Tässä linkki toiseen kovaan Human Resourcen biisiin joka kuuluu omiin iki suosikkeihin... tuli joskus 90- luvulla tätä keikoilla soiteltua...
Suositellaan vahvasti ennakkolipun hankkimista sillä ovelle jää lippuja vain rajoitetusti ennakkomyynnin mukaan.
Olen saanut talolta vakuudet että viime Säde&Fury tapahtumassa sattunutta narikkaongelmaa ei synny tällä kertaa.
Jep! Lippu on, sillä tätä ei missata! Se vain pikkuisen huvittaa ja mietityttää Tiketin hinnoittelupolitiikassa, että 12 eulaalian lipun hinta nousee 14,20 emmanueliin, eli lähelle ovelta ostettavan lipun hintaa - kun päälle lätkäistään sekä ennakko- että palvelumaksu. Ennen joutui pulittamaan vain toisen näistä. Nojoo, eihän niitä lippuja tällä kertaa varmaan riitä ovelle myytäväksi, mutta eniwei...
Olen käynyt Neossa pari kertaa Säde & Furyn jälkeen (enempi perusteknopainotteisissa härveleissä, joissa ei ole ollut suoranaista tungosta) ja hyvin on palvelu pelannut. Meinaan vaan, kun olen tällä sivustolla lukenut paljon moitteita nimenomaan portsareiden toiminnasta, ja minusta he ovat vaikuttaneet perin joviaaleilta hemuleilta. Jos olen oikein ymmärtänyt sen narikkaruljanssin, niin Neossa ON SISÄLLÄ TUPAKKAHUONE, sen puoleen kenelläkään ei kai ole tarvetta piipahtaa paikan ulkopuolella, mutta ilman muuta jossain olisi hyvä lukea kissanpoikasen kokoisilla kirjaimilla, että jos ulos haluat ja sen jälkeen sittenkin sisään, niin joudut maksamaan sisäänpääsyn uudestaan. Tai asiasta voisi varmuuden vuoksi huomauttaa, jos joku poistuu mestasta yöpakkaseen hihaton paita päällä. Tai käteen voisi kumminkin lyödä leiman tupakkakopperosta huolimatta - ainahan joku voi haluta tai tarvita raitista ilmaa ihan viihtyvyytensäkin takia. Tai - köh, köh - toisten viihtyvyyden takia...
Allekirjoittaneen polttoaineena liekinheittimissä uudella klubilla tullaan käyttämään aggrotech, EBM, electro/industrial sekä dark psytrance - ainesosista rakentuvaa keitosta... hiilloksesta infernaalisiin liekkeihin.
"Faster and faster... until after a while you wouldn't feel anything... and then your body would just burst into fire. And the angel's wouldn't help you, 'cause they've all gone away..."
Huomenna fiilistellään ensi viikon Human Resourcen ensimmäistä Suomen keikkaa ja upouuden Hellfire Clubin avaamista 3.12. Helsingin NEO:ssa!! Lähetyksen erikoisvieraana Hellfire Club tapahtumassa esiintyvä Criss Mindcore poppoosta !
Kaikille alan ystäville kihelmöivää musiikkia ja poskijumppaa tiedossa!;)
Show time 21-23:00 Finnish time ja tune on 102,8hz ja netin kauttahan kuulee kans!
Tässä uudempi pirun kova Human Resource raita jota on tullu soiteltua viimeisen vuoden ajan omilla DJ keikoilla noin tuhat kertaa...
Kyseinen kipale on collaboraatio yhdessä legendaarisen techno kuningattaren Miss Djaxin kanssa ja biisi oli toissa vuoden hollantilaisen Ground Zero festarin yksi teema biiseistä.
Miss Djax on ainakin kerran käynyt Suomessa, suunnilleen vuonna 1996 Planet of Love -tapahtumassa, joka järjestettiin kaikista mahdollisista paikoista demaripyhättö Paasitornissa. Muistan minä sen Djaxinkin (paitsi jos muistan ajan ja paikan väärin, mutta setin kuitenkin muistan), mutta kaikkein parhaiten jäi mieleen Paasitornin henkilökunta joka vetäytyi sitä tiiviimmin juomapöytien taakse turvaan mitä iloisemmaksi kekkerit yltyivät. Erkki Tuomioja ja Paavo Lipponen eivät villeimmilläänkään olleet tainneet valmistaa heitä siihen että pari tuhatta reivaajaa saa tunnelman nousemaan kattoon vaikka katto olisi kuinka korkealla.
Miss Djax on ainakin kerran käynyt Suomessa, suunnilleen vuonna 1996 Planet of Love -tapahtumassa, joka järjestettiin kaikista mahdollisista paikoista demaripyhättö Paasitornissa. Muistan minä sen Djaxinkin (paitsi jos muistan ajan ja paikan väärin, mutta setin kuitenkin muistan), mutta kaikkein parhaiten jäi mieleen Paasitornin henkilökunta joka vetäytyi sitä tiiviimmin juomapöytien taakse turvaan mitä iloisemmaksi kekkerit yltyivät. Erkki Tuomioja ja Paavo Lipponen eivät villeimmilläänkään olleet tainneet valmistaa heitä siihen että pari tuhatta reivaajaa saa tunnelman nousemaan kattoon vaikka katto olisi kuinka korkealla.
Ha ha ha!!! Joo samoissa bileissä tuli oltua myös, hyviä muistoja!
