Colors 8th anniversary 2 & 9.12.2007

173 posts, 9 pages, 101,771 views


Posts: 277

#62 • • Edited Arismus
Tiëstoo tullaan taas kuuntelemaan, jos saan jonkun hakeen liput bileisiin.. täytyypi toivoa sitä. Mutta toi sunnuntai bilepäivänä on kyllä hyvä homma, ainakin mitä viime vuoden Tiëston keikkaa muistelen *jiihaa*

..niin tosta biisistä, kuulosti hyvältä ja todellakin toimi meikäläiseen *tanssittel*
alex kunnari

Posts: 604

#63 • • alex kunnari

dj scilla, 15.10.2007 21:27:
Tiëstoo tullaan taas kuuntelemaan, jos saan jonkun hakeen liput bileisiin.. täytyypi toivoa sitä. Mutta toi sunnuntai bilepäivänä on kyllä hyvä homma, ainakin mitä viime vuoden Tiëston keikkaa muistelen *jiihaa*

..niin tosta biisistä, kuulosti hyvältä ja todellakin toimi meikäläiseen *tanssittel*

Tässä ovat keikkapaikkakuntani ennen Tieston keikkaa. Minulta voi ostaa lippuja suoraan kuten aina aikaisemmin on ollut tapana. Eli mikäli asut toisella paikkakunnalla etkä pääse Street Beatiin helposti laita email minulle: [email protected] niin hoidetaan liput sinulle ja ystävillesi.

Lippuja saatavilla..
24.10 KLF @ Onnela, Turku
25.10 Dance Tour 2007 @ Onnela, Tampere
26.10 Opening event @ Cabaret, Oulu
27.10 Cabaret, Oulu
28.10 Chill Out Sunday @ Åbo Diskotek Lounge, Turku
31.10 Dance Tour 2007 @ Royal Onnela, Helsinki

1.11 Royal Onnela, Helsinki
2.11 Cabaret, Oulu
3.11 Cabaret, Oulu
4.11 S.I.P.A.S.E.M.A with JS 16 @ Royal Onnela, Helsinki
7.11 Royal, Lahti
9.11 Royal, Lahti
10.11 Royal, Lahti
11.11 S.I.P.A.S.E.M.A @ Royal Onnela, Helsinki
14.11 Onnela, Turku
15.11 Improbatur @ Onnela, Tampere
16.11 Onnela, Turku
17.11 Onnela, Turku
18.11 S.I.P.A.S.E.M.A @ Royal Onnela, Helsinki
21.11 Royal Onnela, Helsinki
22.11 Onnela, Tampere
23.11 Royal Onnela, Helsinki
24.11 Royal Onnela, Helsinki
28.11 Royal Onnela, Helsinki
30.11 Royal Onnela, Helsinki

1.12 Royal Onnela, Helsinki
2.12 Judgement Sundays with Judge Jules(uk) @ Colors, Helsinki
8.12 Ibiza night @ Hollywood, Tallinn, Estonia
9.12 Elements of Life Helsinki 2007 event with DJ Tiësto(NL) @ Colors, Helsinki

Posts: 1,224

#64 • • Samu81 kokolihaa

Mikco, 15.10.2007 18:30:
Ky-klubissa on ainakin tilaa tosin ei ihan 1500:lle.

Piti käydä katsastamassa se viikonloppuna.

Et voi olla tosissas.. *ding*
Itse olin ko. mestan avajaisissa ihan läpi illan..
Se on älyttömän sokkeloinen ja ahdas. Useissa paikoissa baaritiskit päättyvät aivan ihmisten muutenkin ahtaiden kulkuväylien reunaan -> kaamea tungos. Lisäksi ne läpikulut em. mestan kohdilla aiemmin toimineiden kiinteistöjen väliseinien kohdilla ovat luokkaa ulko-oven kokoisia.
Lisäksi mille tanssilattialle siellä ajattelit änkeä ~1500 ihmistä jotensakin fiksusti? Se päätanssilattia on kyllä pitkä normaalin baarin lattiaksi, mutta samalla älyttömän kapea.

Unelma ja toimistohommia *ding*


Posts: 74

#65 • • MiksuK hmm

Samu*, 16.10.2007 13:20:
Mikco, 15.10.2007 18:30:
Ky-klubissa on ainakin tilaa tosin ei ihan 1500:lle.

