MILLENNIUM 10th anniversary 6.12.2008 @

281 posts, 15 pages, 69,654 views


Posts: 1,407

#82 • • COBALT akitaattori

:D, 4.11.2008 17:19:
Huhu on kertonut, et noi Lahdesta tulevat tyypit on kaivohuoneellekin
saanut palokunnan paikalle jo ennen diskon alkamista. :D

"Noi" Lahdesta tulevat...? *ding**vink*

Parhaat bileet tehdään aina korvien välissä...!


Posts: 2,727

#83 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe
PROGRESSION (UK) [millennium] [lcs] [affinity]

born in london, progression's connectivity with electronic music began in the late 80's. in 1994, at just 14yrs old, his dj career kicked off with the purchase of turntables. with a dominant rave scene within the uk, progression became the instigator for organising small illegal underground parties for many years until his big break came in 1998. progression simultaneously launched two separate club nights at his university in west London and established himself a 4yr residency. as both a dj & promoter, progression played alongside numerous domestic and foreign dj legends. a move to finland came in 2003 with his dj career continuing in cities such as helsinki, turku, tampere, vaasa and other major cities.

now 28yrs old, progression is a resident dj within finland's legendary 'millennium' organisation. continuing where he left off in london, progression also co-runs his own underground club nights: 'liquid crystal sounds' and 'affinity' where he plays alongside some of the finest uk, finnish and international dj's. with his sets consisting of melodic, uplifting progressive house & lower-tempo trance, progression has established a 'trademark' sound which concentrates on driving basslines, deep breakdowns and techy atmospheric synths and strings. a dj who carefully crafts his own passion and emotional feeling for music into the atmosphere of his sets!


there are 31 days remaining.

Never give up.
Never surrender.


Posts: 144

#84 • • kimbbo
kuukausi... *känni**aplodit**jiihaa*

Posts: 692

#85 • • Quakey

mayah, 6.11.2008 10:00:
SA-TomTom, 5.11.2008 13:56:
there are 31 days remaining.


Pitäsköhän sitä pikkuhiljaa pistää teknareiden piuhat kiinni ja pyöräyttää muutama lettu noin niinku harjotuksen vuoksi? :D

tosiaan :D voisi iteki kaivaa letut kaapista pölyttymästä :P ..... paitti et porukat oli lainannu ortofoneja ni ne on varmaa jo rikki ;P viimeks kun kävin kattomassa ni painot oli ihan päin persettä *poks*

Posts: 692

#86 • • Quakey

mayah, 6.11.2008 11:15:
Quakey, 6.11.2008 10:39:
mayah, 6.11.2008 10:00:
SA-TomTom, 5.11.2008 13:56:
there are 31 days remaining.


Pitäsköhän sitä pikkuhiljaa pistää teknareiden piuhat kiinni ja pyöräyttää muutama lettu noin niinku harjotuksen vuoksi? :D


tosiaan :D voisi iteki kaivaa letut kaapista pölyttymästä :P


Näääääh, jaksaako sitä sittenkään. Lahjattomat treenaa. Ja kyllä kai se Kristiina sitte korjaa, jos pahasti laukkaa.

hehhee:P pitää vaa laittaa lapaset käteen ettei kädet kramppaa :D

Posts: 1,407

#87 • • COBALT akitaattori
Mulla ei meinaa pysyä housut jalassa, mutta se ei tarkoita sitä, etteikö tää topic pysy etusivulla!

Enkä edes pyytele anteeksi tökeröä uppaamistani...! *vink*

Parhaat bileet tehdään aina korvien välissä...!


Posts: 1,986

#88 • • MaSari space jammer
Taitaapi käydä niin et mekin pystytään osallistumaan! *aplodit* Hotellihuone on varattuna nyt pe-su ajalle, että pääsee hyvin tunnelmaan sitten jo perjantain aikana.... *iloinen*

minä kellotan sinuaaa.. *nuotti*


Posts: 692

#89 • • Quakey
The night of heroes! *nauru**nuotti**känni**ankka**possu**slurps**pahis**piis**tähti**nalle*

Posts: 2,727

#90 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe
LJ PARKER KANE [monday bar]

"all i can say is that finland has a tiësto in lights...
keep up the good work."
- menno de jong

"i got his 'treatment' twice, and i must tell he feels the music as it is.
a perfect lighting man..."
- shane 54

"in german we call his kind of guys 'profi'" - ronski speed

nowadays parker kane is the name widely recognized throughout scandinavian dance music industry as a mark of highest quality of light controlling. in other words, parker kane is one of these precious few, who made the noble name of lj - light jockey standing proud as one of most essential key elements of successful electronic dance music event. now, parker is without any slightest doubt the undisputed king of scandinavian ljs, holding residency at almighty swedish monday bar club concept, where he guides the massive light installations for likes of paul van dyk, carl cox and ferry corsten, also making regular appearances at such established festivals as annual finnish laserpoint. behind every king there is the history of the rise though. here is the one of parker kane.

