Lighthouse 17.11.2007 @ Kotka

195 posts, 10 pages, 62,522 views


Posts: 15

#1 • • Edited Lighthouse

I was standing right in the middle
of my hometown.
It was cold outside.
I started to travel deeper
into my memories.
Misty landscapes grabbed me
to a totally different world.
I started to remember something.
Something warm, something familiar.

"A world of liberty,
a world of peace
- come on board".

I recalled those words faintly,
but still after all these years
I remembered a place of freedom,
a place of togetherness.
I also remembered The Light
what used to show me the path
to a friendly port of House, Techno and Trance.

As I started to wake up from my memories
I saw people watching up to the sky.
After seven years it was there!
I thought it had gone forever.
Some even thought it was a Legend - I've heard.
But there it was.
The Light really was here!

Once again I started to follow the path
to a sanctuary of clubbers.
The path to a place where I could
forget the sorrows of life.
Once again to a place of freedom.
"I will follow the path!"- I shouted!

The path of The Lighthouse.

L i g h t h o u s e

:: Place [pieni]Meriniemi (Bar Stella)[/pieni]
:: Date [pieni]17th of November 2007[/pieni]
:: Time [pieni]21:00 - 04:00[/pieni]
:: Prize [pieni]6 EUR (Incl. service)[/pieni]

:: Missionaries [pieni]

Kriss, Urmaz, Noisekid[/pieni]

:: Lighthouse crew

[pieni]Holle (The Lighthouse keeper)[/pieni]
[pieni]Caro² (The Keepers apprentice)[/pieni]
[pieni]Silto (Light & Lens maintenance)[/pieni]

Missionaries from far far away

:: Kriss [pieni](b2b with Caro²)

If you wanted to hear the grooviest and the most banging
House-tunes in the late '90s at eastern Finland, you just
had to come and dance to DJ Kriss's beats. He was the
greates missionary from the world of House.

The last years He has been observing the scene and
playing some gigs at Helsinki.

:: Urmaz

During the years in Kotka, Urmaz had his hands on almost
in every club. If not organizing, then entertaining the
audience by spinning quality tunes one after another.

If you remember, you could have heard Urmaz at Kotkas
main events, such as Phoenix, Zeal, Toxic, and of course,

:: Noisekid

Missionary from the land of the rockin' Techno. Man of few
words but his beats say more than enough. Noisekid was
also a club regular in Kotka. He has been rockin' the partys
since the late '90s.

Nowadays he composes his own material and visits Kotkas
club scene every now and then. This time we will hear a
DJ-set which - in no doubt - will kick some lazy arses on
the dancefloor!

Lighthouse keepers

:: Holle
Lighthouse Keeper

Holle has been standard equipment in this little town by the
sea. He is the main organizer of Club Das Boot, the oldest
"still going on"-club in Kotka.

Today he continues as the Lighthouse keeper - in the job
which was given to him many many years ago. He will run
this Lighthouse and it's crew with the same passion he did
years ago!

Holles sets has always been filled with beautiful melodies
and a lot of good vibrations bringing joy in clubbers faces.


:: Caro² [pieni]b2b with Kriss
Keepers apprentice

Caro² was the biggest fan (literaturely) of DJ Kriss "back
in the days". During the years Caro² has spinned records
at various house-clubs all over southern Finland.

Caro² is known of his style and unique selection of joyful
house tunes which really brings happiness in to the
darkest days.

Today after years of travelling as a missionary of joyful
house music he has come back to his hometown to go to
a school of Lighthouse keepers. He is going to be taught
by the Lighthouse keeper himself! [/pieni]

Lighthouse Maintenance

:: Silto [pieni]
Lights and lenses

"Back in the days" Silto was a familiar face as a club
organizer. Some years ago he retired from club life
after being the main organizer of Club Target,
Subsidiary and a part of Beyond The Terminal and
Das Boot -crews.

After being retired for several years, Silto wanted
back on business! Today he is the main engineer of
Lighthouses lens & light equipment and is responsible
of the paths light conditions.

:: HAD Audio[pieni]
Incom & speaker systems[/pieni]
HAD Audio is not a well known brand, but you might
have heard it's sound in various clubs such as Phoenix,
Club Y, wednesday?
and Inspiration after hours.