Piti käydä katsastamassa se viikonloppuna.


Et voi olla tosissas.. *ding*
Itse olin ko. mestan avajaisissa ihan läpi illan..
Se on älyttömän sokkeloinen ja ahdas. Useissa paikoissa baaritiskit päättyvät aivan ihmisten muutenkin ahtaiden kulkuväylien reunaan -> kaamea tungos. Lisäksi ne läpikulut em. mestan kohdilla aiemmin toimineiden kiinteistöjen väliseinien kohdilla ovat luokkaa ulko-oven kokoisia.
Lisäksi mille tanssilattialle siellä ajattelit änkeä ~1500 ihmistä jotensakin fiksusti? Se päätanssilattia on kyllä pitkä normaalin baarin lattiaksi, mutta samalla älyttömän kapea.

Ei kyl kuulosta kovin hyvältä eikä noissa kuvissa ainakaan näy mitään yhtenäistä suurta tilaa. Joku mahdollisimman korkea/avara ja yksinkertainen mutta siisti tila johon mahtuisi koko porukka kerralla olis mun mielestä paras. Aivan erilainen fiilis tommosessa isommassa tilassa bilettää. *jiihaa* Minä en vain ymmärrä miks sellasessa royal onnelan kaltaisessa sokkelossa ois hauskempaa. Makuasioita tietysti.. *hymy*

There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish.


Posts: 140

#66 • • T.Z.R. I am just a man and that is not my problem!!!
Voimala on tarpeeksi iso. Sijainti tosin ei ole keskustassa mut just siellä yhdet gaalat viettäneenä voin sanoa et riittää. Lisäksi melko eksoottinen omalla karulla tavallaan. Eipä stadissa sitten muita juuri olekkaan.

Monet paikoista liian pieniä puhumattakaan sopivuudesta asialle.

1500 ihmistä on paljon mihin tahansa ravintolaan suomessa.

Gloriakin vetää n.600 parhaimmillaan.

Kaapeli ja muutama muu paikka taitavat tuon Voimalan lisäksi riittää.


Team BadAss

alex kunnari

Posts: 604

#67 • • Edited alex kunnari
Juuri tullut uusi Judge Julesin bio.. siinä on hieman luettavaa.. : ) Muistakaa jotta lippu on vain 5 euroa sekä Tieston ennakkolipulla ilmainen sisäänpääsy klo: 0100 mennessä!

Viellä boonuksena paikassa on 1 euron siider/olut aina 01:00 saakka.. : )

Paikkana toimii Royan Onnela.


The DJ
Jules began playing in 1987, launching the career that has easily notched up hundreds of thousands of miles, millions of spins of the decks and countless gigs in far-flung destinations, as well as the odd dirty warehouse thrown in for good measure. Jules’ DJ sets are the epitome of what DJing is about - passion, amazing tunes and a set of hands capable of the most nimble of mixing.

With a list of awards that would make the American Olympic team blush, Jules has earned his place amongst the DJ aristocracy. Rarely out of DJ Mag’s top 15 in the annual Top 100 DJs poll, Jules has won such accolades as - “Best DJ” (Muzik Awards), No.1 DJ (Mixmag reader’s poll), “Best International DJ” (Dancestar), and “Best Radio DJ” at the Smirnoff Dancestars.
Awards aside, there is no doubt that Jules remains one of the most popular figures in dance music, who has had the pleasure of playing some of the most sought-after gigs - notably for his beloved Arsenal FC and also, in January 2007, at the 20/20 one-day Australia v’s England cricket match at Sydney Cricket Ground.

The Club Work
Jules’ ability to pull a crowd, shake them up and leave them wanting more makes him a promoter’s dream. Jules regularly plays at all the top club nights in the UK: Cream, Godskitchen, Gatecrasher, The Gallery @ Turnmills, Goodgreef, Slinky, Passion, Slinky, Lush (Northern Ireland), Inside Out @ Arches (Glasgow), Promise and the Honeyclub in Brighton. Plus he packs out fields at the UK’s best festivals and weekenders including Creamfields and Global Gathering.

His deck dexterity is consistently in demand in Western and Eastern Europe (incl. Czech Rep., Russia, Romania, Hungary, Spain and Germany), the US, the southern hemisphere (Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and India) and on the African continent (The Pyramids, Egypt) and also U.A.E.

