upload your mix to apinamix.net

30 posts, 2 pages, 4,008 views

#1 • • Edited william Guest
Upload your mix to apinamix.net, an open, free dj mix community. Check it out at:


Your mixes will have to be converted to the Ogg Vorbis format, but that isn't hard to do, and you can find info how to do it on the info section of the site.

Keep the monkey happy, upload some mixes!

#2 • • JussiS Guest
tyhmä kysymys, miksi .ogg, miksei mp3?
#3 • • J-P Guest

tyhmä kysymys, miksi .ogg, miksei mp3?

varmaankin sen takia, että se on laillinen (käsittääkseni mp3:sesta pitäisi maksaa lisenssimaksuja?), ja parempilaatuinen pakkaus menee pienempään tilaan.

Imo :)
#4 • • thomas Guest

tyhmä kysymys, miksi .ogg, miksei mp3?

varmaankin sen takia, että se on laillinen (käsittääkseni mp3:sesta pitäisi maksaa lisenssimaksuja?), ja parempilaatuinen pakkaus menee pienempään tilaan.

Imo :)

lähinnä tosiaan varmaan se että pienempään tilaan menee kuin mp3. vrt
80min miksaus = about 30mb kun 128kbit mp3 = 80mb
#5 • • Edited sonni Guest
eipäs nyt liiotella sentään.

toki opensource on hyvä ja mainio juttu. mutta nuo äänenlaadulliset yleistävät ylistysläpät ei ihan aina osu yksiin käytännön kanssa. toki jokainenhan sen käytännön itselleen määrittää. ja psykoakustisuus kun kerran on kyseessä, niin jokainen kuulee viimeistään eri laitteistojen takia kaiken hitusen erilailla.


tämäkin testi aluksi vaikuttaa ihan lupaavalta oggin puolesta. mutta loppu selventää. helppoahan se on kuulostaa 'paremmalta' jos on enemmän bittejä.

lamella kääntämisessäkin on paljon juttuja joita voi (ja tulisi) huomioida. jos vetää rankasti defaulteilla, lopputulos voi hyvin todennäköisesti olla huonompi kuin oggin defaultit. ogg on vakiona vbr:rää. (mp3 pitäisi myös imo).

painotan edelleen subjektiivisuutta, ja toivoisinkin, että moni muukin kokeilisi mahdollisimman erilaisia ääniä eri kodekkien välillä. se antaisi vähän enemmän pohjaa keskusteluille 'kuulostaako se originaalilta' ja 'mun mielestä paremmalta kuin tuo toinen'. eli en dissaa missään nimessä oggia. mp3 ei vain oikeasti ole niin paska kuin monet ogg-uutuudenviehätysvimmoissaan väittävät. esim omissa epämääräisissä kokeiluissa tietynlainen vanha tallenne ämpärinä on selkeästi vähempiartifaktista kuin ogg, nimenomaan todella alhaisilla bitrateilla (kattona 56kbps ja vbr). mutta ei kuulokkeeni mitään hifiä olekaan. taajuusalue taisi olla 30-16k.

on nääs niin saletisti todella kuraa ääntä jos 80minsaa sulloo 30megaan. vrt.
48kbps 44minsaa settiä, kokoa 17megaa ja
96kbps 30minsaa settiä, kokoa 19megaa.

saahan sen ämpärinkin pieneen tilaan, jos laadulla ei ole niinkään väliä. pilknus, joojoo. ja eipä suotta tämä lässytys tullut nyt hiukan väärään topikkiin, jatko viisainta sihdata muualle.

sorry, i only 'ranted' something about ogg not being any miracle machine compared to mp3. they are pretty much on the same level. un-included the open source -thingie of course. it had nothing to do with this topic and i apologize.
#6 • • william Guest
Well my Finnish isn't so great but the reason I'm using Ogg format is mainly because the streaming server I'm using (Icecast) basically only supports Ogg. I'm using Icecast because its free, open source, and you can listen to it with any platform.

In my mind there are only really two options when it comes to streaming media at the moment: Ogg and mp3. Realaudio is fine but the player kinda sucks for Linux. The other formats are all badly supported or proprietary: I don't care how good wma is I'm never gonna run Windows just to listen to some music.

Whatever the results of that test, the quality at Ogg at low bitrates seems very good compared to mp3: I encode at the lowest setting of around 45 kb /s.

By the way, if anyone has problems converting to Ogg, or uploading mixes, give me a shout
#7 • • KaipeMcAlakoski Guest
Kuin kauan siihen menee, että se miksaus näkyy siellä? Vai näkyykö saman tie latauksen loputtua?
#8 • • zanta Guest
Why don't you use Shoutcast server? It's for mp3's....
#9 • • Laite Guest

Why don't you use Shoutcast server? It's for mp3's....

" I'm using Icecast because its free, open source, and you can listen to it with any platform. "

eikös se tuosta selvinnyt?
#10 • • william Guest

Kuin kauan siihen menee, että se miksaus näkyy siellä? Vai näkyykö saman tie latauksen loputtua?

