Goa Full-On Trance Night with DNA Live (Israel, Phonokol Records) 9.10.2008 @ helsinki

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Posts: 394

#1 • • goafinland
Goa Full-On Trance Night with DNA Live (Israel, Phonokol Records)
torstai 9.10.2008, 22 - 04, K20, 7€ @ rose garden / helsinki kotisivu

DNA Live (Israel, Phonokol Records)
Injection DJ-set (Israel, Phonokol Records)
Aegonox (Goa)
Puistokemisti (HSS Recordings, Equinox)
Screencha aka Shishya (Organigato)
Nebula Meltdown (Classical Goa Trance Set)
hard trance, progressive, psy, tekno, trance, tribal
Price 7eur (includes drink!)

Surprise surprise, you thought that you would have a quiet night at home in thursday? We are going to mess your plans.

Maybe you remember Goa Full-On Trance Night from last spring. Now we come back again with the most famous live artist yet to visit our weekday sessions, DNA from Israel.

DNA together with Astral Projection, M.F.G., Yahel, Alien Project, Gataka and many other artists forms Phonokol Records, one of the biggest and most important psychedelic trance labels in the world.

Goa Full-On Trance Night delivers you 5.5h of full power. In addition to the guest star, we have special classical Goa Trance set from 22 to 23 by Nebula Meltdown, so be early at the place.

NOTICE. DNA in this party is not DJ DNA aka Dennis Vakulin from Finland!

Time Table:
22.00 - 23.00 Nebula Meltdown Classical Goa Trance Set
23.00 - 00.00 Puistokemisti
00.00 - 01.00 DNA Live
01.00 - 02.00 Injection DJ-set
02.00 - 02.45 Aegonox
02.45 - 03.30 Screencha


DNA in detail:

DNA are Eitan Tanami (also known as Injection) and Zeev Kardonski, Two of the most talented and innovative Electronic music creators of the recent times, emerging from Israel! This Israeli duo is mainly known over the world for its genuine and unique style for Psy Trance music they produce with a fresh new sound. Influenced from their wide musical background, combining many motives and elements from other musical genres into their trance creations with a top of the line sound production that leads to an extra ordinary state of the art trance tracks highly admired by many trance music lovers worldwide!! Over a relatively short period of time, DNA had released many successful productions that are considered as big hits in the worldwide psy trance area, each of them different from the other in style and approach, enjoying a massive support of Top international trance DJ's and labels! In 2006 the DNA had released their premiere album "Kick Me UP" - a beautiful journey of carefully selected high quality trance tracks, supported by "The Music" EP, which had become an overnight success and a compilation entitled "The Next Generation" by DNA that contained mainly remixes done by the group to big hits of other popular Psy Trance acts (Wizzy Noise, Melicia, Quantum and PsySex), collaboration done with other artists like Melicia and a selection of recent Psy Trance hits done by other artists they respect and play in their DJ sets around the world!!! Works like "The Music", "No Good (Start The Dance)" – their amazing interpretation to The Prodigy hit, "ShuShu The Fox", "Demons In My Head" and their fantastic remixes to "Japanese Awa" (PsySex), "Behemoth"(Wizzy Noise) and "Running Out Of Time" (Melicia) alongside to many other successful trance tracks, had places the DNA boys at the front row of Psy Trance music creators around the world.

And in the hall of fame of Israeli Trance Masters!!!!

DNA are currently performing around the world to promote their music –Touring Brazil, Mexico, Russia, France, Germany, Turkey, Portugal, Japan, Switzerland, India, Israel and many other countries are scheduled for 2007!!!

Music of DNA can be listened here:


Injection in detail:

The man behind Injection is Eitan Tanami, age 32, from the city of Tel-Aviv. Eitan has been producing Psy-trance music for the past 10 years and has already released 2 full length artist albums together with his then friend and partner Vik Shefi (Viktan Vik on Injection). In the past 7 years Eitan is an integral part of the successful duo - "DNA" (with Zeev Kardonski) which have already released 2 studio albums (the 3rd album will be released later on this year). As one of the veteran Israeli DJ's and artists, Eitan started his way as Dj A-Tan Injection and has been playing trance music all over the world the past 14 years. 4 years after his debut album - "Shock Wave", Eitan is back with a new exploding album titled "Choose To Live", a shot of pure dance floor music straight out of injection's needle. Injection is exactly what the doctor orders for every ill dancefloor, injecting pure music to our vains.

