lokomotiv 02.10.2004 @ Jagellonica, Helsinki

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#1 • • mobstarr Guest


21.00 - 03.00 * 5e * k-18
@ Jagellonica, Uudenmaankatu 16-20, Helsinki


SOURU [disturbed recordings, est]
DELETE [2xf.org]
TEDDIE [disturbed recordings, lokomotiv]
JAYWINK [motion]
MOBSTARR [lokomotiv]

juna kulkee 2004!

lokomotivin lokakuun vieraaksi saapuu etelä-naapuristamme Disturbed recordings-labelin pyörittäjä SOURU.



Souru started his mixing career with hiphop and played it for around half a year. A chance night out at Force 1, which had badcompany headlining, was his first introduction to drum and bass and it completely blew him away. From that moment on hiphop was left for the heavy rollin drum and bass.

Deciding he wanted to take a positive role in the scene he loved promoting gigs with his team darush, this came to an end after promoting golden pieces 2 at AÜM. At that time he was asked to join centralstation, one of most recognised music oriented crews around at the moment. Souru then began his first venture into djing, getting his first dnb plates and using sinda's turntables for practice, this soon lead to mixing on central's events. Centralstation was workin out fine with small gigs and half a year after working together, centralstation was invited to join a team of dancemix and cafe vs, to start a new project called radiobar. That meant weekly internet-radio shows for souru and other central members, live from cafe VS downstairs.

By that time he had came up with an idea to create the first estonian drum and bass label named "Disturbed recordings". He called his weekly broadcast the disturbed show, and put out the the most aggresive tunes once a week for 2h. Thanks to that label project he now has a wide variety of contacts world wide. Through these contacts souru was able to start the next project in his career: The Force.

After raw.full from ill.skillz had contacted him about promoting ill.skillz recordings opening party at Estonia, souru contacted dj s.i.n and viger about making this idea reality. They agreed to promote this party all together. The cooperation worked, and as viger was the guy who promoted first force, they decided to continue this sequel.

Now, still new to the scene, souru is one of three promotors of the force, proud member of centralstation, dj at radiobar and estonians first drum and bass label owner.


Etelän ihmeen lisäksi vieraiksemme saapuu kotimaan herrat DELETE ja JAYWINK.
Paikalla tietysti myös lokomotivin residentit TEDDIE ja MOBSTARR.

Alkuillasta tarjoillaan bassoväen herkuksi breakseja ja illan edetessä siirrytään rumpubasson ja junkan pariin.

Älä missaa tätä junaa tai lähetämme konduktöörit perääsi!
#2 • • mobstarr Guest
fiiliksiä viime kerralta.

#3 • • Jaywink Guest
hullua! :D
#4 • • Ale Guest
Lokomotiv on sitten hieman muuttunut, varmasti hyvät bileet, mutta Minikakaralla (nykyinen Käenpoika) eikä Mystikillä ole mitään tekemistä näiden bileiden kanssa, joten nimilista etc. asiat suoraan mobsulle.

#5 • • mobstarr Guest
jep. eli mikäli dbd:n yhteydessä selvinnyt niin päädyimme alen kanssa yhteisymmärryksessä eri teille, tätä kautta saamme entistä enemmän bileitä tarjottua kansalle :).
#6 • • Ale Guest
:D :cool: :D :cool: ja ei salee joudu vähä :roll:
#7 • • mobstarr Guest
joo jäbä salettiin vyöryy paikalle ja sit ilta jatkuu lattialla pyörimisellä.
#8 • • Ale Guest
Jätkä ei osaa käyttää hymiöitä hahaaaahhaaa (NELSSON NAURUT)

Anna mä näytän...

:roll: :happyroll:
#9 • • mobstarr Guest
se parhaiten nauraa joka viimeseks nauraa.
#10 • • mobstarr Guest
jumav*tunlauta mikä tossa on, nyttenhän täs joutuu kohta naurun alaseksi :)..

disable smilies in this post ei oo hyvä pitää päällä.

:happyroll: :roll: :right: :panic: :hearts: :scared: :laugh: :mad: