Vähemmän tärkeät uutiset

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Posts: 1,600

#543 • • Edited tomppi thzombie ™

Resource-poor Japan just discovered a new source of mineral wealth -- sewage.

A sewage treatment facility in central Japan has recorded a higher gold yield from sludge than can be found at some of the world's best mines. - Yahoo News

*sars* uudelleenkäyttö!

My fellow Americans. I'm pleased to tell you today that Ive signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes. - Ronald Reagan, 1984


Posts: 1,600

#545 • • tomppi thzombie ™

Two women suffer organ failure after cosmetic bottom injections to make them look like J.Lo

Police in Tampa, Florida, are now searching for the fake doctor who carried out the cosmetic procedures on both women.

According to police, Lindsay, who has no medical licence or cosmetic surgery experience, performed the 'butt shots' at her home last month.

Ms Lee and Ms Teagle paid more than £300 to have a series of silicone injections that they hoped would enhance the shape and size of their bottoms.

Friends said the women hoped to copy the fuller-figure look that singer Jennifer Lopez is famous for.

Investigators said Lindsay used a plastic bottle and a Tupperware bowl to mix the solution.

Ei sais nauraa mutta...

My fellow Americans. I'm pleased to tell you today that Ive signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes. - Ronald Reagan, 1984


Posts: 2,945

#549 • • Takyon Möwkö

Chrisdyan, 15.2.2009 16:04:

selvis vihdoin miks mult kysytää aina papereit vieläkii, ton täytyy koskea myös itsekseen käytyä, 3 kertaa viikossa voi pistää triplaten viimesen 5v aikana, pysykää ikinuorina *nauru*

Ei toi kyl voi pitää paikkaansa, mult ei ole kysytty papereita ikuisuuteen ja nii.. *nauru*


No matter how depressed you are.... there is NOTHING that cant be fixed by titties.


Posts: 1,043

#556 • • tiiplis also available in sober

Jinx, 25.2.2009 20:43:
tiiplis, 25.2.2009 15:20:
Ruotsin Lappiin perustetaan ravihevosille oma kylpylä


*tirsk* tästä saa vilkkaalla mielikuvituksella varustettu tyyppi aikaiseksi rajattomasti hassunhauskoja mielikuvia...


Hyvähän se vaan on et pääsee hepat kylpemään *hih*

No niin on. Jotenkin on vaan niin awwwwww kun ajattelee heppoja mutakylvyssä tai hierottavana tai kaviokyyrissä (vrt. mani/pedikyyri) *hihu*

italia litania nainati lailati