Bedroom DJ

4 posts, 1 page, 904 views

#1 • • briananeurysm Guest
Hi Guys,

I just recently installed a new webcam... and i decided to mount it above my turntables and I ended up recording a 1 hour dj set from it. :) ... if you wanna check it out, click on the link below! the file is only 100mb big... so not much bigger than any other 1 hour set .. :)

click here ->

if that link doesnt work for you... go to ... the link is on the bottom left.

hoep you guys enjoy it!

Posts: 5,301

#2 • • Caro² Fiilis / SESSIONS2
Eihä o tiedossa mitään tietoturva-aukkoa joka hyödyntäisi video-formaattia??

Täytyy katsastaa mikä tuo on :)
#3 • • J-P Guest
sälli on siis iron box music:n (jolla kalle-m on julkaissut return ep:nsä) pääjehu.

Hey Bernhart! Personally i'd prefer better soundquality and lower videoquality.. But anyways, gotta check the set with time later!
At least the first 3tracks are quite nice :)
#4 • • briananeurysm Guest
i agree with you, but the only way i could do it was with Windows Movie Maker, and the options were quite limited. I'm sure i'll be able to figure something else out in the future. :)