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Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
thomas, 12.11.2009 17:05:
sets will be recorded.. i hope ? can't make it.. sorry :(
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
Liquid Crystal, 12.11.2009 16:33:
20 -22 Aki A + Homegrove...(special 2hr back2back set with a few classics throw in!)
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
OCS, 13.11.2009 11:26:
Jaha, tänään! Kakkua ja boolia odotellessa :O~~~
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
tattistus, 14.11.2009 23:00:
how was it?
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
Timce, 17.11.2009 12:49:
Can't remember shit about the evening, as usual, but one thing that I just can't get out of mi head is seeing Smirker going topless in the dj-booth. Christ... :D
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
Anyway, I am sure that you can somehow also recall the James Talk & Dave Spoon remix of "Liquid - Sweet Harmony" that I dropped.
You went absolutely NUTS!!! ...Hehe...One can never beat a bit of old skool slipped into a set.
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
Timce, 17.11.2009 13:35:
...I think I heard Age of love about a dozen times? Can anyone concur?
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
silva, 15.11.2009 23:14:
Happy birthday LCS and huge thanks for a great night!
Looking forward to many more years to come for LCS!
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
AliCat, 17.11.2009 16:53:
Lookin forward to hearin Hannu and Akis recorded B2B set!
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
Homegrove, 17.11.2009 22:09:
AliCat, 17.11.2009 16:53:
Lookin forward to hearin Hannu and Akis recorded B2B set!
Me too! :D
Replying to L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres: "Expression" | 3rd Birthday! 13.11.2009 @ Turku:
akiapina, 18.11.2009 18:51:
Hauskaa oli, onnea vaan 3-vuotiaalle LCS:lle! b2b Homegroven kanssa meni varsin kivasti, ja mun mielestä Mark & Ali soittivat molemmat ihan saamarin hyvää soundia, kohokohtia mm. Lemon Interrupt - Dirty ja Samuel L. Session - Chimes. Ihmiset saapuivat paikalle totuttuun tapaan melko myöhään, Cargon setin aikana lattiallakin näytti olevan jo hyvä meininki! Hyvää bassovoittoista jytää, harmi että Gavinin setti jäi kuulematta. Katsotaan jos toi meidän setin nauhoitus onnistui jos sen sais vaikka jakoon :)