L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S :: 'Launch Night' :: 04.11.2006 @ Turku

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Posts: 2,691

#1 • • Edited Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
[iso] L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S [/iso]

P r o u d l y P r e s e n t s......


[iso] L A U N C H | N I G H T [/iso]

3 UK DJ's and a Finnish Turntable Carnoisseur! Only Trance, Progressive, Electro and a dash of House will be echoed accross the dancefloor. Harness those clubbing shoes real firm and await a fine night of underground tuneage! *vink*

Posts: 4,429

#3 • • Bio The Bullies / Pinky

laite, 5.9.2006 20:30:
Tänne! Synttärit! Känni!

Tuun kans ja tarjoon sulle synttäribissen!

Posts: 2,553

#4 • • tumpsi rekisteröitymätön
vai että liQuid

Posts: 1,209

#6 • • Jinkso FINRG
Looking great! I will most definetly appear hear!
Keep it up!

Posts: 261

#10 • • workunit Hymyilevä kukkakeppi
This one looks great! Keep up the good work, I think these will be good parties *jiihaa*. And this is "liquid crystal sounds" not just liquid *pilknus*.

Joo ja onhan se kiva ilmoittaa milloin on jotain kerrottavaa... *enempipilknus*

Posts: 666

#11 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster

workunit, 25.9.2006 15:55:



How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde


Posts: 2,691

#13 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

sts, 5.10.2006 14:04:
Huge respect guys!

Thanks *hymy*

It hasn't been easy for Liquid Crystal to find a venue or get this going but we are giving it our absolute best shot with no bars held!! So now the venue is unveiled, the line-up unleashed... its soon take off time. Pulling efforts between UK and here we hope to bring a few surprises *joo* Keep up the good work yourself too! *piis* Countdown continues with work to be done...
l i Q u i d

Posts: 126

#14 • • l i Q u i d

l i Q u i d ja Liquid Crystal Sounds eivät liity toisiinsa muuten kuin sattumalta samalla nimen valinnalla. Molemmat organisaatiot elävät kuitenkin täydessä yhteisymmärryksessä ja pyrimme vastaisuudessakin pitämään tapahtumamme erillään toisistaan, välttääksemme sekaannukset.

l i Q u i d tarjoilee edelleenkin housea, progea, sekä trancea pääsääntöisesti Tampere-Helsinki-sektorilla. Lisäkysymykset voitte osoittaa mailitse [email protected] tai [email protected]

Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#15 • • Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
[iso]WEB SITE LAUNCHED !!!![/iso]

The "Liquid Crystal Sounds" Web site has now been officially placed online. Here you will find more detailed information about who we are as a unit, our events, photo gallery, mixes, connections (Domestic & International) and much much more....

There will be full reviews on our Club Nights with a Photo Gallery to compliment each party. Please stay tuned and visit:


Until November 4th! Thanks for all support so far....

Steven Hoaks

Posts: 5,924

#16 • • Steven Hoaks Stefu täs moi =)
Holy crap *lmao*

This is like a start of somekind of joke

"1 Brittish, 1 Finnish and 2 North Ireland guys went to the club and..." *nauru*

I have to be here *jiihaa*

Jos puu kaatuu metsässä, eikä kukaan ole näkemässä sitä, niin nauravatko muut puut kaatuneelle?

Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#18 • • Edited Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

As we all know already, 'Liquid Crystal Sounds' Lauch night kicks off this Saturday!

Our special guest Mark Kinnier will be joining us all the way from Belfast. This hot talent will be stirring up the dancefoor with some fine underground cuts. Promo's and white labels are his middle name so expect to hear seriously upfront or unheard of material.

As part of our launch we will be offering out a free mix CD compiled by Mark Kinnier himself. To give a little pre-taster, Mark has supplied the tracklisting to post up here. The mix features the style he has been building on most recently. However, for the real 'Up-front stuff'... You'll just have to come and hear on Saturday 4th November...


Mark Kinnier - LCS Promo Volume I


1) Blendbrank - Magie
2) Pryda - Remember
3) Sebastien Leger - Cosmonite
4) Henrik B - Overrun
5) Rental - Prime Love (Original Mix)
6) Alexis Tyrel - Rebecca Loos (Gui Boratto Remix)
7) Silicon Soul - The Unforgiven Dub
8) X-Press 2 - Kill 100 (Kosmas Epsilon Remix)
9) Rocco - Roots 4 Acid (Original Mix)
10) Underworld - Peggy Sussed (Pete Heller Vocal Mix)
11) Stephan Hinz - Secret Door (Stephan's 'In Your Face Mix')


Please Note: There will be a limited availability of this Promo Mix CD. The first 50 people through the doors will receive this gift. Please arrive early.

We look forward to seeing you Saturday....

Liquid Crystal Sounds :)

Posts: 2,846

#19 • • villelope Lope of Lope & Kantola
Too bad this is held at the same time as local Taika.

Maybe I can make it the next time.

Posts: 523

#20 • • AliCat www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

1) Blendbrank - Magie

6) Alexis Tyrel - Rebecca Loos (Gui Boratto Remix)
7) Silicon Soul - The Unforgiven Dub
8) X-Press 2 - Kill 100 (Kosmas Epsilon Remix)
9) Rocco - Roots 4 Acid (Original Mix)
10) Underworld - Peggy Sussed (Pete Heller Vocal Mix)
11) Stephan Hinz - Secret Door (Stephan's 'In Your Face Mix')

These tunes really rock for me...perfect feeling to get through the autum/winter