Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,745 views

#521 • • Ana-- Guest

WHen it comes to me playing some new tunes never before heard/half heard :

As a good dj, u put on a tune, smack on a new, listen fast, it is good- mix it in, if it sucks, throw on a new, check it and so on. Building up a set on demand is an important skill!!!
During sets sometimes people come over and as u to put a new demo they have made, u ahve to listen fast thru it while mixing (if u decite to give the poor lad a chance), see if it will fit in somewhere between your tracks...or if it even fits your style. What if ur bag gets stolen on the airport? U have to borrow tracks, too lame to cancel, you have to mix tracks that r not yours!
Get the drift?

Sure. Why don't you ask somebody to always bring you some
vinyls and CD's so that you don't have to carry all those damn
records with you. Maybe somebody could even arrange it so, that
for a gig you get like, say, 40 vinyls including techno, drum'n'bass,
trance, nu-nrg and maybe some rock'n'roll to spice up the cross-
over experience. That should keep everyone happy.

That's what I'd do if I were a world-class star DJ like you.

Sadly, I have not the chance to do this, because your skills are
probably a lot better than mine. I really need to know my records
before I can play them in front of an audience. I am a bad DJ :(
#522 • • Edited Dani Cior Guest

What the fuck are you bitching about? A good dj plays several styles! As for me, I've always played UK HardHouse/HardTrance, Drum'n Bass and now also Dutch HardHouse (= Techno for us scandinavians, aka marco v style).

Stop bitching, as my skills probably are better than yours!

BTW, where's a demo made by you???

WHen it comes to me playing some new tunes never before heard/half heard :

As a good dj, u put on a tune, smack on a new, listen fast, it is good- mix it in, if it sucks, throw on a new, check it and so on. Building up a set on demand is an important skill!!!
During sets sometimes people come over and as u to put a new demo they have made, u ahve to listen fast thru it while mixing (if u decite to give the poor lad a chance), see if it will fit in somewhere between your tracks...or if it even fits your style. What if ur bag gets stolen on the airport? U have to borrow tracks, too lame to cancel, you have to mix tracks that r not yours!
Get the drift?

So fuck off!

Besides it's fun and that counts teh most ;) AND for your record, the mates got totally suprised and liked the set and the tracks!!! I finnished off with dutch courage, marco v and a a techno tune from cluster.

Why are you splitting hairs, especially with such an annoying ad hominem prickyness. It has already become completely obvious that dj-ing is not easily generalizable as there are a myriad of different styles of playing, environments, music styles, and occasions. Different people like different music, and different types of dj-s. From a dj I only expect honesty and general truthfulness to the music or style of play. I'd myself definitely rather listen to a dj who really likes playing, and loves the music. Pleasing the crowd is important, but only with the music you like. Kitsch can also sometimes work and it can be nice to play occasionally some really cheesy music just for the sake of confusing the audience., or to rape it. I don't want a DJ to purposefully please me, if the music is nice it is pleasing, neither do I require that from a writer or a film director. Of course, I can appreciate the technical skills, but the most powerful thing is to hear the real voice of a musician, DJ, artist etc.

So it is a rather complex topic to actually simply state the attributes that make a good dj. Some dj:s can conjure a reasonable set from basically thin air, and some have delved very deep into the style they happen to like, and could be somewhat handicapped by its limitations. On the other hand they can play profoundly satisfying music to people who get their kicks out of the same style.
#523 • • Jokke Guest


This is me reading the 15 latest posts on this topic -> :018:

You make DJing sound almost as interesting as collecting
and pressing different kinds of flowers!!! Which is nice too, of
course: I'm not dissing anybodys hobbies!! Flowers are, like,
SO COOL!! :006:

But there are a couple of threads with discussion about
'proper' DJing in the Music-forum!! You should go and have your
serious conversations there!! :mad:

Love you all, though!! :004:

I couldn't agree more. Let's get back to the subject...
#524 • • MissJarea Guest
OK, i went a bit over the line....sorry...I was just having some fun, and here peopel go again bitching.... *sad*

#525 • • KarriN Guest

I feel a sudden need to enlighten you all of my thoughts. Again.
The first of the Jarea Wars :D did have a somewhat entertaining quality in it. Not in the sense that it was about dissing someone, but because of the fact that some of what's posted in there is quite simply the stupidest b/s I've ever read on this forum. :001:
So naturally, I was a bit amused by the novelty of it all.

However, someone pasted a link to the topic so I found out it's going on again! Somewhat, at least. First time was fun, but this is turning out to be worse than "Seitsemän Päivää". I mean, those guys probably make some money, even the sorry-ass celebs who're interviewed probably get some sum they'll probably spend on booze in the next 2 days. But here? Obviously because they think they can bring in something new and refreshing on the matter. Well, you pretty much can't. Now it simply seems dissing for the sake of it.

OK, so she plays hardhouse, which has an interest value similar to earwax and which, AFAIK, is at the moment in Finland most liked by 'em kids called Corolla-Amikset. So she plays jungle / d'n'b too, whichever it may be, and therefore some may think she's a wannabe-streetwise-ug-chick. And... techno?!? OMFG, run! RUN! It's a PURIST RAMPAGE!

... no, wait, that's not my point! My point is...

You all need to masturbate more.

-Karri (off to have the 02:40 cig and to sleep)
#526 • • Mrrshan Guest
Yeah, no more Jarea wars, please. I don't wanna have to punch any more holes in my monitor.
#527 • • Dubchild Guest

I couldn't agree more. Let's get back to the subject...

There's a subject to this thread??? :rolleyes:
#528 • • jUSSi Guest
First, sorry to Simon, I didn't mean that you don't have a vision in my earlier post.