Do you mean how long the mix takes to upload? Well that depends on your internet connection (and mine). Shouldn't take too long if you have cable....

At the moment all uploaded mixes will stay forever, free, until my hard drive gets full up... :)
#11 • • william Guest

Why don't you use Shoutcast server? It's for mp3's....

" I'm using Icecast because its free, open source, and you can listen to it with any platform. "

eikös se tuosta selvinnyt?

Yeah, basically. Ogg is cool, and at worst just as good as mp3 (but personally I think its better and smaller), and the quicker people start supporting it the better!
#12 • • Laite Guest

Kuin kauan siihen menee, että se miksaus näkyy siellä? Vai näkyykö saman tie latauksen loputtua?

Do you mean how long the mix takes to upload? Well that depends on your internet connection (and mine). Shouldn't take too long if you have cable....

At the moment all uploaded mixes will stay forever, free, until my hard drive gets full up... :)

actually he meant how long does it take from uploading until the mix shows up on your webpage
#13 • • Ezzy Guest

tyhmä kysymys, miksi .ogg, miksei mp3?

varmaankin sen takia, että se on laillinen (käsittääkseni mp3:sesta pitäisi maksaa lisenssimaksuja?), ja parempilaatuinen pakkaus menee pienempään tilaan.

Imo :)

mites se formaatti siitä laittomasta miksauksesta tekee laillisen?
#14 • • william Guest

Kuin kauan siihen menee, että se miksaus näkyy siellä? Vai näkyykö saman tie latauksen loputtua?

Do you mean how long the mix takes to upload? Well that depends on your internet connection (and mine). Shouldn't take too long if you have cable....

At the moment all uploaded mixes will stay forever, free, until my hard drive gets full up... :)

actually he meant how long does it take from uploading until the mix shows up on your webpage

They go there immediately.. its totally automatic...
#15 • • william Guest

mites se formaatti siitä laittomasta miksauksesta tekee laillisen?

Hyvä kysymys..

Yeh of course the format doesn't make a difference to that. But it's still less lawyers to worry about...

As to the legality of mixes... It depends whether the record companies percieve the mix as promotion, or bootlegging.

I kind of think most small dance music labels would be happy to get their tunes played... after all then people will buy more records.
#16 • • djsakke Guest
I think that djp referred to this:

Do I need a license to stream mp3/mp3PRO encoded content over the Internet?

Yes. A license is needed for commercial (i.e., revenue-generating) use of mp3 / mp3PRO in real time broadcasting (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or any other media), broadcasting / streaming via Internet, intranets and/or other networks or in other electronic content distribution systems, such as pay-audio or audio-on-demand applications.

However, no license is needed for private, non-commercial activities (e.g., home-entertainment, receiving broadcasts and creating a personal music library), not generating revenue or other consideration of any kind or for entities with an annual gross revenue less than US$ 100 000.00.

Do I need a license to distribute mp3/mp3PRO encoded content?

Yes. A license is needed for commercial (i.e., revenue-generating) use of mp3 / mp3PRO in real time broadcasting (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or any other media), broadcasting / streaming via Internet, intranets and/or other networks or in other electronic content distribution systems, such as pay-audio or audio-on-demand applications.

However, no license is needed for private, non-commercial activities (e.g., home-entertainment, receiving broadcasts and creating a personal music library), not generating revenue or other consideration of any kind or for entities with an annual gross revenue less than US$ 100 000.00.


Although they could start asking for money at any time they want. And they don't clearly state at any one point that non-profit streaming is ok, they only talk about receiving a broadcast, although some parts of above text hints that it should be ok.

IMHO using ogg is better solution regarding this issue.

There is one catch though. Winamp 3 has issues with ogg-streams, because of badly written plugin, so people using Winamp 3 will hear only static from ogg -stream, but this shouldn't be any problem since Winamp 2.9x works ok.
#17 • • ovv Guest
One thing which should be said also is: BIG UP for william. :D
Because now people who haven't had enough webspace to host their mixes can finally do that without going to great lengths. I believe this has been a problem for some and it looks like a good solution some have been hoping for. :)
#18 • • JussiS Guest

As to the legality of mixes... It depends whether the record companies percieve the mix as promotion, or bootlegging.

I kind of think most small dance music labels would be happy to get their tunes played... after all then people will buy more records.

Actually no, because in Finland it is Teosto which controls the copyrights, and although you can have the artists or even labels approval of having their song in your mix, Teosto will not allow it.

Back to the topic, the site doesn't seem to work (at least not in my browser)?
#19 • • jUSSi Guest

Back to the topic, the site doesn't seem to work (at least not in my browser)?

Maybe the internet is broken?
#20 • • william Guest

Back to the topic, the site doesn't seem to work (at least not in my browser)?

What exactly is the problem? Please send me directly error msg/report to [email protected], tell me what browser you are using.

I know that in Internet Explorer 6, there is a problem if it blocks the cookies apinamix tries to set. For some reason the server thinks the cookes are being set, even though IE6 blocks them. I think this is an IE bug maybe (or annoying feature). To fix this, make sure cookies are not blocked for apinamix.