Nintendo Wii appreciation thread

709 posts, 36 pages, 138,285 views

#141 • • Kumma Guest

Tänne pinkki DS Lite sitten synttärilahjaksi :)
#142 • • Samus Aran Guest
Ainoot uudet Wiinfot: Mario Strikers Charged & Battalion Wars 2. Tänään viel EA:n kanssa yhteinen keynote. Varmaan demoavat miten Madden toimii Wii:llä. Ei siis mitään erityisen mielenkiintoista tälle päivälle. Huomen aukee ovet yleisölle, toivottavasti Red Steel ja Rayman on pelattavana, we'll see. Muuten toi koostu aika pitkälti E3:n videoista ja samantyylisistä demonstraatioista. Laitan myöhemmin linkin WiiTennis demoon @ Leipzig.

Seuraava tärppi:


Törkeetä ;)
#143 • • akir0 Guest
Hintoja ei vielä ole varmistettu, mutta joku Saksan Nintendovastaava oli kommentoinu, että ~250euroa olis hinta täällä vanhalla mantereella.
#144 • • ville Guest
Tosiaan arvailujen varassa tuo hinta... toivottavasti jää alle 300e.

Ennakkotilauksia voi jo laittaa ainakin verkkokauppa.comiin. Itsellä ollut jo jonkin aikaa, tavoitteena olisi saada konsoli+4 ohjainta heti julkistuksen yhteydessä :)
#145 • • Samus Aran Guest
Wii conference

8:00PM (Wednesday) - 2:00AM (Thursday) EDT
5:00PM (Wednesday) - 11:00PM (Wednesday) PDT
1:00AM (Thursday) - 7:00AM (Thursday) GMT/UTC
2:00AM (Thursday) - 8:00AM (Thursday) BST
10:00AM (Thursday) - 4:00PM (Thursday) Japan Time

10:00AM (Thursday) - 4:00PM (Thursday) EDT
7:00AM (Thursday) - 1:00PM (Thursday) PDT
2:00PM (Thursday) - 8:00PM (Thursday) GMT/UTC
3:00PM (Thursday) - 9:00PM (Thursday) BST
11:00PM (Thursday) - 5:00AM (Friday) Japan Time

8:00AM (Friday) - 2:00PM (Friday) EDT
5:00AM (Friday) - 11:00AM (Friday) PDT
11:00AM (Friday) - 5:00PM (Friday) GMT/UTC
12:00PM (Friday) - 6:00PM (Friday) BST
10:00PM (Friday) - 4:00AM (Saturday) Japan Time

Kaikki infot auki.

Edit: Uusimman huhun mukaan MP3 on sittenkin launchista lähtien mukana kuvioissa, ei tee hyvää lompakolle.
#146 • • Samus Aran Guest

Ton kuvan perusteella VC pelit:

Yen -> USDollar

500 = 4.25

800 = 6.80

1000 = 8.50

New York Times:n mukaan yks launchissa nähtävistä paketeista sisältää WiiSportsin, 2 Wiimotea ja ainakin yhden analogisen "Nunchakun", hintaa 250e. Saman lähteen mukaan julkasupäivä ois 19.11.2006. Katellaan :)

JPN launchin infot:

1:38 a.m. EST [update 7]: Famitsu reports 30 Nintendo games and 30 PC Engine/Megadrive (Turbo-Grafx/Genesis) games before end of year. Ten new virtual console games every month!

1:55 p.m. [update 8]: Famitsu is reporting a December 2 launch and 25,000 yen price for Japan

2:06 a.m. EST [update 10]: The press release is up. It lists the contents of the Wii box: Wii console, Wii remote (w/ strap) Nunchuck attachment, Wii AC adaptor, Wii A/V cable, Wii console stand(?), sensor bar, sensor bar stand and two AA batteries.

2:09 a.m. EST [update 11]: Gemaga reports 3,800 yen cost for the remote, 1800 yen for the classic controller, and 1800 yen for the nunchuck attachment.

2:13 a.m. EST [update 12]: Famitsu reports 16 titles from ten publishers at launch. Cost of games: 4,800 yen to 6,800 yen. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will cost 6,800 yen.

2:16 a.m. EST [update 13]: Gemaga reports Wii Sports will not be a pack-in game, but will cost 4,800 yen and include five sports games.

