DJ Orkidea 23h set 1.1.2010 @ Helsinki

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Posts: 2,102

#241 • • Homegrove Further
Eipä tarviikaan mennä hotellin aamupalalle silmät ristissä pahennusta herättämään mikä oli alkuperäinen suunnitelma. <3

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 771

#242 • • orkidea

Replying to DJ Orkidea 23h set 1.1.2010 @ Helsinki:

One of a kind, 18.12.2009 00:04:
orkidea, 16.12.2009 00:37:

You pay only once and you get entrance for the whole event with that. If you come during 05:00-12:00 tickets cost 15€, between 12:00-21:00 5€ and after 21:00 8€. And with that you can come and go as many times as you want. Hope that clarifies it! :)


If you buy the ticket online in advance, you can also come and go as many times as you want, right?

Yes. As long as there is room available you can come and go as many times as you want.

Btw, is this gonna be recorded..?


Posts: 771

#243 • • orkidea

Replying to DJ Orkidea 23h set 1.1.2010 @ Helsinki:

ville, 23.12.2009 17:18:
Mites toi copacabana, jossa on safkaa ja musiikkia: kuinka kovalla soitetaan ja millä mentaliteetillä? Mietittiin tässä vaan vaihtoehtoa, että tulisi syömään tonne lasten kanssa ja siten olisi hyvä tietää etukäteen, onko tällaiseen toimintaan edellytyksiä :)

Copacabanassa soi sama musiikki, mutta hiljaisella volalla. Fiilis on chillarihenkinen, paikka tunnelmallinen, kokki loistava ja menu maukas, mutta tapahtuma on kuitenkin ikärajallinen 23:n tunnin tanssijuhla. Eli ei taida olla lapsille soveltuva tapahtuma:)

Posts: 127

#246 • • Mary-Jane Team Vink Vink
Ja ennakkolipulla pääsee jonon ohi sisälle..? *täh*

Mikä on terveydelle riittävästi, on nautinnolle liian vähän.. -Pyhä Augustinus-

Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#247 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]

Replying to DJ Orkidea 23h set 1.1.2010 @ Helsinki:

Mary-Jane, 29.12.2009 00:18:
Ja ennakkolipulla pääsee jonon ohi sisälle..? *täh*

niin toi tapsa väitti ;D "nopea sisäänkäynti..."

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 771

#248 • • orkidea

It’s interesting how originally (from the 30s until the late 80s) DJs mostly played long sets because generally there was only one DJ at work per night. With the arrival of the “superstar DJ” concept in the late 80s/early 90s promoters started to book more and more DJs for one night, resulting in DJs playing shorter and shorter sets, peaking perhaps with Love Parade’s 20 minute main slots.

In Finland the progression was similar yet not as extreme. But one DJ seemed to be different: Frankfurt based Omen club’s owner and resident DJ, arguably the key figure in establishing trance as genre (through his Eye’Q and Harthouse labels) and already back then one of world’s biggest techno DJs - Sven Väth. His gig at Tavastia in March of 1994 was the biggest single DJ performance in Finland yet and Sven demanded to play a minimum of three hours. Tavastia’s owner Juhani Merimaa was wondering how can a promoter charge 95 FIM for “just a DJ”? I guess he was later happily surprised to see the event selling out.

Eliot Ness organized the main event at Tavastia with myself and Eliot doing the warm up and asked if we (myself and Tero from Unity) wanted to do the afterhours with Sven headlining. Of course we had to do it. It’s quite funny how we thought Mr. Väth was “a very very expensive DJ” because his fee for the afterhours gig was 500€ (3000FIM)! Considering that his current fee is five figures in euros, plus a very demanding rider… In Lepakko he was very down to earth, hanging around and chit chatting with his newly acquired 10 word Finnish vocabulary. His 3 hour set was brilliant and he requested to keep on playing, so I gladly gave him my ending slot and continued celebrating my 17th birthday on the dance-floor Sven has later visited Finland numerous times at Eliot’s and Borzin’s events with the last couple times playing the whole 6h night by himself. Unlike any other foreign DJ in Finland. Ever.