HAD Audio's sound has never been blamed of sounding
harsh or unnatural. HAD's way of manufacturing speakers
is to make them sound as natural and easy as possible.
It was the perfect choise for Lighthouse.

The Lighthouse will show you the way to a friendly port of House, Techno and Trance.


Posts: 634

#2 • • Arctos Vitun Insinööri!!
Mits vits..?

Kertokaas nyt toki lisää. Paikka voi olla kokolailla viilee tuohon aikaan vuodesta, joten oletan, että käytössä on 'sisäpuoli'?

Kukaan ei ole täydellinen. Minultakin puuttuu monta vikaa..



Posts: 1,405

#3 • • plink team paska
lighthouse? :o

en ollut paikalla silloin kun seksikkyys keksittiin.


Posts: 2,220

#5 • • Sallakat jungle, baby !
no just, voiko taas olla yhtään mysteerisempää=hölmömpää tapaa alottaa bilepostaus *justjoo*

Posts: 634

#6 • • Arctos Vitun Insinööri!!
Toimi edellisellä kerralla, kun Kotkaan puuhattiin bileitä.. Mysteeri-hype tuntuu toimivan.

Kukaan ei ole täydellinen. Minultakin puuttuu monta vikaa..



Posts: 5,560

#7 • • m1kk3 no-life
no oli miten oli mut tänne :)

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti

Daniel Braun

Posts: 1,626

#8 • • Daniel Braun wednesday?
lighthouse kyl tulee tosta nimestä jotenkin väkisin mieleen, katsellaan kun lisäinfot rantautuu...

Posts: 206

#9 • • antti83
Ohhoh.. Kylläpäs nyt Kotkaan pukkaa uusia klubeja kuin sieniä sateella. Täytyypä pistää vakavaan harkintaan.

Posts: 634

#10 • • Arctos Vitun Insinööri!!
Light House ei ole todellakaan mikää uus juttu, jos siitä on tässä kysymys. Ekat pidetty varmaan 90-luvun puolivälissä..?

Kukaan ei ole täydellinen. Minultakin puuttuu monta vikaa..



Posts: 15

#11 • • Lighthouse
Now the keeper is happy :)

The Lighthouse will show you the way to a friendly port of House, Techno and Trance.


Posts: 8

#12 • • Epi
OHO! Siis silloin suunta kohti Kotkaa -> :)

Posts: 5,560

#14 • • m1kk3 no-life
this is teh shit :) Meriniemi <3

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 10,942

#15 • • Edited Individual HYPNO!
The best shit eva.

edit: Oikeesti tulee varmaan kemujen kemut. Onneksi on jo kaukaa viisaana hommattu vapaailta tuoksi ajankohdaksi. Noisekidin teknosettiä odotan kyllä aika kovalla mielenkiinnolla. Voi tulla levyhyllyjen kätköstä sellaista klassikkoa, että oksat pois.

Posts: 5,301

#17 • • Edited Caro² Fiilis / SESSIONS2
Odotan kyllä tätä iltaa ku pikkulapsi tikkaria. Krissiä en o aikoihin kuullu ja nyt yks pikkulapsen haave toteutuu kun pääsee soittamaan b2b-settiä mestarin kanssa *sydän*

Oi niitä aikoja kun Kriss paukutti Das Booteissa ja Lighthouseissa sellasta groovia haussia ettei o toista kuultu*pökr*

EDIT: Saas nähä onko vanha vielä vetreenä *iloinen*

Posts: 169

#18 • • nyyti

Daniel Braun, 22.10.2007 18:17:
nostalgiafiiliksia <3

*plur* Tää on kyllä parasta naismuistiin. Mukavaa nähdä porukkaa (tositosi) monen vuoden takaa.

Kukaan ei ole hyödytön. Aina voi olla edes huonona esimerkkinä.


Posts: 634

#19 • • Arctos Vitun Insinööri!!
YES! Kultt(uur)i teko! Näitä tullaan kannattamaan oikeen paikan päälle.

Kukaan ei ole täydellinen. Minultakin puuttuu monta vikaa..


(5) (3)

Posts: 265

#20 • • (5) (3) -no rest for the evil-
huuuuh... tuli oikee kylmät väreet ku luki ton tekstin*hihu*

huippu taloo ja tekkknoo olis luvassa ku sais viel ittensä järkkäiltyä paikalle... *ding*
