396 posts, 20 pages, 132,366 views
No, seriously speaking...Sorry about my comments. Little tense right now...
If I die, I wish I would die knowing that I´d lived a full life. What ever that means...
Kattelin just Tomb Raiderii ja kelasin et ois ihan siistiä hypätä alas jostain korkeelta.
Voiskohan siinä jossain vaiheessa sit alkaa kuitenki kaduttaan. En tiiä.
i heard that in holland they put ppl to sleep....now i never was interested enough to see if this rumour was true or not....but i think that if it was possible and they actually did put you to sleep,thats the way i would want to go....because they first would inject you with a medicine like morphine or some tranquilizer to make you go to sleep...and then give you another medicine which practically makes your heart stop with out you ever knowing what pain is......i mean....seriously....what am i going to do when i am 70???? i dont want to be put in a old folks home and be forgotten about....