Later on I visited many of Sven’s marathon sets in Berlin which (in those pre-internet times) was the spiritual home of inspiration for most finnish techno enthusiasts. I visited the first ever Love Parade Sunday open air afterhours party Love Park in 1994 which was something very casual: small park in Berlin with Sven Väth playing all-day-long with a small PA set-up and a couple of hundred people dancing through the day. Musical highlights from that set include Jam & Spoon’s ‘Odyssey To Anyoona’ and Underworld’s ‘Dark & Long (Dark Train mix). Pure Bliss. With time Love Park developed into Love Parades biggest Sunday daytime event organized together with Tresor and gathering 5000+ people during the day.

During the last ten years it’s been refreshing to see Sven’s Cocoon concept become Ibiza’s biggest night and being the main influence in transforming the house and trance dominated island into a safe home for techno. This season in Amnesia Sven also introduced an early evening “warm-up” for the Monday night with himself playing the Terrace before the main room opens - in reaction to the new opening hour restrictions on the island.

To me Sven Väth represents a true Techno Artist: a visionary trendsetter known for his hedonistic lifestyle, yet equally respected for building Cocoon club and label into an artistically uncompromised yet incredibly succesful global phenomena. He crystallized the spirit of electronic music in 1993 in words: “This is the first big music culture based on instrumental music. Which makes this the first truly universal music culture as the message of the music is the same whether you’re Chinese, German, American or Argentinean”.

I didn’t find the flyer of those Sven afterhours but as a blast from the past here is flyer of our Lepakko event from 1993. No Photoshop was used while creating this flyer;)


DJ Orkidea’s old school techno Top 11:

01. Josh Wink: Higher State Of Counciousness
02. Hardfloor: Acperience
03. Renato Cohen vs Tim Deluxe: Just Kick (Carl Cox Remix)
04. Joey Beltram: Energy Flash
05. Slam: Positive Education
06. Pump Panel: Ego Acid
07. Funk D’Void: Diabla (Heavenly Mix)
08. Maurice Joshua: This Is Acid
09. The Martian: The Stardancer
10. LFO: LFO (Leeds Warehouse Mix)
11. Joris Voorn: Incident

DJ Orkidea’s nu skool Techno Top 11:

01. Cirez D: On Off
02. Pitto: Feelin’ (District One’s Feelin’ Techno Remix)
03. Reboot: Caminando
04. Umek: 2nd To None
05. Daniel Portman: Virtual Suicide
06. Livio & Roby: Drumatik
07. Tiger Stripes & Jerome Sydenham: Elevation (Radio Slave rmx)
08. Peace Division: Club Therapy
09. Peter Horrevorts: Evolver
10. Khainz: Low Frequency Oscillator
11. Smith & Selway: Transit Time (Dubfire Remix)

Posts: 3,999

#250 • • OlliS Further
Hyvä teksti Svenistä! Todella miellyttävää luettavaa :)
Sven on kyllä yksi suurimmista vaikuttajista koko kulttuurissa, mielellään taas kuulisi pian Suomessakin ettei tarvitse aina Berliiniin tai Amsterdamiin matkustaa.

Mielenkiinnolla myös odotellaan mitä kaikkea tulee uudenvuodenpäivänä Copacabana+Redrum-akselilla ;)

Posts: 1,437

#255 • • Tapi Dreamstate
Ai kuinka hieno stoori!

Vaikka tämä ei liity mitenkään UV:n bileisiin, niin pakko kertoa oma vähän tuoreempi muisto Svenistä:

Olin ystäväporukan kanssa Berliinissä keväällä 2007. Samana viikonloppuna Svenillä oli keikka Watergatessa, joka on Berghainin ohella kaupungin tunnetuimpia yökerhoja. Kaksikerroksinen tila on aika matala ja kapasiteetti on ehkä n. 500 henkeä. Svenin keikka on jopa Berliinissä iso juttu ja niinpä tuona iltana paikka oli todella tukossa ja jouduimme harmiksemme jonottamaan melkein kaksi tuntia sisäänpääsyä.

