Gerbera, 27.1.2008 16:13:
Tultiin paikalle vasta kolmeksi, koska netistä kuuntelemamme Marcin setti oli musiikkityyliltään sellaista, jota en/emme kykene kuuntelemaan. No, nämä ovat makuasioita...
Hi there :)
Thank you for your comments and opinions. These as always, are valued by us as an organisation. Marc certainly has a distinctive style of Techno / Ghetto-Booty Techno, and as you said, you either like it or you don't. That's music. Thankfully we all like different genres. Marc's set that was posted on klubitus was a "Mix" specifically done at a studio... it was not recorded live from a gig. Marc plays quite differently live than he does for a mix designed for home listening. So for those who did come down, they were given a 2hr show of cuts, loops, scratches, effects etc etc. Something that isn't seen very much in Finland... something alternative: Thus the night.
...mutta ihmettelen silti ääneen: miksi yhteen iltaan pitää laittaa neljä aivan eri musiikkityyliä? Jos enemmistö tällaisesta päätöksestä on mielissään, niin kai se sitten on perusteltua, mutta eikö olisi mielekkäämpää keskittyä kunnolla yhteen musiikkityyliin kerrallaan (ainakin noin pienessä paikassa)?
The "Momentum" LCS event was a special "One-off" party. Something alternative. Our usual musical policy is based around Progressive House, Progressive Trance and Electro (give or take). We decided to play these three different genres in one night as each genre formed a stepping stone for building up the bpm thoughout the evening... The Breakbeat ranged from 135-140 ish... the Techno came in around the 140 mark. The Drum n' Bass that Wispy plays is the more "Liquid" form... so this nicely rolled into the end of Marc's set.
Open mindedness was our theme for this party. To come and experience genres that are not regularly played every week in Turku's clubs. To bring something different from the UK at least. That's our goal... To break away from the norm. Most people that arrived for Jaywinks set stayed throughout the evening. To enjoy the flow. However, not everyone may like the extremity of these three different genres and therefore Åbo with Farley would have been the venue to have chosen for an evenings entertainment.
Kuten yllä on jo todettu, paikka oli laitettu hienoksi ja puitteet olivat kohdillaan,
Thanks :) We really make a huge effort for making new deco's for every event. The addition of the flat screen and graphics was this times main deco contribution.
Mutta: Eikö ketään tosiaa häirinnyt pa:n soundi? En yksinkertaisesti ymmärrä, miksi esim. mattoihin, rannekkeisiin, valoihin yms. panostetaan ennen kuin paikalla on kunnollinen pa ja joku, joka osaa säätää edes alkeellisemmat säädöt equun. Tarkoittaen tällä sitä, että ainakin ajanjaksolla 0300-0500 pa:sta ei tullut juuri muuta kuin diskanttia. Ilman korvatulppia olisin vetänyt ranteet auki ja korvatulppienkin kanssa fiilistä oli vaikea löytää.
Tietenkin ymmärrän kiinnostuksen vähyyden asiaan, jos kukaan ei asiasta valita. En vain pysty ymmärtämään miten kukaan voi olla tyytyväinen tuollaiseen soundiin.
The PA system has usually been quite ok. Other smaller club promoters also use the same speaker brand and specs. LCS apologise for any inconvenience caused by volume etc. The Master slider was knocked up a little too much throughout the evening. The graphic EQ attached through the main amp also had the auto-level function switched off. We usually have that switched on. The high frequency sliders were probably a little high :/
Getting a more expensive and better sound system set up is any club promoters aim. However, with the size of the venue, its limitations and our budget (to book foreign DJ's), things come in time. For now, we continue and will ensure the sound levels are monitored more frequently for the next event.
Thanks. LCS crew :)