Welcome to Finland!:) It's your first time here and we are very
excited and honored to have you performing DJ set at our brand new
event Hellfire Club! How you feel coming to Finland first time?
I'm honoured to come to Finland. I never been to Finland or anywhere in
Scandinavia before so i really love it! Didn't knew you guys were into "our"
You have lot of fans here in Finland and tracks like Dominator, Joke
and Fuck Them were big hits here in 90's and still are today! We love
old school and new stuff too. Can you tell us little bit what kind of
tracks we can expect from Human Resource DJ set?
Serious? haha, never knew that those tracks did it very well in Finland..
Very awesome though!.. Well.. I'm really into the new sound now but still do
a lot of Oldschool/Early sets. I think we'll try to make it a big mashup of
Early vs New.. ( so i hope you guys can give us an extra hour? ;-))
You have had long great career and produced some of the greatest
tunes in history of techno and hardcore. How you see the scene going
nowadays as being one of the true pioneers behind it all?
There's a new wave of talent arriving and we'll see a lot of very good, well
produced, new tracks. It's reasonably easy to make (allmost professional
sounding) tracks on a laptop (everywhere you want in a train, in the park..
). Back in the days we had to buy gear to make music and the initial
investment made the threshold pretty high to start producing. Nowadays all
you need is a computer and a torrent-client (or a friend willing to help)
I'm still not sure if this is good or bad. Ah well.. we made dominator with
about 10K worth of equipment and made dominator with it.. i guess that the
studio's in that day were thinking the same as i did now. but still Your
equipment was your sound. Now with DAW's and in the box summing every track
has more or less the same sound and because of the systems being digital,
there's no cables that can be wired in a wrong way so it will create a new
sound. I guess we'll see what will happen..
Hoover is the king of all sounds and your legendary track
"Dominator" has been copied million times by million producers, how it
was in 1991 when you created something that would change the history
of electronic music?
Not sure what you want mean by this question but since it's about the sound
i will go deeper into that..Everyone knows by now that the sound is from the
Roland Alpha Juno 2. Put a pitchenvelope on the basic sound, open the sub
oscilator, and then open the incredible chorus untill the chorus sounds like
an extra oscillator and bam! When we created the sound we thought it was too
heavy to use and because of the pitch envelope allmost impossible to create
a normal melody line with it. Then Joey Beltram's mentasm was released and
we tried to find a way to use it and to play it.. I never knew that it would
have an impact this big and changed my life in a way that i used to dream
about. What would have happened if i stayed at home the night i met Johan
and Robert at a party in Ahoy Rotterdam at the night we initially decided to
do some tracks toghether? what would have happened if we hadn't gone over to
the rehearsal studio (i used to rehearse with my metal band) and where we
hooked up the Juno to a Marshall JCM 800 of my guitarplayer and heard the
hoover-sound, roaring like a guitar, at the night we decided that we had to
use it in a track? really don't know.. i guess i wouldn't be talking to you
and would still be playing in a band frustrated that we never made it big
and probably married with children. who knows...
One of the best gigs I have witnessed was your and Miss Djax's
back2back set at this year's Ground Zero festival in Holland. Please
tell us shortly how your collaboration together started?
thanx a lot! we were very pleased as well! I know saskia from back in 1991.
She was doing the sales at IMC Distribution (who were part owner of 80Aum
Records who released dominator. ) at the end of 1991 she had a fling with
Robert Mahu (HR Member) It didn't last very long but i got to know her
pretty well. We lost contact in 1992 and met up again in 2007. She was
looking for someone who wanted to produce tracks and preferably hardstuff!
So we started experimenting with Schranz/Hardtechno and 8 months later the
first EP on Djax was released. It became record of the month! The second
record we did, headbanging, was inspired heavily by felix Krocher's travel
pussy and was record of the month as well! So after those released the
collab was going very smoothly. For a live gig i put the dominator vox and
sound in her ableton (for use as an intro and she said the crow responded
really well. We made a track with the vocals and the sound and when she
opened with it at awakenings in 2009, the crowd went nuts.. (here's a
youtube vid.. sound is horrible but you will get the idea
Then i wanted to push the envelope a bit further. Saskia was asked to do a
gig in the paradiso, Amsterdam and i tagged along. we Linked 2 laptops with
ableton via Midisync. She took care of the beats and i did melodies and
vocals... That was magic! After a few gigs Multigroove asked us to do the
set for Ground Zero.. And they wanted an anthem.. so we called Marc
Acardipane and reworked his evergreen "Stereo Murder".... That's our collab
in a nutshell.. We're still working on new stuff.. trying to find the
perfect combination of both worlds...
Can we also expect more production with you and Rotterdam
Termination Source in future?
Maybe.. Maurice and i go a long way back as well but i dont know if we will
ever do tracks together. he started his own video company and produces
videoclips and does that very well. We recently worked together as maurice
is doing a movie about the old days called oldschool renegades and features
a lot of the guys from the early days.. i saw some of the footage and it
contains a lot of nice "things to know" about those days:-) check.... http://oldschoolrenegades.com/
See you soon and any last words to Finnish crowd before you hit the
land of Vodka and darkness?:)
Offcourse, polar night.. is that evident in Helsinki as well? I thought that
was only in the northern part of finland... last words for the finnish
people? hope to see you all this weekend at the hellfire club and let's