Sven aloitteli soittamaan vähän puolen yön jälkeen. Ei kestänyt kauaa kun hän oli huumannut koko tanssilattian musiikillaan, karismallaan ja täysin käsittämättömällä lavapresenssillään. Koko yö ja aamu oli hänelle hulvatonta ilonpitoa ja biletystä, jonka ohessa kiedottiin koko Watergaten tanssilattia pikkusormen ympäri ja annettiin samalla huikea taidonnäyte siitä mitä DJ voi parhaillaan ja monen mielestä pahimmillaan tehdä.

DJ-kopissa oli Svenin lisäksi kymmenisen pulloa erilaisia alkoholijuomia, muutama levylaukku, A&H:n Xone92-mikseri ja Teknarit - jokainen biisi soitettiin tietysti vinyyliltä. Bileiden ajan kovin meininki oli ehdottomasti DJ-kopissa, jossa normaalien DJ-maneerien lisäksi koreografiaan kuului hyppimisen, taputtamisen ja heilumisen lisäksi hiusten sukimista, t-paidan veto pään yli ja muuta vastaavaa härväystä. Kaiken tämän ohella juotiin tietenkin melkoinen määrä alkoholia, josta yleisökin sai osansa, sillä pullot laitettiin säännöllisesti kiertämään tanssilattialle.

Yleisöön toiminta näytti siltä, että levyjen soitto oli täysin sivuosassa bakkanaaleissa, vaikka näin ei tietenkään ollut. Setin laadusta kertonee se, etten muista kuulleeni koko yön aikana yhtäkään huonoa biisiä, ja muutenkin jokainen kappaleista tukivat edellistä, liikuttivat lattiaa ja suurin osa sai yleisön ulvomaan. Aivan aamun vikoja tunteja lukuunottamatta miksaukset, volyymi ja muut hyvään DJ-toimintaan liittyvät asiat pysyivät todella hyvin hallussa.

Itse väsähdin aamulla vähän kahdeksan jälkeen, mutta Sven jaksoi ystävieni mukaan villitä yleisöään kymmeneen. Itse en ollut nähnyt noin hävytöntä meininkiä aikaisemmin ja niinpä muistan vieläkin hyvin tuon illan ja se kuuluukin elämäni parhaimpiin bilekokemuksiin.

Posts: 2,361

#256 • • UzU [33100]

Replying to DJ Orkidea 23h set 1.1.2010 @ Helsinki:

Tapi, 29.12.2009 22:50:
Bileiden ajan kovin meininki oli ehdottomasti DJ-kopissa, jossa normaalien DJ-maneerien lisäksi koreografiaan kuului hyppimisen, taputtamisen ja heilumisen lisäksi hiusten sukimista, t-paidan veto pään yli ja muuta vastaavaa härväystä. Kaiken tämän ohella juotiin tietenkin melkoinen määrä alkoholia, josta yleisökin sai osansa, sillä pullot laitettiin säännöllisesti kiertämään tanssilattialle.

Pitäsköhän meidän odottaa Orkidealta jotain saman suuntaisia suorituksia? ;)
Misc Management

Posts: 761

#257 • • Edited Misc Management
We are expecting a big amount of people to arrive to the party and we have been working on making everybody's entrance as smooth as possible. Please take notice of these points. Your co-operation and correct preparation will provide everybody with more time on the dancefloor.

- Entrance for advance ticket holders and VIP guests only from Copacabana between 05.00 to 09.00.
- From 09.00 to 04.00 all entry will be from Redrum. Advance ticket holders and VIP guests will have a separate que.
- Tickets will only be available from the Redrum door. There will be two ticket sale girls at the door at peak times.
- We highly advise cash payment for the fastest entry.
- Credit and bank cards are only accepted at the Redrum door. Please bare in mind that Visa Electron is not accepted at the door.
- Cloakroom fee is 3 euros from 05.00 to 21.00 and 2 euros from 21.00 to 04.00. Cloakroom space is limited so please try to avoid bringing back packs and big bags with you.
- Exiting will be possible from both venues at all times.
- If you leave the venue and wish to return later, you will be given a wristband at the door as you exit. Re-entry is possible only if there is room in the venue at the time of your return.

