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wtf? if u really had a strong opinion on this one you wouldn't wear a pitiful skirt like that haha. face it. u're a techno tool. u're not showing the crowd the real thing. sure u can make peeps dance but then again anyone who plays the samekind of music than u do can.
you're popular because of your looks, love. if u were butt-ugly or male they wouldn't want u. sorry.
and if you weren't jealous and would respect other people, you'd keep your mouth shut instead of complaining in other people's topics.
she's got gigs, you don't, face the fact and stop whining.
Uups! I did'nt know that a skirt is the thing that defines dj-skills and personality. So does it have to be over the knees or to ankles to be a good dj? How about the guys? What clothes are on the NO-list in case they want to find the right records, promote themselves into right places and get the crowd dancing?
and if you weren't jealous and would respect other people....
Uups! I did'nt know that a skirt is the thing that defines dj-skills and personality. So does it have to be over the knees or to ankles to be a good dj? How about the guys? What clothes are on the NO-list in case they want to find the right records, promote themselves into right places and get the crowd dancing?
i think it actually does tell something about personality if a girl chooses thatkind of skirt instead of .. well pair of normal jeans?
to make it simple: it screams loud and clear 'i'm trying my hardest to be very sexy, please look at meeee' ! you know, stuff that teenagers do. (or is that the comfiest skirt around? ha don't think so) afterall you're there to play the records and show your skills. it's just funny that first this chic is upset over some people's behaviour and then she acts just as ridiculously.
edit: and to get the crowd dancing is not a skill. at least not in your parties. those e-heads would move anyway.
mun pointti olikin toi ylimäärästen pisteiden kalastelu joka on todella naurettavaa imho
The fact is: girls want to look good when they go to a party (and it doesn't necessarely mean anything), but guys usually don't really give a shit what they look like.
Why should this be any different among dj's and artists?
Olis mahtavaa kuulla ne sun skillssit, kun kerta pystyt itse tekemään noin tarkkoja analyysejä niistä bileistä missä Mayah soittaa. Olet sä kyllä yksi elitistinen idiootti.
jos te ymmärrätte mun tekstin noin niin en voi kun toivoa positiivisempaa elämää teille jatkossa :)
Mä kyllä ymmärsin sun pointtis mut ymmärsitkö sä mun? Tottakai aina löytyy ihmisiä, jotka pukeutuu saadakseen huomiota, mut voitko sä muka vetää automaattisesti sen johtopäätöksen, et jos joku käyttää keikalla hametta, se hakee sillä huomiota? WTF? Ihan siinä missä sä kiskaset ne farkut ja t-paidan päälle, mulla tai ihan kenellä tahansa muulla on oikeus kiskasta toppi ja minari.
Jos et sä pidä sen tyylisestä musasta mitä mä soitan, niin mikä sä olet arvostelemaan niitä ihmisiä, jotka siitä pitää? e-heads?
Mut älä käy mulle avautumaan mun musiikkimausta, mun pukeutumisen syistä tai niistä ihmisistä, ketkä käy mun keikkoja kuuntelemassa ja tanssimassa.
Nii joo, mä tosiaan oon Maija, ja sun nimi oli....?