No no no, you misunderstand - the distinction is not between 'visionaries' and not, it's between DJs who will play whatever the crowd wants rather than what they themselves want, even if it is Ms Spears (that's what I say anyway, might not be the same as Jussi) - when I DJ if someone wants me to play a tune I have with me I'll probably play it cos I wouldn't have it there if I didn't think I might play it anyway, but I'm NOT gonna take a load of compilation CDs with me with loads of house or trance on them just in case someone wants me to play a track from them - cos that's not what I wanna play. Part of the point of being a DJ is you also get to hear music YOU want to, which may be stuff you won't get to hear in other places, and of course you also want the crowd to like it. But if I'm playing breaks and there's twenty people loving it and fifty people standing around the side saying "I wish he'd play some house/trance/hiphop/dnb/whatever" I'm not gonna go for that cos I'm more interested in pleasing the twenty - cos chances are they're the ones who came to hear me play the music I want to be known for playing. And yes Simon you're right when you say the DJ is there to entertain, but he or she shouldn't be made to sell their (musical) soul to play music they don't even like just to please punters who wouldn't know a good tune if it smacked 'em in the forehead! ;) Seen?

Now there you go. Dubchild stole the words from my mouth. This is the thing I was after. Maybe I said it bit too harshly, but that seems to be my problem when using english as a channel to spread my puristic ideas (I'm a techno-elitist-wanna-be). We've had this same conversation here in Platinum in finnish (http://www.platinum.ac/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=57&highlight=pisimp%E4%E4n) and I can tell you that it was quite a show. Conclusion was that there are basicly three types of dj's:

1. purist (like me)
2. almost a purist (cares about the crowd up to some point)
3. jukebox

take a pick ;)
#529 • • Jokke Guest

There's a subject to this thread??? :rolleyes:

Yes, but just now I can't remember what it was.
#530 • • Tres Guest


Yes!! :007:

Make love!!! :006: Not War!!! :mad:
And think about all the people in the third world who DON'T
have boards like this!! We should send them cork
messageboards, pins, and post-it -notes of different colour so
that they can have flamewars of their own!! :004:

You all need to masturbate more.


I've got blisters already!!! It hurts!! :(
This topic really got me going before some guys decided
to have "a decent conversation" in the middle of all
the fun everybody else was having!!! :007:
#531 • • Dubchild Guest

This topic really got me going before some guys decided
to have "a decent conversation" in the middle of all
the fun everybody else was having!!! :007:

Aaahh, sorry Tres, you're right and I don't know what I was thinking of! Let me make up for it by saying you're all a bunch of c**ts, especially...er...I dunno, Karri and Miss Jarea - Jarea cos she's been using her sex to get gigs by sleeping with promoters, even though she says she hasn't we all know she has, and Karri just cos everyone says so, in fact it was Jokke who said to me "That Karri is a right old c**t", I don't know if they have some kind of problem but there ya go. Plus any DJ who plays Hard House is a fuckin BIG c**t. Actually, anyone who even LIKES HH is a c**t. In fact, now I think about it the only person who isn't a big c**t is me, so fuck you all, you stupid bitches.

That should get the conversation back to it's pre-decent level PDQ. :p :003:
#532 • • JussiS Guest

Aaahh, sorry Tres, you're right and I don't know what I was thinking of! Let me make up for it by saying you're all a bunch of c**ts, especially...er...I dunno, Karri and Miss Jarea - Jarea cos she's been using her sex to get gigs by sleeping with promoters, even though she says she hasn't we all know she has, and Karri just cos everyone says so, in fact it was Jokke who said to me "That Karri is a right old c**t", I don't know if they have some kind of problem but there ya go. Plus any DJ who plays Hard House is a fuckin BIG c**t. Actually, anyone who even LIKES HH is a c**t. In fact, now I think about it the only person who isn't a big c**t is me, so fuck you all, you stupid bitches.

That should get the conversation back to it's pre-decent level PDQ. :p :003:

Now that's the spirit ;)
#533 • • Ezzy Guest


Let it all out, child...let it aaaaaaal out...
#534 • • genki Guest
this is the only anarchistic thread in platinum. :004:
#535 • • hexasonik Guest
no mess, no fuss, just PURE IMPACT!:mad:
#536 • • genki Guest
"tapani rinne is killing music"

:D :D :D :D
#537 • • genki Guest

This topic really got me going before some guys decided
to have "a decent conversation" in the middle of all
the fun everybody else was having!!! :007:

sorry m8, we'll promise to be totally irrational and foolish from now on!

now what was the status of the 'Platinum Cod Domination Plan'??? :D
#538 • • Dubchild Guest

now what was the status of the 'Platinum Cod Domination Plan'??? :D

Cod domination??? And while we're at it let's dominate haddock, salmon, plaice, and all other marine life, the smelly fuckers!!! DOWN WITH FISH!!! :016:
#539 • • hexasonik Guest

"tapani rinne is killing music"
:D :D :D :D

yeah, i've always been anti-rinneradio. rr would be ok without mr. rinnes squeaky soprano sax tho'..

well, above was kinda off-topic, so back to real shit:
FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK SHITFUCK :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
#540 • • genki Guest

yeah, i've always been anti-rinneradio. rr would be ok without mr. rinnes squeaky soprano sax tho'..

well, above was kinda off-topic, so back to real shit:
FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK SHITFUCK :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

yeh you can recognize that sax ANYWHERE... always the same licks and riffs...

never bought a record of theirs, but i can kinda see why some people dig that stuff..

and nick, you forgot TROUT!!! the evil-est of ZEM ALL!!! :mad: