PixelACHE Audiovisual club - Gloria 03.04.04

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#1 • • Edited walt Guest
PixelACHE Audiovisual Club (organized in collaboration with dotcoma)


Saturday 3.4.04 / 21.00 - 03.00 at Gloria, Helsinki
tickets 10 eur, advance tickets from Tiketti

21:00 Himmel by Jugi Kaartinen [FI]
22:00 DIN AV - Screening 1
22:30 Singing Bridges [AU + FI]
23:00 DIN AV - Screening 2
23:30 Shogun Kunitoki [FI]
00:30 Farben + visomat inc. [DE]
01:30 SILMU [FI]


Jan Jelinek has released music on ~Scape and under the aliases Farben (Klang) and Gramm (Source). As one of the key names of the German glitch scene, he constantly surprises his fans by exploring new directions ranging from minimalistic techno to imaginary rock bands. He is often collaborating with visual artists - his recent release ICE Compositions (which was produced exclusively with a laptop while travelling on German ICE trains) includes photographs from painter Sarah Morris and his live performances feature video work from visomat inc., Karl Kliem (meso) and several others. www.scape-music.de

visomat inc.

visomat inc. was formed in Berlin during the mid 1990s as a crossover of media art and club culture. For their videos, visomat inc. use material they produce themselves, splicing it with sampled images and technical graphics, images from the Net, test images, or fragments from displays. visomat inc. has created DIN AV, a new label for contemporary audio-video collaborations. The first release - DIN AV 01/04/CN/86.03 - on scape-music in spring 2004 includes 6 av-sessions, interviews with the artists, 3 screensavers and a live extract from a concert of Pole and visomat inc. www.visomat.com

Shogun Kunitoki

A Helsinki-based trio that has been playing together since 2000, Shogun Kunitoki is an attempt to help electronic music regress back to a more human state, the time of the electric organ and the ring modulator, the spring reverb and the test oscillator. Sleepy sweet organs and squiggly
analog synths, Daniel Johnston beats and Terry Riley drones.

Check out also the PixelACHE festival. Free events and tickets from 6 eur - 10 eur. Festivalpass 30 eur.

#2 • • Edited yana Guest

Audiovisual concert,
Kiasma Theatre,
Free admission.
18:00 - 18:20

Talvi – beauty and joy of the winter

Talvi (engl. winter) is tribute to Finnish winter in a form of live audiovisual performance. Serene and gentle down tempo sounds of DJ Orkidea and visuals of VJ *jen are mixed live in performance space like modern chamber music.


tää tarvii kans käydä tsekkaa
#3 • • Edited espoo_rumpshaker Guest
Wow, Jan Jelinek's coming to town and people are excited about Orkidea :)

What a lineup, props!

[edit: edit != post]
#4 • • yana Guest

Wow, Jan Jelinek's coming to town and people are excited about Orkidea :)

What a lineup, props!

tekotaiteellista pascee ;)
#5 • • dixoff Guest
Jan Jelinek :hearts:

Ei varmaan parane jättää väliin
#6 • • erik Guest
vaihteeksi yllättävää ja mielenkiintoista tarjontaa!
siis en tarkoita orkideaa :)
#7 • • rossum Guest
jan jelinek on kyllä ehdottomasti tarkastamisen arvoinen, tänne.
muutkin varmasti mielenkiintoisia, erityisesti toi visiomat vaikuttaa jännältä
#8 • • espoo_rumpshaker Guest
What is that bar on the righthand side then, Rechenzentrum et al? Am I correct to assume that this magical event is not part of the pixelACHE activities here in hki?
#9 • • erik Guest

What is that bar on the righthand side then, Rechenzentrum et al? Am I correct to assume that this magical event is not part of the pixelACHE activities here in hki?

dunno if I figured it out but it seems that the artists mentioned on the text block far right are featured on a related AV-project which shall be displayed on a screen at the pixelache-event.
#10 • • walt Guest
You are right Erik, on the right side of the flyer is listed all the works of the DIN AV screening that can be seen on both Fylkingen and Gloria. More info on that can be found from: http://www.pixelache.ac/2004/project/list/?id=31
#11 • • akir0 Guest
Pöh, Jugi ja CNCD on ne, jotka täällä kiinnostaa!
#12 • • zAo Guest
Vaikuttaa lupaavalta eli eiköhän tule eksyttyä tänne :)
#13 • • walt Guest
Playing times added.
#14 • • mekaanikko Guest
It's gonna rawk! =)