Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

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#481 • • genki Guest
altho, i have to say that if someone is playing just 'some new promos' they got from belgium without giving them a listen beforehand, i gotta say that sounds like they dont really care abt the music.... which should be the nr.1 thing for the Dj IMO.

...maybe its all abt just having the Dj status, eh Jarea? what say u? :D
#482 • • Elwira Guest

calm down dear Elwira, you surely dont think that playing different styles makes one a wannabe dj for those different scenes do you? i for an example play dnb as well as breakbeats + electro, and spice up my life with a set of techno/trance/house/other 4 to the floor cack every now and then... its just so that i happen to like all those styles so why not play them?

...but if youre referring to jareas mixing skills, i have to say im sorry and i understood everything wrong. :]

Genki you understand me wrong yep!!!!
It's very good to play different style. BUT YOU HAVE TO LAERN PLAY THEM GOOD FIRST!!!!
Ouh! i don't know how to explain this. Miss Jarea is keeping just a little bit too hurry for everything and she also say little too much..... :rolleyes:
#483 • • Ana-- Guest
And I quote:

"Anyway, playing good somethign even a monkey can do! It's teh show u put on when u play that makes the difference " - Guess who?
#484 • • hexasonik Guest

calm down dear Elwira, you surely dont think that playing different styles makes one a wannabe dj for those different scenes do you? i for an example play dnb as well as breakbeats + electro, and spice up my life with a set of techno/trance/house/other 4 to the floor cack every now and then... its just so that i happen to like all those styles so why not play them?

having collected and played various styles of music i completely agree to this. there is nothing wrong in enthusing about a style you've haven't been into before and then you suddenly find it great and fresh. of course, if someone's found a new style to him/her just a week ago and then boasts about being the best dj on that style of music, well, that is what i find kinda funny.. i mean, i've been seriously collecting old soul and funk 45's for a couple of years now (finding original pressings, no re-issues, comps and stuff, that is) and i still find myself a wannabe on the soul/funk scene, knowing that there are blokes and birds, who've been into that shit for 30 years now. and they still are. (even though i may boast about that a bit sometimes. if i'm caught off with that, just please let me know)

and well, er.. about someone being a wannabe and whatnot, being an older lad i find this ranting and raving about wannabes kinda funny. i mean, i was around when the hyperdelics organised their first parties in turku-area back in the late eighties (now, a side note to anyone coming outside turku, by this i'm not claiming us turku people did it first here in finland, my opinion on this is the thing happened simultaneously in helsinki and turku). back then i was a young wannabe lad interested in music and good parties. and i still am, only the times have changed.

besides, we need wannabees! where else do people thinks new punters and dj's come from?
#485 • • genki Guest

Genki you understand me wrong yep!!!!
It's very good to play different style. BUT YOU HAVE TO LAERN PLAY THEM GOOD FIRST!!!!
Ouh! i don't know how to explain this. Miss Jarea is keeping just a little bit too hurry for everything and she also say little too much..... :rolleyes:

aight.. i kinda knew it as soon as i had posted that post! silly me!! ;]

yepp i agree to that. as a dj, i always listen quite critically when other djs play (altho sometimes i wouldnt want to be so critical), and of course i get the best kicks from djs who are really into the sound they play and not just 'throw in some new promos'... the selection is the most important part in a mix IMO, and if youre not into the sound youre playing.... well, how the hell are you supposed to make a good selection then... especially when you havent heard the tunes beforehand!!! :D

but yeh, my apologies Ms Elwira, i'll try and understand you right next time. :)
#486 • • Elwira Guest

having collected and played various styles of music i completely agree to this. there is nothing wrong in enthusing about a style you've haven't been into before and then you suddenly find it great and fresh. of course, if someone's found a new style to him/her just a week ago and then boasts about being the best dj on that style of music, well, that is what i find kinda funny.. i mean, i've been seriously collecting old soul and funk 45's for a couple of years now (finding original pressings, no re-issues, comps and stuff, that is) and i still find myself a wannabe on the soul/funk scene, knowing that there are blokes and birds, who've been into that shit for 30 years now. and they still are. (even though i may boast about that a bit sometimes. if i'm caught off with that, just please let me know)

and well, er.. about someone being a wannabe and whatnot, being an older lad i find this ranting and raving about wannabes kinda funny. i mean, i was around when the hyperdelics organised their first parties in turku-area back in the late eighties (now, a side note to anyone coming outside turku, by this i'm not claiming us turku people did it first here in finland, my opinion on this is the thing happened simultaneously in helsinki and turku). back then i was a young wannabe lad interested in music and good parties. and i still am, only the times have changed.

besides, we need wannabees! where else do people thinks new punters and dj's come from?

I didn't men to hurt this wannabe worth to anyone. I am also wannabe and always want to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:002:
#487 • • genki Guest
good wordz Hexasonik!

I am also wannabe and always want to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:002:

muah!! :D im a wannabe as well, and i also wanna be a wannabe phorever!!!!

