"I think this is some of my most diverse & best work. Manager at the time Mark Daghorn & myself recorded this remix album in my basement. Taking a year to complete, this has got to be the most effectual experience of my life. Lets just say "sometimes your friends are rubbing your back to feel were to put the knife in. One of us ended up with the money and a house, one of us ended up homeless, living in a car with a 3 month old baby and a studio in storage.Marrillion consequently loved the mixes and had no idea about any of this until it was to late (for me). On phoning Mr. Daghorn I was greeted by a answer phone message that he was in Barbados for two week. The penny drop's. Negativity like that is worth Keeping away from, I believe in a higher judge then the one who resides in a court & trust that his life will be effected consequently because of this. This rely is some amazing work. Maybe one extreme attracts another."
quote: http://www.marcmitchell.co.uk/discography.php