.LABYRINTH // LASERPOINT 18.4.2009 @ Helsinki

947 posts, 48 pages, 248,256 views


Posts: 1,405

#102 • • plink team paska
kommunismin kaatuminen? :o

en ollut paikalla silloin kun seksikkyys keksittiin.


Posts: 792

#103 • • Jake saloUG
Fatboy Slim...

ei oo ainakaan ikinä ollu täällä ja ois omanlaisensa kulttuuriteko.

Posts: 335

#104 • • Edited speukka

Riku, 17.1.2009 02:29:
mikke, 17.1.2009 02:18:
Nyt oon vieläkin kiinnostuneempi... Ei tää hype sit näköjään oo ihan turhaa ollu :D

edit: jännäkakka housuissa tässä sitte joutuu venaileen

Heh no, jos en nyt tosiaan puhu ihan paskaa väärään topicciin niin mulle yks niistä "do before you die". Ton herran takia oisin matkustanu pitkin Eurooppaakin. Tää nykynen sukupolvi ei valitettavasti välttämättä osaa arvostaa tarpeeks mut... Jumala.

edit: Westbamit ja Ferryt on nähty jo :)

Noiden puheiden perusteella täsmäis aika vahvasti yhteen kirjainyhdistelmään. Jos nää olis housebileet niin sit olis aika selkee Tenaglia ;)

Posts: 5,560

#105 • • m1kk3 no-life
BT ? <3

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 3,891

#106 • • ValaX
Dj Bobo *pepsodent*

Posts: 959

#107 • • jjkobsson

mikke, 17.1.2009 12:13:
BT ? <3

Kyllä mäkin veikkaisin BT:tä, mies ei ole tainnut käydä vielä Suomessa ja keikkailee pääosin jenkeissä. BT olis kyllä varsin *sydän*

(Thomas voi olla vaiti ja jättää puheet BT:n miksaustaitojen puutteesta pois *vink*).



Posts: 240

#108 • • FinnRaver
Kaverin kans se tossa äsken keksittiin! Joptain mitä ei oo ennen nähty eikä tulla näkemänä sen jälkee, eli DAFT PUNK!

Start to dance and we put you in the trance


Posts: 2,554

#109 • • akir0 idleRPG champion 2009

mikke, 17.1.2009 01:58:
olisin veikannu Westbamia mut perkele se on tuona päivänä Tallinnassa soittamassa :D

edit: Ferry Corsten ?

Westbami on nähty Suomessa viime vuosina useastikin, eikä se nykyään oo enää mikään starakaan. Ja Ferryki on täällä vieraillu.

Henk. koht. ei oo aavistustakaan kuka on tulossa, mutta Rikun musamakuun tykästyneenä odotan innolla!

Posts: 7,734

#110 • • epicuros
Quentin Leo Cook

Valid criticism does you a favor.


Posts: 15,721

#111 • • UnityF joo just se
Kauan tässä kiusitaan otuksia ja ei kerrota lisäinfoo?*täh**grr**nauru*
*halkee kohta uteliaisuudesta* *nauru*


Posts: 5,283

#112 • • remotion nostatus guru
Joku uusi viimeinen artisti ois aika jees. Olihan se proteuksen setti ekat 100 kertaa tosi jees. mutta vaihtelu virkistäisi.
#113 • • Marine Mates Guest
Sepi Kumpulainen main arenalle or GTFO

Posts: 7,734

#114 • • Edited epicuros
The best DJ in the world - FRANKIE WILDE!! - is back in the future!


Anyone who’s spent more than ten minutes in a serious nightclub knows that there are two types of DJs in the world: those who play records, and those who play crowds. Frankie Wilde was the king of the latter group, uniquely able to transport all who witnessed him to the highest heights. The frenzy that Frankie could create on the dance-floor was surpassed only by the impossibly wild story of his real life.

Frankie Wilde grew up rough in Brixton, London, doing whatever he could to survive. From slaving in a chip shop to taking gigs spinning at the grimmest of London bars, Frankie paid his dues and honed his talent the hard way. “I remember seeing Frankie selling weed on Camden High Street,” remembers fellow DJ Angus Walker. “He was always hustling money so he could buy some tunes. There were even rumors that he was wanking off pensioners for some extra dosh to hit the record shops with”.

When the rave scene exploded, Frankie was ready. He was a master at crafting acid house and hard techno sets that drove crowds insane, and such a consummate showman that once you saw and heard Frankie, you needed more. Famed Tokyo club owner Takahiro Sugimoto recalls, “Frankie Wilde came to my club in 2000. I have never seen Japanese people dance like that in my entire life. And he was like a possessed man afterwards, guzzling champagne by the bottle. It was a wonderful. One of the cocktail girls here claimed that Frankie gave her the clap. I fired her.” Frankie traveled all over the world leveling nightclubs, but found his spiritual and musical home in Ibiza, Spain.

Frankie became to DJ club partying what Michael Jordan once was to basketball: overpaid and endorsed beyond all reason. There were Frankie slipmats, record crates, headphones — there was even a strain of ecstasy doing the rounds in Ibiza for a while called “Frankies” (they had the image of a little guy on them that could arguable be said to resemble him).

