Versio 1.06
Version Notes
About sound:
- unison mode
- portament auto mode
- smooth vcf freq knob
- vcf resonance feedback
- vcf distortion -> saturation
- modify vcf velocity
- vco S/N up(for sine.triangle)
- modify Delay<->Chorus/Flange patching.
- modify Chorus/Flanger algorithm
- modify portament effect(linear->exponential)
- modify noise when mono mode
about MIDI: :D!!!
receive MIDI control change
read/write Control Change Map
Midi Control Learn mode(click [OPT] with pressing [Shift])
Control Map for nordlead2
Fixed a bug that hangup when tempo change.(DXi)
Fixed a bug that arpeggiator tempo becomes later and later..
Fixed a bug that Synth1 parameter is out of VSTi range. (for Muzie)
Fixed a bug that the host application crashes when Synth1 starts.(VSTi)
HUOM: Kannattaa vissiin pitää edelleen rinnalla se vanha versio(1.05), Mr. Toda on muuttanu soundia sen verran että kaikki vanhat väännöt ei kuulosta enää samalta.