Thank you for your help and understanding ! :)
Misc Management

Posts: 761

#258 • • Edited Misc Management
There will be 23 golden Miller Beer bottles hidden around Redrum & Copacabana. The treasure is filled with music, VIP passes, event tickets and other surprises. If you find one of these precious bottles under your legs, behind your back or hanging from the ceiling, then bring it to the small bar in Redrum to receive your prize.

Miller has been supporting Orkidea on his Metaverse album tour, Basso at their festival and awards plus many more... At these financially hard times, it is rare to find a company that supports and understands the underground culture and enables us to give you more for your money.

Posts: 2

#259 • • 23Enigma
23 on mielenkiintoinen numero. Täs on 23 esimerkkiä:

1 23 is one of the most commonly cited prime numbers - a number that can only be divided by itself and one. Twenty three is the lowest prime that consists of consecutive digits. Primes have been described as the "atoms" of mathematics - the building blocks of the world of numbers. An American businessman has put up a US$1m (£500,000) prize for the first mathematician to find a pattern in primes - a problem known as the Riemann hypothesis.

2 The number has been the subject of not one but two films: the 1998 German movie, 23, and The Number 23, starring Jim Carrey, released (naturally) today. Each has a main character obsessed with the number.

3 John Forbes Nash, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who was the subject of the film, A Beautiful Mind, starring Russell Crowe, was obsessed with 23. It featured prominently in his battle with mental illness. His breakdown began when he claimed that a photograph of Pope John XXIII on the cover of Life magazine was in fact him, the proof being that 23 was his favourite number. Nash published 23 scientific articles.

4 More freaky numerical coincidences: Charles Darwin's Origin of Species was published in 1859 - 1+8+5+9 = 23. Two divided by three makes 0.666 recurring (allegedly - actually it makes 0.6666666667). The Hiroshima bomb was dropped at 8.15am - 8+15= 23.

5 23rdians are a group of people who subscribe to the mystical power of 23 and see it in multiple combinations throughout daily life.

6 The Ancient Chinese believed numbers conveyed sexuality - evens for feminine and odds for masculine. They considered prime numbers to be the most masculine, conferring special status on 23 which is made up of two consecutive prime numbers and the only even prime number - two.

7 In the disaster movie, Airport, the bomber has seat 23. The number of crosses on Calvary at the end of the Monty Python film, The Life of Brian, is 23. In Die Hard With A Vengeance, a train derails in subway station 23. The lead characters in the Coen brothers' film The Big Lebowski always used Lane 23 at the bowling alley. In the television series Lost, one of the combination of six numbers that haunt the characters and they have to input to a computer to avoid an unknown fate is 23.

8 The terrorist attacks on America on 11 September 2001 have been held up as one of the most portentous examples of the disturbing power of 23. The figures in the date (9+11+2+0+0+1) add up to 23. The independent US commission which investigated the attacks found the date had been chosen randomly by the hijackers and had originally been planned for later in the year. Alternative explanations for the date included the taking over of Palestine by Britain in 1922 and the fact that 911 is the US emergency code.

9 Few hold 23 in more esteem than the followers of Discordianism, a self-declared religion based on the premise that discord and chaos are the building blocks of life. For Discordianists, 23 is the Holy Number and a tribute to the goddess Eris, who surveys a world of chaos. The mantra invoked by Discordianists for the Holy Number is "Invert The Pyramid". If you invert the sentence one letter at a time - eg "dinvert the pyramid", "id invert the pyram" etc - it takes 22 chants, finished by the line "The Pyramid Inverts" to make 23. The last line is called "the final energy releaser". Discordianism is described by some followers as "a joke disguised as a religion disguised as a joke".