Frankie lived and spent accordingly to his newfound level of fame. He purchased a villa outside of the city center that would have made Caligula proud. He married a vacant supermodel to go with the house and the drugs. In the midst of the most decadent lifestyle possible, Frankie made the seminal club track “Otay.” This squelched-out acid instrumental was a bonafide international hit, even getting onto the straight charts for two months. You’ve probably danced to it a million times and wondered what it was, and you have for sure seen last year’s Volkswagen commercial that featured “Otay” as the soundtrack to a mini-night of clean debauchery.



Loss of hearing

Frankie's loss of hearing is first apparent when he hears a high-pitched whine instead of a Arsenal football match on TV. At this time, Frankie is making his next album with his "two Austrian mates" Alfonse and Horst, who seem more suited for a metal band. Frankie continues working on his album and playing gigs at clubs, but his hearing degrades rapidly. As a result, progress on his album stagnates. However, Frankie refuses to acknowledge his problem until a gig in Amnesia, when he cannot hear the second channel in his headphones and must crossfade one song into the next without being able to beatmatch them. The result sounds terrible, and the crowd boos him. Overcome with fear and frustration, he throws the Technics turntable and the mixer onto the dance floor, and is forcibly removed from the club.

The next day, Max confronts Frankie about the performance. Frankie agrees to see a doctor, who tells him he's lost hearing in one ear and has 20% left in the other. He warns Frankie that unless he stops abusing drugs and listening to loud noises, he will soon be completely deaf. Even the use of his hearing aid would only further degrade his hearing.

Then, during a recording session, Frankie confesses the full nature of his hearing loss to Alfonse. He inserts his hearing aid to demonstrate, and is overwhelmed by the sudden sound exposure. Before he can react, Horst smashes a guitar into an amplifier whose volume Frankie has maximized. The noise is excruciating, and the feedback knocks Frankie unconscious. The damage leaves him permanently deaf.

Without his hearing, Frankie cannot complete his album. He loses his recording contract, and Max abandons him. Soon after, Sonya leaves him. The talking head sequences describe this period as his darkest hour, in which he shuts himself into his home, which he has "soundproofed" with pillows in a desperate bid to recover his hearing. His drug use intensifies, and he appears to be heavily depressed. In one scene, he repeatedly throws his body against the walls. In other, he wraps roman candles around his head, an attempt at suicide, but dives into the pool before they ignite.


After this dark period, Frankie calls a deaf organization and meets Penelope, an instructor for the deaf who coaches him in lip-reading. They become close, and eventually intimate. He confides his unhappiness at losing music, and she helps him perceive sound through visual and tactile methods instead.

Frankie then manages to devise a system for mixing songs, in which he watches soundwaves on a screen while resting his feet on the pulsating speakers. Using this system, he heads to the studio and manages to produce a song (Hear No Evil) entirely by himself. He delivers it to Max, who is wildly pleased - particularly by the potential of using Frankie's disability to increase record sales. He has Frankie take part in advertising and promotional deals which are increasingly offensive and insensitive to deaf people, which Penelope silently disapproves of. He also treats Penelope like he did Sonya; as Frankie's sexual object, not recognizing her substantial role in Frankie's life. In general, Max tends to patronizingly characterize the deaf as pained, helpless victims desperate for a deaf role model.

Max convinces Frankie to play live at Pacha as a career comeback. He thinks it is an opportunity for Frankie to prove himself to others, despite Frankie's insistence that he has nothing to prove to his critics. The gig goes exceedingly well, and many claim it showcases even greater talent than his early work. After the show, Frankie and Penelope disappear from Max, the media, and the music scene altogether. In a talking heads sequence, characters speculate on where he is now (if alive).

As the film ends, we see Frankie disguised as a homeless man, who is then met by Penelope and a child (presumably their own). They affectionately walk together down a street unrecognized. Additionally, we see Frankie teaching a group of deaf children how to perceive sound like he does.

True story.

Valid criticism does you a favor.


Posts: 3,187

#115 • • Riku The Little Prince
Prrf. Ehkä tää on liikaa ennakkohypee, mut mä en tän elämän aikana oo IKINÄ hehkuttanu mitään bileitä julkisesti, ja tässä menee mun neitsyys. Mut tää on sen arvosta.

Kyseenalaista aina kaikki.


Posts: 283

#116 • • Fornarina
Oh my! Aikamoista *whaat* Pitkästä aikaa semmonen buukkaus, joka kutkuttaa kovasti!

Posts: 1,860

#118 • • Wolverine

Fornarina, 17.1.2009 18:57:
Oh my! Aikamoista *whaat* Pitkästä aikaa semmonen buukkaus, joka kutkuttaa kovasti!

Et kai tarkottanu tota Frankie Wildee? :)
Fatt Fukk

Posts: 140

#119 • • Fatt Fukk fatt attitude

akir0, 17.1.2009 13:34:
mikke, 17.1.2009 01:58:
olisin veikannu Westbamia mut perkele se on tuona päivänä Tallinnassa soittamassa :D

edit: Ferry Corsten ?


Westbami on nähty Suomessa viime vuosina useastikin, eikä se nykyään oo enää mikään starakaan. Ja Ferryki on täällä vieraillu.

Henk. koht. ei oo aavistustakaan kuka on tulossa, mutta Rikun musamakuun tykästyneenä odotan innolla!

lainaan vanhaa intialaista sanontaa: "yksi lehmä ei anna kahdelle perheelle elantoa."