Music of Injection can be listened here:


Phonokol Records homepage is here:


Posts: 593

#2 • • Edited Rivakka T2xikerien
DNAan vois ehkis tulla väijyy, ku vika dösäki lähtee muistaakseni 15 yli yksi*hmph*Harkintaan..
Prime Number

Posts: 2,705

#3 • • Prime Number UG-///
Noni, parin päivän päästä pääseekin jo kuuntelemaan miltä DNA kuulostaa livenä. Ihan maistuvia ralleja on pojat tehtaillu kyllä muuten. Itsekkin vois soittaa jotain vähän melodisempaa lämmittelyiksi.

Repikää siitä

#4 • • Equalizer Guest

Posts: 11,768

#6 • • sapeli jokukukamikä?
Ai hitto, DNA:lla on just sellasta psytrancea mistä sapsu tykkää...

Elämä ei ole pelkkää lasten leikkiä.


Posts: 81

#7 • • Edited boubbin boubbin

Puistokemisti, 6.10.2008 13:29:
Itsekkin vois soittaa jotain vähän melodisempaa lämmittelyiksi.

noni! joo just sellast groove in space menoo plz! Salee kovempi setti kun illan pää artisteil

tos voi kans räjähätää kulli kun tos alussa kun soitetaa kunnon goaa toivotaa et sielo kunnol vanhaa kouluu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTxUwDGRHqw

Cmon now, lets all take some Caffeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!


Posts: 81

#10 • • boubbin boubbin
ei mitään ennakoita vissii oo ollu olemassakaan ?

Cmon now, lets all take some Caffeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!


Posts: 81

#11 • • boubbin boubbin
perkeleen kallis mesta toi rose kyllä. 7e virtanen mm.

Cmon now, lets all take some Caffeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!


Posts: 394

#12 • • goafinland
Kiitos teille jotka tulitte paikalle. Musiikki taisi olla ihan toimivaa :) Valitettavasti bileet olivat pahasti tappiolliset, ja lisäksi aivan bileitten lopussa (musiikin jo loputtua ja purun yhteydessä) paikan päältä hävisi pieni UV-valaisin, joka hyvin todennäköisesti varastettiin.

Valaisin näyttää tältä:


Jos tiedätte mitään valaisimesta tai olette kenties nähneet sen jonkun paikalta poistuneen käsissä, niin kertokaa lisää meille osoitteeseen
golem at iki.fi
goafinland at gmail.com

Jos taas olet itse vienyt valaisimen ja tullut katumapäälle, niin sen voi palauttaa yläkertaan Beatroot baariin nimettömästi tms..

Kaikki tällaiset tapahtumat vaikuttaa siihen, et jaksetaanko me järkätä lisää bileitä vai ei ;(
dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#13 • • dj upi
Pahaa karmaa tollasille pöllijöille! (nimim. kokemusta on järjestäjille sattuneesta tilanteesta)

Kui noi artistit ei vetäny? Luulin et ainaki viime keväänä oli nois torstaibileis ihan muksasti jengii?

Posts: 394

#14 • • goafinland
Kiitos kaikille, jotka olitte paikan päällä =)

Koska jäimme hieman kävijätavoitteesta, niin meitä kiinnostaisi hieman palaute ihmisiltä. Eli miksi juuri sinä et tullut bileisiin (joka olet muuten kiinnostunut Goan tapahtumista). Tässä joitain mahdollisia syitä:

1.. Olin lauantaina Goassa (Techno Goa), joten en jaksanut tulla heti torstaina uudestaan.
2. Bileet eivät mielestäni olleet hintansa arvoiset, tai line-upissa ei ollut oikein mitään, joka olisi miellyttänyt niin paljon, että olisin tullut paikalle.
3. Olin toisissa bileissä samaan aikaan.
4. Muu syy (kerro mikä)

duuni, tai herätys aikaisin opiskelun tai työn takia, tätä ei välttämättä tartte kertoa, koska me tiedämme että torstai-bileitten suhteen monella on tämä ongelma.