10 Sport stars have developed a particular affinity (and aversion) to 23. Michael Jordan, the American basketball player, wore the number throughout his career and inspired many copy cat fans of wardrobe vigintitriplicity. Best known is former England captain David Beckham, who swapped his number seven Manchester United jersey for number 23 when he joined Real Madrid. Beckham, who said it was in deference to Jordan, is expected to continue wearing 23 when he joins LA Galaxy this summer. But the number is not always a harbinger of sporting good fortune. Manchester City have not assigned the squad number 23 to any player since 2003 after the last incumbent, Marc Vivien Foe, collapsed and died while playing for the Cameroon on 26 June 2003. Marcus Trescothick, the England cricket players, wears number 23 and was Australian bowler Shane Warne's 600th test wicket. Warne also wears 23.

11 The Bible does not let 23 pass without conferring upon it some significance, at least to students of the Book. Although the Old Testament is unspecific, it is widely held that Adam and Eve had 23 daughters. The 23rd verse of the first chapter of Genesis brings the act of creation to a close while the 23rd chapter of the book of Genesis deals entirely with death, namely that of Abraham's wife, Sarah. The most famous and most quoted of the Psalms is number 23: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters."

12 Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the start of human life. The nuclei of cells in human bodies have 46 chromosomes made out of 23 pairs. Egg and sperm cells in humans have 23 chromosomes which fuse and divide to create an embryo.

13 The most detailed account of the assassination of Julius Caesar, written by Nicolaus of Damascus, claims numerous enemies stabbed the Roman emperor 23 times. The wounds ranged from superficial to mortal.

14 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford Upon Avon on 23 April 1564. He died 52 years later on his birthday, 23 April 1616. Kurt Cobain, the god of grunge, was born in 1967 and died in 1994 - 1+9+6+7= 23, 1+9+9+4 = 23.

15 In the science fantasy saga, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca sneak into detention block AA23 to rescue Princess Leia. The rescue attempt is botched and Leia escapes only by dodging Stormtroopers' laserfire. A police robot called 23 is included in Star Wars director George Lucas' first film, THX 1138.

16 The Knights Templar, the order of soldier monks who eventually fell foul of the Vatican and have been the subject of conspiracy theories about the Holy Grail, had 23 Grand Masters.

17 The first morse code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23. In telegraphers code 23 means "break the line".

18 The Birthday Paradox states that a group of 23 randomly-selected people is the smallest number where there will be a probability higher than 50 per cent that two people will share the same birthday.

19 The author William Burroughs was obsessed with 23. While living in Tangiers, he met a Captain Clark who ran a ferry between Spain and Morocco. One day, Clark told Burroughs that he had been doing the route for 23 years without incident. Later that day, the ferry sank, killing the captain. While Burroughs was thinking about the incident, a radio bulletin announced the crash of a Flight 23 on the New York-Miami route. The pilot was another Captain Clark. The events prompted an obsession which saw Burroughs record every occurrence of the number 23 for the rest of his life.

20 The disbanded pop act KLF are one of several musical sources of 23-related lore. The two men behind KLF - Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty - were once known as the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, which has 23 letters and comes from the novels of Robert Anton Wilson, another 23 obsessive. A police car used for the video of the KLF's number one, "Doctorin' The Tardis", had 23 painted on the roof, their final performance lasted 23 minutes and they incinerated £1m on a remote Scottish island on 23 August 1994. Psychic TV, another cult act, released 23 live albums on the 23rd day of 23 consecutive months.

21 "W" is the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet. It has two points down and three points up. White supremacists use 23 to represent "W" as a mark of racial superiority.

22 "23 skidoo" is an American catchphrase from the early 20th century meaning to make a sharp exit. It was used as the title of a poem by the occultist Aleister Crowley, another 23 aficionado. But some believe its origins lie in Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities, where the old woman counting the daily victims of the guillotine calls "23" as the hero is beheaded in the last chapter.

23 The average human physical biorhythm is 23 days.


Posts: 2

#260 • • 23Enigma
Katso näppäintäsi ja mieti missä "W"( 23 kirjain) on...

the "end" of the world:

2012= 20+1+2=23

Hoffman koki ensimmäisen tripinsä 19. huhtikuuta 1943


Albert Hoffman syntyi 11. tammikuuta 1906
