Tampere Biennale Elektroni Klubi @ Klubi,Tre 31.3.-3.4.

13 posts, 1 page, 2,557 views

#1 • • Edited aleks Guest
Elektroni Klubi Hosted By SLAVIC WALKMEN!

ke31.3. klo 13- free

Slavic walkmen dj's

klo 21-02, 6 €

Äänen lumo esittää:

"Suomen Teatteriorkesteri on perustettu esiintymään missä hyvänsä tilassa, mihin hyvänsä aikaan ja millä hyvänsä kokoonpanolla, kunhan prosessi kiihottaa osanottajien mieliä. Viimeisimmät esitykset ovat sisältäneet muunmuassa valo- ja ääni-installaatioita, performancea, improvisoitua ja sävellettyä musiikkia, prosessimusiikkia ja videotaidetta."

SINIAALTO (klo 23.30)
"siniaalto was founded in 2002 by ilai rämä, teemu halmkrona and tuomas mettänen. siniaalto plays psychedelic ambient music made with vintage instruments. "

PINK TWINS (klo 1)
"Pink Twins are brothers Juha and Vesa Vehviläinen, computer musicians and visual artists. In Pink Twins' music and video works "the logical and analytic thematic developments surrender to the frenetic and non-repetive information overflow".

dj petri kuljuntausta

to 1.4. klo 13- free

slavic walkmen & support dogs

klo 21-02, 8 €

Ohjelmassa mm. possessed, krafwerk-sovituksia "Alexander Balanescu (b. c.1950, Romania), the son of a university professor, was raised in Romania before his family moved to Israel in 1969. After two years he relocated to London, England, to take up violin studies (he also spent time at the Juillard school in New York). He formed the Balanescu Quartet in 1987, developing strong working relationships with fellow contemporary composers Michael Nyman and Gavin Bryars. The quartet went on to perform works by Kevin Volans, Jon Lurie, Robert Moran, David Byrne and John Cage. The group broke new ground in 1992 with Possessed for Mute Records, which featured acoustic transcriptions of five Kraftwerk electronic pieces. This was justified thus: "There have been violins for two hundred years, and we're trying to bring them into harmony with modern compositions." Luminitza was titled after the Romanian word for "small light". For Balanescu, it represented the lights beckoning him to the homeland his family left in 1989: "A little bit of hope in the darkness. That even after the downfall of Ceaucescu's totalitarian regime in 1989 still shrouds Romania." The album utilized samples and programmed percussion, and was completely self-penned."

dcom (niitty) & slavic walkmen dj:t

pe 2.4. klo 14-04, free



"contemporary artistic musicalism"


Tamperelainen musiikkiaktivisti. Lo-Fi elektroniikkaa, genrefuusioita
ja kuuntelumusiikkia. Tyylillisiä vaikutteita kokeellisesta musiikista,
loungesta, hip hopista, elektrosta, oopperasta ja gabberista.


"I'm tonedeaf, false and rythmless. But I want to make music very much so I built
Halldorophone. I don't guarantee that anyone will enjoy listening to it, but I
will certainly enjoy the playing. The installation has a point to it that has to
do with doing what you feel like.

Otherwise, Halldór Arnar Úlfarsson is icelandic, 27 and studies at the Academy
of Fine Rats in Helsinki. He aspires to be an inventor of practical things for
everyday life."


"ES "flick" Second volume of a "Guitarimproseries" is a glassy, thousand yard stare courtesy of Finnish guitarist Es, who works the slightest string soundings into skeletal architectural designs. In places Flick recalls the white-out of Japanese guitarist Taku Sugimoto. Elsewhere, his overlapping string weave evokes the static radar skies of Godspeed You Black Emperor! Silence has rarely sounded so ornately carved."

"Es eli Sami Sänpäkkilä luo koskettavia, jopa lyyrisen kauniita äänimattoja, joissa minimalistiset melodiat ja loopit punoutuvat vinyylilevyjen turvalliseen rahinaan. Ällistyttävintä on kuulla, mihin kaikkeen pystyy pelkillä levysoittimilla, pedaaleilla ja multiefektillä. Kappaleet ovat vahvimmillaan silloin, kun tekijä uskaltaa luottaa yksinkertaisen ideansa voimaan; "



"Dubbing mixers on helsinkiläinen duo joka on julkaissut vaihtelevalla lo-fi laadulla musiikkia vuodesta 2001. Musiikki on sämple pohjaista kokeellista rytmi musiikkia. Ensimmäinen kasetti "Siellä missä on suunta" julkaistiin jouluna 2001-02 sitä seurasi CD "Whte Felt" 2002 ja kasetti "Muuttoautomusaa" kesällä 2003.

Dubbing mixers esittää musiikin sämplereillä, kasettisilmukoilla ja efekteillä.

