Ei mitään käsitystä.... tätä yksinpeliä ennen olin kokeillut about ekana pelinä yksinpeliä kun tuhottuja tankkeja oli 12kpl, nyt pelasin sitten suoraan läpi :)
150 tai 160 tankkia taitaa olla platina, pitääpä testailla..
709 posts, 36 pages, 138,144 views
Ei mitään käsitystä.... tätä yksinpeliä ennen olin kokeillut about ekana pelinä yksinpeliä kun tuhottuja tankkeja oli 12kpl, nyt pelasin sitten suoraan läpi :)
There has never been anything like it. Independent U.S. sales figures released by the NPD Group confirmed a red-hot launch for the new Wii system by Nintendo, and the crowning of the portable Nintendo DS as the best-selling video game device of any type for both the holidays and all of 2006.
Along with stunning success for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and historic sales of accessories, including more than 1.5 million extra controllers for Wii alone, Nintendo recorded the most successful across-the-board holiday performance in U.S. video game history.
Among key results:
Consumers purchased every Wii console available at retail--more than a million in just the 44 days between U.S. launch and year end.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was purchased by an extraordinary 86 percent of Wii buyers, or more than 900,000 games for that system alone. Coupled with the companion version released in December for Nintendo GameCube, the two versions of the newest Zelda title totaled approximately 1.5 million unit sales in less than seven weeks, which would represent one of the five best-selling games for the entire year.
Wii owners also purchased an average of three additional games from a wide library of choices, in addition to the Wii Sports title packed in with every hardware system.
Throughout the November/December holiday shopping period, Nintendo accounted for more than half of all video game hardware systems sold in America.
Earlier this week, Nintendo increased its projected worldwide financial performance for the year ending on March 31 to be the best in company history.
Conan O'Brien: Wii Tennis w/ Serena Williams
Usb laturi wii ohjaimelle vois poistaa.
You can get a Thanko Wiimote USB charger in late February for 3480 Yen (~ $30/£15).
Wanha juttu, mut suomeksi testattu Wiinjan uutta versiota:
Wanha juttu, mut suomeksi testattu Wiinjan uutta versiota:
Onko porukka paljonkin modannut wii:tä suomessa?