Tuon Ionin filtterit näyttävät aika vakuuttavalta. Ensinnäkin, filttereitä on kaksi, kuten Viruksessa. Tämä on yllättävän harvinaista VA-koneissa. Erilaisia filttereitä on 16 kpl. Laitteeseen on mm. mallinnettu viiden klassikkoanalogin filsut: MiniMoog, Oberheim Xpander, ARP 2600, TB-303 ja Jupiter-8!! Uskon että nämä filtterit on myös oikeasti mallinnettu, eikä kyseessä ole Native Instruments tyylinen kusetus, jossa analogisyntikka "mallinnetaan" tekemällä softan käyttöliittymästä vähän alkuperäistä syntikkaa muistuttava. ;)
Alesis mainostaa että tässä koneessa on enemmän prosessoritehoa kuin missään muussa markkinoilla olevassa VA-koneessa. Polyfoniaa on kuitenkin vain 8, eli noita filsuja lasketaan koneessa varmaan aika urakalla. :) Analogisten filtterimallien lisäksi on paljon sellaisia moodeja mitä ei oikeista analogilaitteista löydy (niinkuin VA-koneissa pitää ollakin koska digitaalitekniikka antaa paljon laajemmat mahdollisuudet). Tässä ote manuaalista:
mg 4-pole lowpass
Modeled on the filter found in the most famous monophonic analog synth ever made (MiniMoog). The filter, with a steep cutoff and deep resonance, earned much credit for its fat sound. This filter will self-oscillate at high resonance settings.
ob 2-pole lowpass
Modeled on the lowpass output of the multi-mode filter built into a classic synthesizer expander module (Oberheim Xpander).
ob 2-pole bandpass
Modeled on the bandpass output of the ob multi-mode filter.
ob 2-pole highpass
Modeled on the highpass output of the ob multi-mode filter.
rp 4-pole lowpass
Modeled on the filter in a very popular semi-modular synth (ARP2600). This filter will clip (distort) when fed a loud input level.
tb 3-pole lowpass
Modeled on the filter from a little silver bass synthesizer whose sound has become ubiquitous in many styles of electronic music (TB-303).
jp 4-pole lowpass
Modeled on the lowpass filter from a popular 8-voice synth noted for its very colorful case and colorful, versatile sound (Jupiter-8). Compare its sound to the mg or rp filters.
8-pole lowpass
Unique to the Ion. 8 poles give this filter an extremely steep cutoff.
8ve dual bandpass
Unique to the Ion. Two 2-pole bandpass filters, spaced 1 octave apart.
6-pole bandpass
Unique to the Ion. This filter sounds like an exaggerated version of the ob bandpass.
phase warp
Unique to the Ion. This is based on an analog phaser effect. Eight allpass filters in series create four harmonically related notches in the frequency response.
comb filter 1
Unique to the Ion. The comb filter creates multiple resonant peaks and notches that are not harmonically related.
comb filter 2
Similar to comb filter 1, but the signal is additionally filtered to reduce the "metallic" sound.
vocal formant 1
Unique to the Ion. Formant filters are modeled on the human voice. This 3-band (3 bandpass filters) version emulates the "ah" and "oo" vowel sounds.
vocal formant 2
Unique to the Ion. A 3-band formant filter which emulates the "oh" and "ee" vowel sounds.
vocal formant 3
Unique to the Ion. A 5-band formant filter based on an idealized model of the vocal tract.
band limit
Unique to the Ion. A 2-pole highpass filter and a 2-pole lowpass filter in series, limiting the signal to everything in between them. The resonance control adjusts the bandwidth.