333 posts, 17 pages, 62,145 views
While Wii enjoyed a hugely successful launch, Nintendo DS also had a record-breaking week with 515,000 units sold across Europe last week, which is not only the highest week's sales since the console's launch but also the most any console across all formats has ever sold in a week! Nintendo's handheld phenomenon has taken Europe by storm since its release in March 2005, with over 8.5 million consoles now sold across Europe.
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Onko teillä kokemusta DS:n homebrew-puolesta? Olen hankkimassa Liteen G6 Liteä ja passcardia,
Onko DS:lle toimivia nes/snes emulaattoreita tai c64 emulaattoreita?
Paljos pitää euroja laittaa jonoon että pääsee homebrew juttuja säätää? Monkey Island uhhhh!!