Musiikin lisäksi esitykseen kuuluu Tuulanauhat-videon live-projisointi. Projisointi esitetään elektronisilla laitteilla joiden signaali luo kuvan.



dj:t pirkka, slavic walkmen

lauantai 3.4. klo 13- free

grayframe djs vs. slavic walkmen

klo 21-04, 10 € sahkologo_small.jpg

Live: PAN SONIC (klo 22)
ACID KINGS (klo 24)

keys of life dj-group, dj:t tg & harri

eiköhän selviä ihan esittelyittä.

+ koko viikon vielä kaikenmoista muuta extrabonusta mm. audiovisuaalista taidetta vähän jokapuolella ja mahdollisia yllätyslivejä pitkin viikkoa päivisin.
#2 • • drS Guest
#3 • • zAo Guest
Oho, 3.4 voisi lähteä Tampereelle :)
#4 • • aleks Guest

Pitkin viikkoa mahdollista kuulla mm. seuraavia dj'tä

Gray Frame dj's (Hki-London)
Slave To The Beat
Johnny Commando
Match Your Manners
Slavic Walkmen Support Dogs
#5 • • aleks Guest
viikon päästä alkaa.. jeejee
#6 • • jorkki Guest
Pakko lähtee kattoon ACID KINGS:n keikka lauantaina :excellent:
#7 • • J-P Guest
täällä ollaan 100varmasti!
#8 • • BenD Guest
jep, täällä ollaan! ainakin keskiviikko ja lauantai, ehkäpä myös torstaina.

Lauantaita nyt ei vaan voi missata, kuulee jorin liven hiukan paremmalla PA:lla ku mitä viimeks cafe europas.
#9 • • crash Guest
3.4 olis tarkoitus tulla paikan päälle tsekkaamaan jorin, kuninkaiden sekä pan sonicin kunto.
#10 • • aleks Guest
Tänään alkaa!!! jeejee!

Perjantaina esiintyvältä Es:ltä ilmestynyt juuri uusi albumi. Perjantaina siis klo 22:00 Es:n levynjulkistamiskeikka!



Kaikkeuden kauneus ja käsittämättömyys (The Beauty and Inconceivableness of Everythingness) is the third solo album by Sami Sänpäkkilä. It is released in March 2004 in Finland through Fonal Records and in Belgium through (K-RAA-K)3 Records.
"This album has been in the making for two years. While touring with Es between 2001 and 2003 the concerts were orientated on ambient and drony guitar sounds. Some of these songs were heard on the Dutch VPRO radio stations De Avonden's 45 minute special on Es and will be recorded later for a release. I record all the time. But because I could not find a way to record the songs I had been playing live I recorded something else. I think it was no sooner than august of 2003 that I realised that I had almost two hours of new material. Recorded on various locations and with equipment varying from the most hi-fi studio to a small Onkyo dictaphone. These songs were different from what I had been playing live. They are more poppy, melodic and the structures are somewhat more conventional. Most importantly they have lyrics. I am still puzzled with this album. It still feels fresh. They are almost like thoughts I have mistakenly spoken out aloud, extremely personal and strangely fragile.
There are many sources of sound that can be interpreted as music concrete, pulsars and noise culled from my SETI-at-home processes, hammering in the apartment downstairs, c-vitamins wheeze and scissors cutting my hair. I also used many conventional instruments on this album. One of the most important was a piano which is heard on most of the songs. I do not have a piano so I had to go to my friends to record all the piano parts. This also resulted in many collaborations. All of them my friends and some with no previous musical background. One of the most important collaborations is with my friend and colleague Ville Leinonen with whom I share a similar romantic ideology. Ville sings and has also written the lyrics to the title track of the album with me. Other guests include members from Kemialliset Ystävät and Avarus on various instruments and vocals heard all through the album.
The songs on this album explore the same themes heard on the previous two Es records; melancholy, pathos and hope. The overall mood is darker, gloomier and more ominous. The album is self reflection. It is about trying to create a better place to live in instead of explicitly judging or criticizing the world that we live in.
The paintings, drawings and photographs on the covers, all of them made and given to me by my friends, are an extension to the sound and an essential part of the album. They further explore the music and give an idea of how I see the sound visually. An almost lost shimmer of hope somewhere in the dark corners of the world. A rainbow on every black and white page. This album is a dedication for the sad, the depressed, the insomniacs, the strayed, the fearful and the lonely. Today, tomorrow."

-Sami Sänpäkkilä
#11 • • BenD Guest
Kyllä hyvää diskoa ollu koko viikon. Tänäänkös sitten piste I:n päälle vielä. :roll:

show must go on
#12 • • djsakke Guest
tanaan taalla. aciiiiiiiiiiiiiiid!! mielenkiinnolla odotan myos pansonicin settia etta mita on vuodet tuoneet projektiin mukaan :)
#13 • • timo-D Guest
hulkkosen live pitää tulla tänään kyl ehdottomasti tsekkaan. muutenkin vaikuttaa aikas mielenkiintoiselta... :)