2:17 a.m. EST [update 14] From Famitsu, Miyamato has just beaten Japanese tennis pro Sugiyama at Wii Sports Tennis. Teen Idol Hayashi is playing a Brain Training game.

Uusin Wii videotraileri:



Golfin, Baseballin ja Tenniksen lisäks WiiSportsissa näyttää olevan myös Bowling ja Boxing, sukelluspeli näytti kans rennolta :)

Ja lisää uutta herkkua, interface:

Klik -> Japan -> Play

Nätisti rullaa, hahmojen kustomointi (toimii mm. WiiSportsin yhteydessä) ja 24h sääkartan toteutus aika namu :)

2:43 a.m. EST: [update 18]: More Japanese launch titles: Red Steel from UbiSoft, SD Gundam Revolution, Tamagotchi, and "ennichi no tastsujin" which seems to be carnival style games in the tradition of Taiko: Drum Master(!) from Namco. More coming.

2:48 a.m. EST: [update 19]: Trauma Center, Elebits, Necronesia, Monkey Ball, and Pangya Golf are all launch games in Japan.

Kuvienkäsittelyä sisäänrakennetulla softalla:

3:03 a.m. [update 23] Tidbits: Famitsu says there are 34 playable games at the event, but Gemega says 44. The game we earlier called "Your First Wii Games" might actually be called "Wii Play" and comes with an extra controller.

3:22 a.m. [update 27] WiiConnect24 will feature a BBS-like message board system that can cross-post to and from cell phones, computers and other Wii consoles.

SMG: marioqt6.gif

Zelda: zelda1ae8.gif zelda2oa0.gif zelda3bu1.gif

Tässä vielä linkki jos joku haluaa kahlata kaikki videot läpi:
#148 • • Samus Aran Guest
Marble Madnessin ja Monkey Ballin sekoitus, en muista nimeä, näytti erittäin lupaavalta videossa:



Kuten myös:

#149 • • George Shield Guest
Mii wants that god damn machine RIGHT NOW! ;-)
Eli näyttää pirun hyvältä...
#150 • • Daniel Braun Guest
Pirun hyvältä kyllä näyttää, eikä toi hintakaan pahalta kuullosta :)

Jouluksi sitten viimeistään, toivottavasti...
#151 • • Samus Aran Guest
Parin tunnin päästä alkaa jenkkikonferenssi, päivittelen illemmalla.

Harmi, ettei noi klipit kestäny kauempaa....

#152 • • Samus Aran Guest

Project H.A.M.M.E.R

Excite Truck

Forever Blue
#153 • • Edited Samus Aran Guest
US konferenssin satoa:


Wii goes on sale November 19. "The worldwide debut of the Wii system happens right here in the Americas -- the same place where we debuted Nintendo DS. On November 19, it will be available at more than 25,000 points of distribution across the Americas. And with a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $249.99. One price. One configuration. One color." Which is, for the record, white.

9:29 am: But what's in the box? One Wii remote, one nunchuk both included. Don't forget about Wii Sports, the first pack-in game at launch since the SNES. Speaking of which, we're now seeing a demo of bowling, one of the games included in Wii Sports.

9:30 EST: Invites NOA player to show off Wii Sports Bowling. "Been designed from the ground up to be playable by absolutely everyone," player says.

To play the game, the controller is swung backward and then pushed forward -- almost like you'd hit a golf ball. It's as simple as that. You can give the ball spin by tilting the controller as you release.

"First time we have a Zelda title available on launch day. It gives us a huge boost and huge momentum right out of the box. It's a masterpiece game. We will continue to make those big masterpiece titles for the core gamer, as well as new games to drive market expansion."

9:39 am: Here's a random sampling of third-party games that will be out on day one: Call of Duty 3, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, Trauma Center: Second Opinion, Need for Speed: Carbon, Madden 07, Elebits, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, Rayman: Raving Rabbids, Splinter Cell: Double Agent.

9:48 EST: Bill Trinen takes stage to talk about Wii channels. Says that these channels will make non-gamers want to pick up the Wii. Trinen goes into the Mii channel, which enables users to create virtual versions of themselves. He says he wants to create Samuel L. Jackson. Modifies hair and face on a 3D model. Changes eyes. Changes nose. Changes lips. Gives him a mustache. Changes the color of his clothes. Enter his name. This is all done easily with the Wii-mote by pointing and clicking.