Jules embraces dance music across the spectrum and you’re just as likely to find him spinning trance to 10,000 at a festival, as playing a rocking house set in a 500-capacity venue.

Ibiza - The Promoter
Jules’ presence in Ibiza is unparalleled, with ‘Judgement Sundays’ remaining one of the stalwart clubs in Ibiza and a must see for international dance pilgrims - it’s no surprise that in 2001, Jules won the 'Best Trance DJ' category at the 'Ibiza Pacha Awards' and in 2003 he was crowned with ‘Best Trance Night’ for ‘Judgement Sundays’ at the Ibiza Awards and with ‘Best For Party Atmosphere’ by the Evening Standard.

After the success of Jules’ night, Judgement Sunday’s @ Eden in Ibiza in 1999, the night has rapidly grown over the last seven3 years and is firmly established as one of the premier nights in Ibiza. Special Judgement Sundays nights will take place at the UK’s premier club venues in 2007.

On The Radio
Jules started radio DJing in 1987 on the (then pirate radio station) Kiss FM, which went legal in 1990. At the time, Jules hosted Kiss' two flagship weekend shows. Jules' shows became syndicated to Manchester / NW and Yorkshire with audience figures for the syndicated show topping 250,000. Jules went on to win three consecutive Kiss FM awards for 'Best Club DJ (‘91-‘94).

In October 1997, Jules moved to BBC Radio 1 (Saturdays 7pm–9pm) and now broadcasts to over a million listeners each week. Jules is also heavily involved in Radio 1’s outdoor broadcasts across the UK and abroad such as the Miami Winter Music Conference, One Big Weekend, Ibiza, Creamfields and more.

Jules’ voice can also be heard on airwaves across the globe, through his ‘Global Warm Up’ show, which is syndicated to several stations around the world including Sirius Radio, a satellite station available across America..

The Producer / Writer / A&R
Jules’ ear for a good track was put to good use as A&R for Manifesto Records in the ‘90s, where he sniffed out some of the biggest ever dance hits, including Josh Wink’s ‘Higher State of Consciousness’.

Jules went on to collaborate with fellow North Londoner Paul Masterson under the guise Hi-Gate. Hi-Gate resulted in three Top 20 hits in the UK charts with ‘Pitchin’, ‘Caned And Unable’ and ‘Gonna Work it Out’. Jules and Paul released a number of productions in 2002 under various pseudonyms: Hi-Gate - ‘Caned & Unable live (2002 remix)’, The Clergy - ‘Oboe Song’, VPL - T-Break.

The Jules and Masterson partnership delivered production and remix work for major labels like Virgin, Warner, Universal and Ministry. Jules released his Hi-Gate album with Paul Masterson, ‘Split Personality’, in April 2003. The impressive album saw Jules and Masterson working with some of the most talented vocalists in the business, including Boy George and Diane Charlemagne (of Moby and Goldie fame).

In October 2006 a personal ambition was realised as Jules released his debut solo album, Proven Worldwide, which was well-received in both the UK and US. Eagle-eared listeners may have heard the man himself contribute vocals on a few tracks! The album also features a bonus DVD tracking Jules on his travels.

At present Jules is working with Paul Masterson on their ‘Hi-Gate’ project. Their third release due called ‘You & me’, which follows ‘Pitchin’, which rose to number six in the national charts, ‘I Can Hear Voices/Caned & Unable’ and then ‘Gonna Work It Out’ which have all made the ‘Top Twenty’ in 2001. Jules is now completing an album with Paul, which will be released midway through 2002. They have a number of production guises; one of the more memorable names is ‘Yomanda’. Jules has previously worked with John Kelly under the guise of ‘Sticks ‘n’ Stoned’.
Think compilations, think Judge Jules. From ‘Kiss In Ibiza’ to the infamous ‘Clubber’s Guide’, Jules has consistently transferred his DJ sound to plastic, enabling those ‘hands in the air’ moments to be enjoyed on the coffee table on a rainy night in Swindon, and also creating some of the more iconic compilations of recent times.

Jules’ compilation credits include: ‘Retrospective Of House’ (Vol 1 & 2) and ‘Journeys By DJ’, as well as ten mixes for Ministry Of Sound, including the legendary MOS Annual series.

