeling;
- a wave of nationalism in Germany: politicians, intellectuals, historians and journalists would be held up to contempt by their own people;
- the renewed possibility of an objective, factual discussion of National Socialism. We might, as a result, even be able to borrow some of their constructive measures in dealing with the problems of unemployment, the declining birth rate, and wide-spread drug addiction;
- nationalism, in the sense of a true representation of national interests and a defence of the national identity, would regain its legitimacy. The Germans could again say, without shame, "Germany for the Germans!" The French could again say, without shame, "France for the French!". The psychological and political factors which have enabled mass invasion from the Third World, would disappear;
- the rulers and manipulators of public opinion would be discredited, not only in Germany, but throughout the West. People would ask themselves why this whole charade had to be propped up with censorship and brute force for so many decades, and in whose interests. Trust in the ruling cliques would be seriously shaken -- at a time of serious social and economic crisis to which the "democracies" have no answer.
We see that a general realization that Holocaust is a lie would have devastating implications, not only for international Jewry and the state of Israel, but for the political and intellectual ruling cliques of the entire Western world -- particularly in Germany! The result would be an re-evaluation of all values, to borrow a term from Friedrich Nietzche. Everything would be different. Everything would have to re-examined.
Anteeksi, mutta tekisikö mikään näistä seurauksista maailmasta paremman paikan elää? Sitä paitsi kansallissosialismin lääkkeet työttömyyteen ja talouden elvyttämiseen eivät edes toimisi nykypäivänä. Tuottavuus laskisi räjähdysmäisesti, kun tietokoneet ja muut koneet korvattaisiin ihmisillä ja suunnattomien lainojen nostaminen ajaisi valtiontaloudet pitkällä tähtäimellä kriisiin. Esim. Hitlerin Saksa ei edes olisi voinut pitää yllä sitä kovaa talouskasvua kovinkaan pitkään, jos se ei olisi hyökännyt Puolaan.
Nationalismi on muutenkin jo vanhakantainen aate, jolla ei ole sijaa globalisaation puristuksessa olevassa maailmassa. Nationalismi itsessään on jo syössyt maita ja kokonaisia maanosia verisiin konflikteihin ja taloudellisiin kurimuksiin. Suurimmat konfliktit 1900-luvulla olivat nationalismin synnyttämiä. Ruandassa ja Bosniassa tapahtuneet kansanmurhat olivat nationalismin seurausta.
Itse en muuten näe mitenkään mahdolliseksi, että maailmanlaajuinen juutalaisten ja liittoutuneiden salaliitto Holokaustin aikaansaamiseksi olisi edes olemassa. Siitä olisi nyt 60 vuoden aikana ihan varmasti tullut vaikka minkälaista materiaalia ulos. Siis muidenkin toimesta kuin vain niiden, joiden mielestä Auschwitzin kaasukammiot oli oikeesti tarkoitettu vain juutalaisten ja muiden leirillä olleiden hyväksi ja terveyden edistämiseksi.