269 posts, 14 pages, 71,902 views
donut, 21.1.2007 18:24:
Ihmettelenpä vain mistä näin aggressiivisia ihmisiä löytyy?
Jos turpaanvedon syyksi riittää se, että joku katsoo sinua vihaisesti,
luulis että ihmiset sais turpiinsa lähes joka päivä?
Mikku, 21.1.2007 18:42:
Juu tää sama jätkä etti sen kaveriansa siel porukan keskel ja töni jengii kumoo sen minkä kerkes. Sit jos joku sano sille jotain ni heti läiskäs naamaan tjsp.
SASHA F, 21.1.2007 15:30:
Cobrian, 21.1.2007 15:10:
Trance Generators, at first I wondered why you guys decided to name yourselves that, and still take part in what was fairly clearly a hardstyle-party... Know I know better. The set absolutely rocked. At least for me, this was a first time, for this kind of hybrid-ish stuff. While being hard to the core it still makes you move in that trancey uplifting style... I hope to hear much more from you guys. Don't be strangers to the Finnish scene, you hear?
Trance Generators really enjoyed being here.
I talked to boys the next day and asked "So how was is?"
The answer from both of them were: "Great! Fuc*ing great and hard!"
So Ben and Max enjoyed the time here and they are more than happy to visit Finland again.
Do bring THE BANGING SOUNDS to all of You!
Thanks For the good night!
ninni, 21.1.2007 06:19:
ninni kiittä ja kumartaa
kivaa oli vaiks meniki työn merkeissä