In ’99 and 2000 Jules remixed for Sonique, and he co-produced for Angelic in 2000 and 2001, resulting in further onslaughts into the charts. After his contract with Ministry of Sound ended, Jules produced the ‘Clubbed’ CD compilations Jules also joined the Serious Records team in 2001 becoming the ‘Head of A&R’ for the ever-expanding label and through Serious Records. The ing‘Clubbed’ on Serious Records alsodemand for ‘Clubbed’ saw the project grow into a series of three, and the fourth release from the ‘Clubbed’ series came out in September 2002, titled ‘Judge Jules Tried & Tested’. In 2003 Jules returned to Ministry of Sound to mix the ‘Trance Nation’ series of compilations with ‘Trance Nation Classics’ and ‘Trance Nation Harder’. 2006 saw the release of the best selling Judgement Sundays - The True Sound of Ibiza.

Jules was the presenter and anchorman on Kiss TV’s ‘Judge and The Jury’, which appeared weekly on Granada’s satellite channel. Jules has appeared on numerous mainstream shows, including Big Breakfast, South Bank Show, The Wright Stuff, MTV, O-zone and co-presenting work on BPM. Jules also had two ‘Top of the Pops’ appearances with Hi-Gate.

Jules also recently featured on Channel 4’s ‘Top 100 No.1’s’ with Graham Norton, but his TV highlight was his own ten-part series . Jules has filmed a 10 part series ‘Spin Cities’ in 2002 on what is now known as BBC Three.
(with a view to syndication onto terrestrial TV). Jules featured on BBC2’s regular dance club programme ‘World Choice Clubbing’, ‘The Saturday Show’ on ITV and ‘RI:SE’ (Channel 4). A number of TV appearances on the terrestrial and cable channels .with MTV(UK) & MTV (Europe) saw Jules present several shows, including a Winter Music Conference feature in Miami, Ultimate Sets and The Dancefloor Chart from Judgement Sundays in Ibiza.
In 2004 Jules started hosting ‘Judgement’ on MTVNE; a monthly show, which was syndicated to MTV Norway and across Northern Europe.

On The Internet, probably the most content-laden website in dance, is the soapbox and news point for Jules’ ever-expanding fan base. It also has special features, such as a weekly blog, forthcoming gigs list, exclusive mix sets, download store, weekly Top 10s and full tracklistings for his radio shows, as well as a forum. was nominated for the ‘Best Dance Act’ at the Online Music Awards (Music Week) in 2001 and we are hoping to transform that into an award in 2002 with all the additions we have created. 2002. And his website even beat off Christina Aguilera and Eminem at the BT Openworld & Dotmusic Interactive Music Awards Top 100 Sites, coming in at No. 71 and being the ONLY dance related website to be included in the entire poll.

The site provides fans and the curious with a direct route to the man himself, who bravely strives each week to answer every single of the emails he is sent each week from fans across the globe.

Charity Work
Jules supports Shelter, Cancer Research UK, Samaritans, C.A.L.M. (Campaign Against Living Miserably) and has also been involved with all the Radio 1 charity fundraising events.

In 2002, Jules got involved with the Government campaign ‘Aim Higher’, which promoted the idea of continuing with education to the younger generation. He has got heavily involved as a Patron with the Nordorf-Robbins Music Therapy and its ‘World DJ Day’ campaign, which aims to raise money from the music industry to help the disabled through music therapy. He also supports many regional charities and organisations throughout the UK.

The Man
Jules has lived in North London for the majority of his life, now settled in the Highgate area with his wife Amanda, son Jake and daughter Phoebe. Jules has continued his ascension to world domination into the 21st century and has a view to continue to cover the globe with his DJing, productions and presenting over the forthcoming years, while venturing into other related projects including food and fashion.

Jules leads a very active life juggling the ever-growing list of facets to his career that has made him not only the man he is today, but also the emissary to the world dance music industry both at home and abroad.

