Replying to Unity, Misc. & The Circus present: LOVE feat. PETE TONG:
oka, 6.7.2009 08:46:
This quote has been copied from: Oka Morikawa | Blog
I'm not going to start any flame war against any fellow "clubbing photographers" but I have to say I remember like yesterday when I bought my first DSLR in early 2007 and came first time to shoot clubbing. Next day I got many critics saying that "I should concentrate to photographing rather than bringing as much as equipment I can" (I was testing Canon 5D with 85mm 1.2L II combo at that time).
Now same guys who said that brought multiple lenses, many bodies and other accessories which I can't even figure out how in the hell they can work with those in clubbing environment. Anyway, I was carrying Canon 5D MKII with Canon 16-35mm 2.8L and flashgun. Shouldn't you more concentrate to taking photographs rather than taking as much as you can take equipment to your backpack? ;)
Just to straighten up a few (obvious) missundestandings from your behalf, I must reply. Most likely this was pointed mainly for me - at least this is how I understand it since I was the only one from our crew sitting at backstage beside the table where all of our gear were spreaded out.
I arrived to the scene straight from a three day phototrip from Konemetsä where I had five different lenses and couple of flashes (I had use for all the lenses, outcluding the spare flash I didn't use). Those lenses were filled with shit after being outside for three days in the middle of sand, dust, mould and rain - unfortunately these lenses were cleaned on that current table of which you took that unpublished shot (liked to see that shot anyhow) :) Just to add some coincidence, Tuulas gear was also on that same table (just one body, one lense attached, and a flash attached). None of us has multiple bodys in use even that it would be most recommended in case the main body brakes down.
many bodies and other accessories which I can't even figure out how in the hell they can work with those in clubbing environment.
Easily, as you can see from most of the photos we take. When we want a specific photo, we try to take it the best way it is possible in that current situation. If that means a massive telelense photography from the middle of the dancing crowd - then we go for it (but only when it makes no significant disturbance to the people - if the floor is filled, we usually won't go in). The negative part of playing with multiple lenses is, that you might miss some nice little scene taking place when you have a totally wrong kind of lense attached.
I usually choose lenses between Canon 16-35mm 2.8L and Canon 24mm 1.4L II since I really think that taking chaotic clubbing shots you have to be really close to people, REALLY close. With long telephoto lenses shots are just too static and emotions on those shots are pretty much almost every time really nonexistent.
Only two photographers using telephoto-lenses at this event were me and Tuula (there might have been some other, but I seriously doubt it). So that line was propably also ment for SESSIONS2-crew.
Thought this is of course also matter of taste and style but if your shots sucks, you are probably using telephoto. No kidding.
This is also a matter of "what you need & want" and "how do you want to do things". This should be basic stuff for every photographer - but the phototaking situation combined with the picture you want defines what kind of focal distance and view angle to use. It is totally impossible to take certain kinds of photos with wide angle lenses, and it's totally impossible to take wide angle photos with tele objectives.
We also get to the point of not distracting f.ex artists OR taking the photos with minimum disturbance. I have to regret my own choice of taking couple of shots of Pete Tong with telephoto lense from the middle of the crowd when the DJ Booth was already crowded by different staff and some photographer(s). Next time I'll disturbe the artist more.
ps. I am going to reply a shorter version to the original post @ you blog too to fix up these missunderstangins.
Pps. I WOULD correct these couple of misunderstandings, but your blog doesn't want to take my reply. I wonder why...