T R A F F IC @ T A M P E R E 26.3.2004

55 posts, 3 pages, 4,748 views

#41 • • noble Guest

Hello everybody! Giorgio Ponticelli here...i dont understand Finnish very much but i understood that there's a bit of confusion regarding what style i'm going to play at the party, so i thought of registering and explain :)

I do play techno, often trance-influenced! I understand people are confused because on my radio show on Digitally Imported I play mostly trance (both melodic, progressive and sometimes tech-trance, but not very much). I do play different styles but at Traffic i'll play powerful and heavy techno, some tracks will have a slight trance edge. So far these sets always got me great feedback (tested as huge parties such as LoveParade and NatureOne in germany ;) ) so i hope you'll also appreciate them! And as i said on my site, if you attend the party make sure you come and say hi!

Replies are welcome :) I'm leaving tonight for Finland, I hope to see many of you at the party and i hope you all will have a great time!

EDIT: I just got requested to bring some trance in case the set should go overtime. In that case expect some hardbeating trancers towards the end of the techno set ;)

Lisättäävää jollakin....:)!!!!!????
#42 • • drS Guest

I just got requested to bring some trance in case the set should go overtime.

Well mr. Ponticelli, have you ever heard of this thing called "studiojatkot"?
#43 • • gpont Guest
Jatkot? i'm not sure what you mean.... :scared:
#44 • • okiru Guest
Hi how are you doing Gio? :) Good to hear that you are already coming Finland.

Well mr. Ponticelli, have you ever heard of this thing called "studiojatkot"?

Hehe, legendary drunken afterparty in a small basement type room flavoured with drunken finnish geezers talking shit, few decks and loads of records. Would be fookin fun to do this again. Damn that the cruise boat leaves so early :(

But drS & co will take good care of ya :D (too good i'm afraid)
Catch you on friday dude, cheers![/quote]
#45 • • gpont Guest
Oh yes, i know those kind of afterparties! :)
Thanx for the answer ;) I'm doing really good, looking forward to playing at Traffic :)
#46 • • miikkaL Guest

Oh yes, i know those kind of afterparties! :)
Thanx for the answer ;) I'm doing really good, looking forward to playing at Traffic :)

Hi Gio! Nice to see you in this forum! :) And welcome to finland, even I'm not able to come to parties :(
#47 • • drS Guest

Oh yes, i know those kind of afterparties! :)

then you'd better get really pissed at traffic, because no man has ever entered 'studiojatkot' sober... (few women have tried)
#48 • • tempest Guest
drS: Of course we have to teach Gio the meaning of "oosny"! :D
And hi Gio, it's Joonas here! Welcome to platinum! :happyroll:
#49 • • drS Guest

drS: Of course we have to teach Gio the meaning of "oosny"! :D

that goes without saying! and what better place to do that than hatsu :cool:
#50 • • vincent vega Guest
No niin huomenna sit vihdoista viimein pienen tauon jälkeen TRAFFIC lähtee taas rullaan..... ;)
Tänne kaikki jytäileen.....

Bileis on sit meikän uus mixsaus myynnis Dance hard 2! hinta 5e
Jos kiinnostaa ni tulkaa kysyyn....

Rok! :hah:
#51 • • R-Syke Guest
Milanossa alkaneen lentokenttälakon vuoksi gio saapui jo eilen suomeen, kävimme eilen harjoitteleen studiojatkokunnon saavuttamista ja oosny tilaa cafe europassa. Pahoittelemme jos tapasimme eilen platinum väkeä, tarkoituksenamme oli vain harjoitella tätä päivää varten.
#52 • • okiru Guest

Milanossa alkaneen lentokenttälakon vuoksi gio saapui jo eilen suomeen, kävimme eilen harjoitteleen studiojatkokunnon saavuttamista ja oosny tilaa cafe europassa. Pahoittelemme jos tapasimme eilen platinum väkeä, tarkoituksenamme oli vain harjoitella tätä päivää varten.

#53 • • okiru Guest
Ja nämäkin alkavat uhkaavasti lähestyä iltaa kohden :)

Tulkaapahan mestoille kouriin peppuu ja vilautteleen tissei tytöt ;) Noei.
Luvassa meikäläisen osalta kaunista downtempoo, leffoista ripattuja pätkiä & accapelloja ym. epämäärästä shittii ja tottakai melodisia breikkejä.

Muutamia levyjä mitä oon varmasti illan aikana soittamassa on:

Lamb - Gorecki
Lamb - Gabriel ym. Cafe del Marin herkkuja
Ulrich Schnauss - Nobody's home ym. herran tuotoksia.
Forth - Dusk 2 Dawn ym. melodista euforiaa Electric Calm v.2 pakkauksesta.

Ja muistakaa tulla sanoon käsipäivää illan aikana. On aina mukava tutustua uusiin ihmisiin
#54 • • Elatek / Lauri E Guest
eiköhän sitä nyt lähetä kumminkin paikalle pörrää :D
#55 • • gpont Guest
Hello clubbers!

i just wanted to say thanks to all the people who attended the event last Friday! I had a GREAT time playing my set and i'm really happy about the reactions of the crowd and that people liked the sound :)

Big greetings to the whole Traffic crew, the DJs, R-Syke management and all the friends who came to see me play!

Thanx thanx thanx! :D

ps: OOSNY!!!!!