Posts: 4,039

#68 • • Jago un-trained monkee

MiksuK, 16.10.2007 15:58:
Minä en vain ymmärrä miks sellasessa royal onnelan kaltaisessa sokkelossa ois hauskempaa. Makuasioita tietysti.. *hymy*

Rojalissa on se huono puoli, että tanssilattia alue ei ole hirveä iso, joten ison djn tullessa paikalle, monikaan tanssilattialle haluava, ei sinne luultavasti tule pääsemään*hmph*

Mut nää bileet vaikuttaa kyllä ihan kivoilta. Vois mietiä sitten lähemmin

Sound is the origin of all form, with matter shaping itself in response to the vibration of the universe

alex kunnari

Posts: 604

#69 • • Edited alex kunnari

Jago, 18.10.2007 14:15:
MiksuK, 16.10.2007 15:58:
Minä en vain ymmärrä miks sellasessa royal onnelan kaltaisessa sokkelossa ois hauskempaa. Makuasioita tietysti.. *hymy*


Rojalissa on se huono puoli, että tanssilattia alue ei ole hirveä iso, joten ison djn tullessa paikalle, monikaan tanssilattialle haluava, ei sinne luultavasti tule pääsemään*hmph*

Mut nää bileet vaikuttaa kyllä ihan kivoilta. Vois mietiä sitten lähemmin

Sunnuntaina Onnelaan mahtuu kivasti jengiä ja juuri sopivasti, kun kyseessä on pre-partyt.. avaamme myös yläkerrasta ns.punaisen huoneen jossa tulee hieman softimpaa muusiikkia joten saamme kivasti lisää tilaa käyttöömme. Isompi tanssitila olisi ainoastaan Studiossa mutta siellä olemmekin seuraavalla viikolla.. Ky-klubilla on ääniongelma(hotelli vieressä), Lux on tilana loistava mutta Julesille liian pieni tanssilattia.. joten Judgement Sundayssa on hieman samaa fiilistä kuin Edenissä Ibizalla.. ; )

Otamme myös kaikki pöydät yms pois tieltä..

Posts: 4,039

#70 • • Jago un-trained monkee

alex kunnari, 18.10.2007 14:22:
Otamme myös kaikki pöydät yms pois tieltä..

Hyvä idea. sinne saa paljon lisää tilaa kyllä silleen*joo*

Sound is the origin of all form, with matter shaping itself in response to the vibration of the universe


Posts: 74

#72 • • Edited MiksuK hmm
Voi että. *uuh* Tää onnela on sellanen paikka itelleni et taitaa bileet jäädä väliin tällä kertaa kun en muutenkaan ollut varma tulemisesta. Mut vika on vain mun päässä..pitäkää muut hauskaa. *hihu* Ehkä sit seuraavana viikonloppuna mukana kumminki.

There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish.


Posts: 914

#73 • • Mikcore Eternity has passed
Eli Kuninkaalliseen Onnelaan siis 2.12.2007

Tieston kemujen mesta on siis vielä julkaisematta...*odottel*

Se mitä Ky-klubiin vielä tulee, niin mielestäni se on sen
verran moderni, että kemut olis hyvä järkätä siellä 8)
Tohon en osaa ottaa kantaa onko se
pitkä tanssilattia liian kapea noihin kemuihin...

Posts: 41

#74 • • odecca
Täytynee pyytää maanantait vapaaks *nauru*

Posts: 914

#75 • • Mikcore Eternity has passed

odecca, 18.10.2007 19:53:

Täytynee pyytää maanantait vapaaks *nauru*

Kannattaa, koska edellisellä Colorsin kemuilla
piti seuraavana päivänä mennä töihin 2½ h yöunien
jälkeen duuniin. Darrasta ei tosin tietoakaan, koska ei
tule muutenkaan hirveesti juotua.*hymy*

Posts: 251

#76 • • roberto
No jos sit vaik tällä kertaa pamahtais paikalle kattoo Julesia! :P

Posts: 41

#77 • • Edited odecca

Mikco, 18.10.2007 20:11:
odecca, 18.10.2007 19:53:

Kannattaa, koska edellisellä Colorsin kemuilla
piti seuraavana päivänä mennä töihin 2½ h yöunien
jälkeen duuniin. Darrasta ei tosin tietoakaan, koska ei
tule muutenkaan hirveesti juotua.*hymy*

Mäkin menin viimeks seuraavana päivänä töihin ja nyt ikään kuin kantapään kautta oppineena otan ne vapaaks..

Posts: 167

#78 • • tattoo
Voi vit..... just reissus

Kerta kokeilusta vakio käyttäjäksi....


Posts: 914

#79 • • Mikcore Eternity has passed
Eli viisygösessä pääkemut... *hymy*

Posts: 81

#80 • • hanabi

no kyllähän tänne on päästävä *plur*