L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres :: "Momentum" 25.1.2008 @ Turku

61 posts, 4 pages, 12,968 views


Posts: 4,064

#2 • • jeesboks p u p u

sen pienen hetken kaikki on täydellistä... *sydän*


Posts: 666

#3 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster
Näistä tulee NIIIIN hyvät!!! *plur* Ei jaksais odottaa, maukasta menoa tiedossa! *vink*

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde

Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#5 • • Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
More Information...

Liquid |Crystal | Sounds proudly releases the next line-up of DJ's spinning on January 25th 2008... Also included are full DJ Biographies giving a solid grounding and into each of their backgrounds as jocks.

Please Click: HERE!!!

Posts: 2,102

#6 • • Homegrove Further

Fresh picture I'm sure. ;)

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 2,691

#7 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

Homegrove, 1.12.2007 17:55:

Fresh picture I'm sure. ;)

*plur*... I was waiting to see who would comment :)

Mmmm... that one was dug up out of the grave! If I remember it's probably around Autumn 1997 *hihu* ...So, Fresh as in young... but I guess i'm not so fresh now after 10years of *känni**grr*

Posts: 41

#8 • • e-elisabet
oioioioi! breiksii ja dnb:tä! ihan pakko olla paikalla...jälleen kerran*plur*

ps. cool pic, gav!

Posts: 673

#12 • • diskoeno
Marc knows how to rock the floor *sydän*

Posts: 3,064

#13 • • Rocca Diiva UG / Superfint Crew
vois jopas tulla katsastaa kemut... :)

Dj Rocca

yes, ROBIN, i`ve become a human fish!


Posts: 69

#14 • • adix
Tänne ehdottomasti!

Posts: 5,381

#15 • • Timce

beni, 9.12.2007 17:04:
Marc knows how to rock the floor *sydän*

Does he play Napoli?

-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss


Posts: 2,691

#16 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

beni, 9.12.2007 17:04:
Marc knows how to rock the floor *sydän*

He certainly does...

Ali and myself recently received his latest mix. Brilliant stuff. Nice tunes, mixing, trickery. Loving it :) Keep your eyes peeled on the Charts section as we'll be pasting that up v.v.soon....

Roll on Jan 25th *piis*

Posts: 523

#17 • • AliCat www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

Progression, 8.1.2008 17:25:
beni, 9.12.2007 17:04:
Marc knows how to rock the floor *sydän*


He certainly does...

Ali and myself recently received his latest mix. Brilliant stuff. Nice tunes, mixing, trickery. Loving it :) Keep your eyes peeled on the Charts section as we'll be pasting that up v.v.soon....

Roll on Jan 25th *piis*

Take That mofos!!

Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#18 • • Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
Ladies & Gentlemen...

I'm sure there's no need to announce that the 'Laserpoint' organisation once again held their annual DJ competition last year. Well, fairly recently the winner was revealed.

Tampere's Drum n' Bass extraordinaire "WISPY" took the top spot and won the 2008 competition. We are proud to have him here at LCS on January 25th. So expect a top-notch performance from this rising star. Congratulations to Wispy!

We look forward to a full on Friday night on the 25th :)

LCS crew.


QUOTE: The Laserpoint 2008 competition announcement:


Joulun perinteeksi on muodostunut pieni joululahja jollekkin, tällä kertaa yksimielinen raatimme pääsi hienoisten pähkäilyjen jälkeen tulokseen. Kärkikolmikko erottui selkeästi muista, mutta
tapamme mukaan julkistamme vain voittajan.

Pohjustuksena raatimme syvästi hämmästelee, onko kyseinen alue jotenkin esim. ollut isosti Tšernobylin ydinvoimalan räjähdyksen aiheuttaman radioaktiivisen laskeuman alla, koska tämän vuoden voittaja lienee samalta hiekkalaatikolta kotoisin kuin viimevuotinen vastaava.

Pidemmittä puheitta, voittaja on

[iso]W I S P Y[/iso]

Jatkossa Laserpointin olisi lienee syytä siirtää DJ-kilpailu Pirkanmaalle, jotta herrojen ei tarvitse turhaan tulla tänne asti näyttämään itsestäänselvyyksiä. Joka tapauksessa, vuonna
2008 kilpailu järjestetään täysin uudella formaatilla! Joten...

Näihin kuviin, näihin tunnelmiin. Hyvää joulua!

T: Laserrrrrpoint crew"
