Hello? Ecstacy

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#1 • • spw Guest
Hello? Ectstacy


Gear list:

Tama Techstar TS-305
N. Basstation
Mac Talk (manual trigger)
TR-707 (for triggering)
Another e-drum module for Hi-Hats (forget the name, UK model)
Techniques Cassette Deck 631
Trident VFM Console
Roland MC-300 Sequencer? (forget exact name)

Recorded 1996
#2 • • J-P Guest
Hehheh :D

for some weird reason, i really liked this one :D
although the track could use some good mastering ;)

Recorded 1996

did you know, this kinda music was pop and hip around the year 1988? :)
#3 • • spw Guest

Hehheh :D

for some weird reason, i really liked this one :D
although the track could use some good mastering ;)

It was more or less a joke and maybe that's why it goes over well.

The mastering:
We recorded off a chrome tape which had some early 90's progressive house
on it and the Trident VFM System was semi functional (not a hi-fi well balanced
stereo mix)

The gear:
I miss most of the gear (I thought it was crap back then) especially the
Tamma Techstar.
The bass kick has some serious oomph and that short white noise snare
sounds cool.

did you know, this kinda music was pop and hip around the year 1988? :)

yeah, that was the concept.
#4 • • spw Guest
Syntuari Compu-Rhythm


Tamma Techstar TS-305
Sound Master SR-88 (Cymbal)
Roland TR-707 (for triggering)
Novation Basstation
Alesis 3630 Compressor
Roland MC-300 Midi Sequencer
Trident VFM System Console (mixer)
Mac Talk



Tamma Techstar TS-305
Roland TR-707 (for triggering)
Novation Basstation
Lexicon Vortex
Alesis 3630 Compressor
Roland MC-300 Midi Sequencer
Trident VFM System Console (mixer)

Both recorded in 1996 using Technics Stereo Cassette Deck 231 w/ Dolby NR. (same time as Hello? Ecstacy)
Digital transfer not normalized.