back in 2003, parker was staring at the dj pressing buttons on the computer in the booth of local commercial night club in his hometown tampere. relentless and anxious mind of our hero have made him ask the dj what exactly was the purpose of that computer. being told that the idea is to control the lights, parker haven't had a long thoughts and jumped in to try the new toy himself. that night is considered unofficial start of kane lj career.

official start took place a year later, when in 2004 parker has been booked for his virgin public gig at small local club night called "traffic". with only two moving heads, some old scanners and a strobo, he still managed to impress both clubbers and local promoters significantly. feedback on amazing lights flooded out to clubbing forums, promoters and djs started to talk to each other about "that guy who makes the lights go wild" and so more bookings naturally flooded in for parker kane. soon he was the main man in charge of all things lj in tampere, performing at such respected events as madwave, iglu and liquid almost every given weekend.

finally, in 2007, after several extremely successful gigs, parker was approached by leading swedish event monday bar with an offer he could not refuse: to become a resident lj for that extremely popular club! and soon enough parker kane has been noticed by finland's one of the biggest promoter teams, laserpoint crew. that was the moment of truth for parker to show what he is really capable of, and kane didn't fail! his name started to spread on the wings of international dj headliners across scandinavia.

all this might sound very regular in dj world, but if we are talking of ljs, light jockeys, that is quite a cinderella story. usually lj is the unknown guy somewhere in the dark corner of the dj booth, the extension of the computer no one even remember of. parker kane has made himself a standard, name recognized and hyped by international dj elite, such as above & beyond, john '00' fleming, menno de jong and ronski speed to mention just a few. he made himself a king of ljs. and that rise is far from end, you can be sure! we predict parker kane is the name you will be seeing at all big dance festivals around the globe in very near future. and if outstanding light extravaganza will catch your attention somewhere at amnesia on ibiza or sensation white in amsterdam, look to the stage, we are pretty sure parker kane will be found there!


there are 26 days remaining.

Never give up.
Never surrender.


Posts: 1,141

#91 • • C-Hill Syna / Deck Jagger

LJ PARKER KANE [monday bar]

"all i can say is that finland has a tiësto in lights...
keep up the good work."
- menno de jong

"i got his 'treatment' twice, and i must tell he feels the music as it is.
a perfect lighting man..."
- shane 54

"in german we call his kind of guys 'profi'" - ronski speed

Ei noin pitkää bioa jaksa kukaan lukee *ding*, mut se mitä vilaisin alkoi kiinnostamaan toden teolla! LJ:t ovat useimmiten aliarvostettua porukkaa, vaikka heidän työpanoksensa (tai sen puute) vaikuttaa varmasti illan fiiliksiin.

Toivottavasti pääsen mukaan näihin pippaloihin, eikä siis vähiten tämän kaverin takia!

Posts: 2,727

#92 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe


infoja ja flyer lisätty.

perjantaista lähtien on turun keskustan kävelykatukin vallattu kolmeksi viikoksi .. *vink*


there are 25 days remaining.

Never give up.
Never surrender.

amon ra

Posts: 33

#94 • • amon ra

golem, 11.11.2008 14:55:
Aikamoinen puhelinluettelo toi line-up :O

niin mutta tää näytää mlnm bileiltä turussa niin kuin silloin 10v sitten =)

Posts: 184

#96 • • T0rnado
vajaa kuukaus enään tähänkin <3

Posts: 1,010

#97 • • merqus Tuomiopäivän lapsi
"24 days remaining" ...

Tossa kohti ois pitäny varmaan ostaa joulukalenteri *pepsodent*

Posts: 303

#98 • • AV
Pakko kysyä että vaikuttaako tuo Åbo Diskotekin taloudellinen tilanne tähän tapahtumaan*ding*? Toivottavasti EI*hymy*.

Posts: 2,727

#99 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe

AV, 13.11.2008 21:30:
Pakko kysyä että vaikuttaako tuo Åbo Diskotekin taloudellinen tilanne tähän tapahtumaan*ding*? Toivottavasti EI*hymy*.

ei vaikuta. paljon on tapahtunut ravintolan kulissien takana viime päivinä, mutta millennium 10v -tapahtuma tullaan pitämään åbossa aivan suunnitelmien mukaan 06.-07.12. koko 19 tuntia.

Never give up.
Never surrender.


Posts: 2,727

#100 • • SA-TomTom Manager Of The Universe
kaikkeen hassuun sitä turussa törmääkin... *pepsodent*

joulukadun koristelu aloitettiin tänä vuonna vähän toisella tavalla:

kuva 1.
kuva 2.

Never give up.
Never surrender.