Wii Channels Menu - News channel shown, as well as weather, shop, photo, and others. 1 page of 12 Wii channels, expandable as well. Disc channel allows players to play Wii game or Game Cube games, Wii Shop is the Virtual Console home, The legend of zelda, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and Donkey Kong available for VC launch day. 10 games per month, 5 bucks for NES, 8 for SNES, and 10 for N64. Wii Points acquired online or at retaliers. 2000 Wii points card for 20 bucks at retail. Games story internally and becomes its own channel. Title is available forever once downloaded.

Question and Answer Session Begins

Q: How much are the remotes?

A: Wii remote is $39.99 and the nunchuck attachment is $19.99.

Q: First-party games will be $49.99. Will third parties price at $59.99?

A: We encourage third parties to price appropriately.


Q: Is Nintendo releasing Metroid Prime 3 in the launch window?
A: Metroid Prime 3 is a 2007 title.




#154 • • Samus Aran Guest




















#155 • • Samus Aran Guest
Red Steel:



#156 • • diskreet Guest
hyvältä näyttää edelleen - red steelin screenejä lukuunottamatta. mua on aina vituttanut se et peleistä julkastaan "ingame" kuvia isommalla resolla kun mihin laite kykenee, wiin maksimireso lienee 854x480.

kai se on pakko ostaa sit kun moinen suomeen asti päätyy - mennee 2007 puolelle?

kiitos samus ajan tasalla pitämisestä - sulla on kautta linjan kummallisen tuoreet tietolähteet. tai sit luen ite vääriä saitteja :)
#157 • • Samus Aran Guest

kai se on pakko ostaa sit kun moinen suomeen asti päätyy - mennee 2007 puolelle?

kiitos samus ajan tasalla pitämisestä - sulla on kautta linjan kummallisen tuoreet tietolähteet. tai sit luen ite vääriä saitteja :)

Luulisin Wiin saapuvan Suomeen hyvissä ajoin ennen Joulua, huomennahan se selviää lopullisesti. Hauska harrastushan tää on, hyvä että raporteista on jotain iloa muillekin :)
#158 • • Samus Aran Guest
Vanhojen tuttujen lisäks omat erikoistärpit menee Korolimpalle, Forever Bluelle, WiiBoxingille ja Biljardille, joka on osa yhtä multi game pakkausta, jonka nimeä en saa nyt millään päähän.

Korolimpa oli siis tää:


Videon perusteella näyttäis erittäin toimivalta, mut samalla haastavalta paketilta. Wiimotella kallistellaan kenttää tilanteen mukaan. Bilis näytti kans istuvan tosi nätisti Wii:n kontrolleihin, ei voi mitään..

#160 • • Samus Aran Guest
EU konferenssi, editointi taas tilanteen mukaan:

14:36.09 -
Apparently it's going to start "in a few minutes". "Please take your seats," the PA asks hopefully.

13:10 - Aha! We're onto the Wii now! Oh, well I thought we were. Shibata just left the stage. Ah! Logan is back and we're about to see Wii Boxing in Wii Sport for the first time. Literally, my knickers just went damp. Apparently, Shibata is going to take on Iwata! One round in the ring!

Oooh this is quite good. You punch and jab with the Wiimote and guard by holding the nunchuck and remote close to you. AAAAAND Satoru Iwata has just come on stage to tell Shibata off - it was all big comedy ruse!

13:25 - Ah! Logan's back and she's showing us Tennis. She's bandying around the names 'Tim Henman' and 'Greg Rezetski' - a name I've never needed to spell before. Logan's just spend a good five minutes hunting around for a bunch of avatars bearing likenesses to them. And now the curtains have just whizzed open and there's a fake tennis court on stage! Guess who's there! Yup, REAL LIVE TENNIS STARS!

15:34.45 -
30-30. Tim's serving. Decent rally this time, and Greg wins it. Game point. "Nintendo's gone mad," my friend says.

15:33.05 -
30-30. Tim's serving. Decent rally this time, and Greg wins it. Game point. "Nintendo's gone mad," my friend says.

15:32.13 -
They're in their tennis whites and everything. Gabby's commentating. Greg's really getting into it, but they're 30-0 down.

Henman misses one on the baseline. And Greg gets one back. Oh but Henman's hit it out. Game.

Second game. Tim's beaten down. He's arguing the line call.

15-15. "We move quicker in this game than real life," says Greg.