L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres :: "Transitions" 22.9.2007 @ Turku

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Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#3 • • Edited Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
The LCS DJ line-up will be:

[iso]OlliS[/iso] [Ylex]
[iso]Flight[/iso] [Romance]
[iso]Ali Catin[/iso] (N.I) [LCS] [Solstice]
[iso]Progression[/iso] (U.K) [LCS] [Millennium]

The DJ timetable and more information will follow shortly...

Cheers. LCS crew.

Posts: 2,102

#5 • • Homegrove Further

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 181

#6 • • Nescio Antti-Veikko
OlliS, cool!

Posts: 2,691

#8 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
Yeps... *vink*

I think the combination of musical styles will build well. Some talented turntablists. I'm looking forward to this one! Plenty of time to get stuff ready. And probably a whole load of summer hangovers before that :)

Posts: 2,102

#9 • • Homegrove Further
Jaaha, ei pääse sitten tänne. :(

Forward thinking house music

Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#10 • • Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
[iso]**** Updates ****[/iso]

More information added to Liquid | Crystal | Sounds "Transitions". DJ Biography information, images and a little insight into the upcoming event! Hope to see you all there! Keep the vibe alive...

Cheers. LCS Crew
Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#12 • • Edited Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
[iso]***** DJ Timetable *****[/iso]


*tähti* [iso]Ali Catin [/iso] (LCS) (Solstice)


*tähti* [iso]Progression [/iso] (LCS) (MLNM) :: 21.00 - 00.30

*tähti* [iso]DJ Flight [/iso](Romance) :: 00.30 - 02.30

*tähti* [iso]OlliS [/iso](YleX) :: 02.30 - 05.00


The DJ Timetable is PRELIMINARY. LCS reserve the right to alter the above lineup whenever deemed necessary and length of the entire event. Refunds will not be given after entry if on the evening the event is prematurely finished. Please arrive early! Raatihuone Underground is an intimate venue with limited space!

For Further Information regarding the Event or DJ's, Please visit/contact us at:


We look forward to seeing you all on the 22nd September! L|C|S Crew :)

PS: Please Remember:


Posts: 212

#13 • • Flügel Leicht begeistert
Finally, this weekend! *jiihaa*

Der einzige Unterschied zwischen mir und einem Verrückten ist der, dass ich nicht verrückt bin. - Salvador Dali


Posts: 666

#14 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster

Flügel, 18.9.2007 00:51:
Finally, this weekend! *jiihaa*

*tanssittel* Tulee varmasti olemaan taas tunnelma katossa!!! *sydän* *sydän*

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde


Posts: 2,994

#15 • • laite MastahWankah
Purrfect line-up! I´ll be here drinking beer and waving my kiksusormi!

Posts: 2,691

#16 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

laite, 18.9.2007 10:13:
Purrfect line-up! I´ll be here drinking beer

Looking forward to this one very much. Some great DJ's coming from HKI & TRE. It will be a pleasure to hear their sets :) Not long...

...and waving my kiksusormi!

Teemu... you are always welcome with your unique "Sormi" and of course, Liquid Crystal Sounds holds a "Kiksusormi" friendly dancefloor... So feel free to express your desire for great DJ'ing and fine tunes by pointing up to the sky!

Posts: 2,102

#17 • • Homegrove Further

Tapahtuma tulee sisältämään vesiselvän Homegroven!

Vaikka en olekaan "oma itseni" on minulla silti todennäköisesti hauskaa, se ei vaan näy niin hyvin päälle. :D

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 2,994

#18 • • laite MastahWankah

Homegrove, 18.9.2007 16:55:

Tapahtuma tulee sisältämään vesiselvän Homegroven!

Vaikka en olekaan "oma itseni" on minulla silti todennäköisesti hauskaa, se ei vaan näy niin hyvin päälle. :D

Rääkkään sua koko illan. Otaks Tainan mukaan? :D

Posts: 2,102

#19 • • Homegrove Further
Joo, sekin on varmaan suht selvä. :D

Forward thinking house music