Pientä lisäystä line-uppiin Bangkokin yläkerran GalactiIkaros huoneeseen tulee Recuen live( Rednetic records )!
Yläpuolihan on sitten ilmainen ja Recue soittaa siinä 1 aikoihin.
Uskomattoman kaunista glitch-electronicaa luvassa muun mielenkiintoisen line-upin lisäksi!
Greetings! We have a good friend and awesome musician joining the line-up. Recue who is just about to release a rcord on Rednetic records. The upstairs chillout-freeform GalactIkaros floor is free so feel free to drop on down to Kaisaniemi for some beautiful glitchy electronica sounds from Recue.
Otherwise the line-up is looking superdelicious and some very sweet and interesting sounds will be pulsating across Bangkok by nights walls Friday!****
Pää-lattialla MindMatrix floorilla:
Om( Exogenic records) 22.30-23.50 progressive
Sono Ecstasy(Synchro) 23.50-01.00 progressive-psygressive
Soladria( Peyotii rec) 01.00-02.00 psychedelic-full-on
Hawaiik( Yegaveda,Chillum tribe, Est) 02.00-03.00 forest psy
Sioux( Shaman films media,Portugal) shamanpsy:)
GalactIkaros chill-out:
line-up aikataulu julkaistaan huomenna..............
line-up will be released tomorrow..........