Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,757 views

#1041 • • Pas-2 Guest
Ok, I understand that you want to be egoistic stupid bitch with ugly clothing and with no sense of good taste when it comes to music, but do these wallpapers *REALLY* need to be so darn low quality and streched ?

DJ Pas-2
#1042 • • Pas-2 Guest
Besides, why aren't your tits showing?
#1043 • • Pete Input Guest
:005: :confused:
#1044 • • Renders Guest
Ban him... What kind of name is Pas 2 anyway? In Dutch we would say "hij is pas 2" meaning that his age is 2. That's a point he's well proven with this intelligent post... Even Jussi was never this lame...
#1045 • • Fusione Guest

Ok, I understand that you want to be egoistic stupid bitch with ugly clothing and with no sense of good taste when it comes to music, but do these wallpapers *REALLY* need to be so darn low quality and streched ?

DJ Pas-2

Ensimmäinen varoitus asiattomasta käytöksestä.
#1046 • • Tapi T Guest

Even Jussi was never this lame...

OMG Renders. This is a very childish comment even from you.

Since you dont seem to have anythíng else to do in this forum but boosting jareas topics and flaming others, can you stop bugging us and ignore this forum? What the hell are you doing here anyway?

Besides you have made yourself a big joke around here and people are laughing at you.
#1047 • • Edited Renders Guest
I'm sorry... I usually only read, but comments such as the one Pas 2 just posted make me want to post respond instantly. As for Jussi, he fell out of grace with me after I listened to a production he wanted me to listen to as an example of true innovation. I couldn't believe that a person with such strong principle expressions, who's bringing down other producers for not being original enough, could post an amaturistically produced song with pride, allthough it used every ellement that he had just dissed others for. Such ellements would be: cliche sounds, cliche vocal, somebody else's style, and a boring, clichematic build up and arrangement. I makes me wonder who the real child is around here. But I sincerely think that this in another discussion. As for the big joke, speak for yourself, I'm sure you're not in some LAN party when you type such a thing...
#1048 • • Pas-2 Guest

Ensimmäinen varoitus asiattomasta käytöksestä.

Sounds fair. I exceeded myself in my role of being an asshole ;)
I hope I don't get banned for *THIS*.
#1049 • • Mad Dan Guest
#1050 • • Quu Guest


Could you please explain me, WHY in the name of the mother of god do you provide us wallpapers of yourself?

And you still try to give the expression, that your becoming popular hasn't got anything to do with your looks? You're just that good behind the decks?

Would you like a wallpaper of my skinny body? ;)
#1051 • • Mad Dan Guest
I seem to not quite understand your attitude... Do you feel better than her perhaps? Or is it the approach that you dislike?
#1052 • • MissJarea Guest
wallpapers are for my fans, and u're obviously not one of them...:001:
#1053 • • Secur Guest
holy shit do you have fans :001: :001: :001:
#1054 • • MissJarea Guest
I'll be spinning in Teneriff the last week of the month :)
So if any of my fans are there on vacation, we'll have fun :)
#1055 • • Edited mosaik Guest

...if any of my fans are there on vacation, we'll have fun :)

marx2.gifIs that a promise?
#1056 • • Edited serotonot Guest

I've read this topic through and it took me 8 hours while working :)

truely simply hilarious. Seems like every girl with a polish backgroung makes this whole forum go nuts

I would really love to hear Miss Jarea play live, actually I think that the FIF (or [fill the name here] what ever it was) should make a group travel to amsterdam to check out their double agent's doings?

And GUYS! what happened to the plan of invading norwegian dj-scene? I could easily book couple of those "dj's who got gigs only beacause of their musical talents" to give a real show in Phinnland.

During this topic it has also been funny to realize how some people don't have even a bit sense of humour. It's just so beautiful to see people taking seriously this kind of conversation which only point seems to be boosting up out our little Miss's ego, but what the heck. If she needs that let's give it to her!

My favorite posts in this topic are those constant "please shut this topic, it's making my life worse than it already is"-comments. Like it really makes also my world to go out of its circuit when these kind of conversations go on in a places over the net. But for me these are like the best amusement so I guess I'll start to be a PRO-FLAMING or PRO-TROLL from now on :)

Sorry if I offended anyone but if this ain't too hard to bear for the bandwith and harddisk of server, please never close this topic. I've already had plans of renting apartment from this topic and move in here for the rest of my life, 'cause this is truely where I wanna be. The town of irrational and irrelevant verbalic acrobatics in the country of misunderstanding and misspelling.


ps. if your underground invasion army still need pioneers, count me in :)
#1057 • • Edited serotonot Guest
screwed up with the post :(
#1058 • • Mad Dan Guest
Very good spelling too... :D
#1059 • • Edited jUSSi Guest

As for Jussi, he fell out of grace with me after I listened to a production he wanted me to listen to as an example of true innovation. I couldn't believe that a person with such strong principle expressions, who's bringing down other producers for not being original enough, could post an amaturistically produced song with pride, allthough it used every ellement that he had just dissed others for. Such ellements would be: cliche sounds, cliche vocal, somebody else's style, and a boring, clichematic build up and arrangement. I makes me wonder who the real child is around here.

[lot's of editing]

I shouldn't start this one again, but I have say that I never said or claimed that I would be an exceptionally innovative, I simply stated it as one of the major criteria for a truly great song or for a great producer. The famous (but shitty IMO) Urea track was reviewed against that. I then asked you to judge my remix against your criteria which you did in a way, but only to say that "you shouldn't judge if you can't do it better".

Freedom of opinion, truly :rolleyes:
#1060 • • MissJarea Guest
Hm, so what should we write now, to make this thread even more interesting...let me see...