IMO when an artist stops being a wannabe, tha piss has risen in their headz and the enthusiasm and devotion gives way to arrogance and laziness in wanting to progress in what they do. so yeah, keep on wannabeing everyone, it gives a lot of strength and motivation!!!
#488 • • genki Guest

1. Bedroom dj's doesn't count, too many wannabe's :rolleyes:

...im sorry i had to drag this up, but someone needs to shape up with this attitude right now. :003:

#489 • • jUSSi Guest
Just wondering what is the difference between a bedroom dj and a performing dj? Amount of gigs? If so how many gigs are needed to ascend from the "pathetic" bedroom dj class to the glorious performing dj class?

I want to be a bedroom dj forever. It is where the soul comes from. I would never do this for a living, because when ones life depends on playing records it would lose all its meaning to me. (There are couple of examples where a bedroom dj attitude has lifted a person to a god-like state eg. Laurent Garnier, Sven Väth to name a few, but these occasions are so rare that I wouldn't count on it)

as Genki said bedroom dj's do count
#490 • • Elwira Guest

aight.. i kinda knew it as soon as i had posted that post! silly me!! ;]

yepp i agree to that. as a dj, i always listen quite critically when other djs play (altho sometimes i wouldnt want to be so critical), and of course i get the best kicks from djs who are really into the sound they play and not just 'throw in some new promos'... the selection is the most important part in a mix IMO, and if youre not into the sound youre playing.... well, how the hell are you supposed to make a good selection then... especially when you havent heard the tunes beforehand!!! :D

but yeh, my apologies Ms Elwira, i'll try and understand you right next time. :)

Genki i think just this what you are writing here. Thanks for helping. It's not good keep the hurry!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
#491 • • Jokke Guest

how many gigs are needed to ascend from the "pathetic" bedroom dj class to the glorious performing dj class? [/b]

One. Before your second gig someone already starts to nag about the same boring DJs playing at all parties. See for yourselves
#492 • • Dubchild Guest

the selection is the most important part in a mix IMO,

I disagree! There is no one most important part of the mix - good tunes are no good if every time the DJ tries to mix it's a trainwreck! And likewise supersmooth mixing skills aren't any good if the tune selection wouldn't make a fart excited.

You may correct me if I'm wrong...:)
#493 • • genki Guest
u r right Nick, but thats not really my point...

i mean, i can easily listen to a set of non-mixed (slide in/out) GOOD tunes and have a right ball, but if a super-skilled hyper-dj would spin utter crap with a magic touch, i wouldnt touch it with a ten foot pole anyway.

for me its mostly abt the music still.. the dj is a statist. unless were talking abt turntablism.
#494 • • Simon_London Guest

I disagree! There is no one most important part of the mix - good tunes are no good if every time the DJ tries to mix it's a trainwreck! And likewise supersmooth mixing skills aren't any good if the tune selection wouldn't make a fart excited.

You may correct me if I'm wrong...:)

Anyone can mix its not hard! Tune selection is the most important factor, if your playing boring music, there will be no-one there to listen to your faultless mixing!
Giving people A goodtime is the #1 thing!

love and peace
Simon London

#495 • • JussiS Guest

I disagree! There is no one most important part of the mix - good tunes are no good if every time the DJ tries to mix it's a trainwreck! And likewise supersmooth mixing skills aren't any good if the tune selection wouldn't make a fart excited.

You may correct me if I'm wrong...:)

Going way off-topic, but IMO they both are as important as another. Bad mixing ruines a good mixtape, if the songs are good. And vice versa.
#496 • • Edited Dubchild Guest
Yeah you're both right! But so am I! I wasn't saying tune selction is the most important, nor mixing, but that IMO you can't divide the 'art' of DJing into different factors and say "OK, tunes are most important, then mixing skills, then how you dance (or not) behind the decks, then your clothes, then your DJ name, and finally if you play CDs or vinyl" - it's just not possible. It's like saying that if you write a book it's the idea that's 'most' important, whereas someone could have a fuckin wicked idea for a book but cos they can't write for shit it's not gonna be a good read is it?
#497 • • Elwira Guest
I have respect for the "composers of music". Dj's that I respect are the ones who know what they are doing. Naturally talented!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
#498 • • genki Guest

Yeah you're both right! But so am I! I wasn't saying tune selction is the most important, nor mixing, but that IMO you can't divide the 'art' of DJing into different factors and say "OK, tunes are most important, then mixing skills, then how you dance (or not) behind the decks, then your clothes, then your DJ name, and finally if you play CDs or vinyl" - it's just not possible. It's like saying that if you write a book it's the idea that's 'most' important, whereas someone could have a fuckin wicked idea for a book but cos they can't write for shit it's not gonna be a good read is it?

yeh you are correct, but i still think youre 'humping the comma' here. ;]
#499 • • Simon_London Guest
When you DJ you are supposed to supply a service to your audience...give them a great time... people have worked all week they need to relax and have fun...As a DJ you are supposed to do everything within your skill level and your record box to do so... The DJ is not the star the people are..and never forget that.

love and peace
Simon London

#500 • • pHaze Guest

I think pHaze might appreciate you having a go on Jungell, though ;D

Hey hey hey! I'm not quite that easy :p You have to buy me a drink first, atleast.