L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres. "New Beginning" 12.01.2007 @ Turku

60 posts, 3 pages, 12,262 views


Posts: 2,102

#41 • • Homegrove Further
Mites Porter?

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 2,994

#42 • • laite MastahWankah

Homegrove, 13.1.2007 23:04:
Mites Porter?

Rokkas ns. vitusti! Ja PA oli tosiaan ihan vitun kovalla, sattu korviin takarivissäkin... Next time: more bass, less volume? :)

Posts: 2,729

#43 • • akiapina apinaki

laite, 13.1.2007 22:43:
However I´ll have to admit that I was really, really drunk and there are few blackouts here and there...

x2 :(

Hyvä että tuli soitettua ekana, sillä mopo lähti todella pahasti käsistä loppuillasta. Sori kaikille :( Siitä huolimatta oli taas ihan pirun kiva ilta, en tiedä miten kuvailis Porterin settiä. Uskomatonta matskua ihan hiton hyvällä tekniikalla, parasta mitä oon nähnyt pitkään pitkään aikaan kaikkine kikkailuineen ja samplaamisineen *kuolaa* Taisin siirtyä itsekin piirun verran housen puolelle eilisen jälkeen :)

Oli hauska soittaa, tuli vedettyä taas aika maailmanlopun matskua loppuun. Biiseistä ei oo hirveästi muistikuvaa mutta sekin selviää kunhan saan ämppärin haltuun :)

Posts: 181

#44 • • doris Dora Gray | X-Rust
Aivan uskomaton ilta!! *super**tähti*

Aki soitti yllättävän techiä, loistoa! Stephen Porterin setti oli jotain aivan tajuttoman upeeta, en o koskaan kuullu/nähny vastaavaa taitoa ja positiivista asennetta :) Tekniikka hallussa! Alilta oikein hyvää musiikkia *sydän*. Gavinin setti meni jotenkin ohi kun alko väsymys painaa liikaa. :(
Punanen matto oli *super*, mukava tanssia (koko illan).
Ihme ördääjiä oli paikalla ja harmiksi kovin vähän tuttuja, mut fiilis loistava. Kiitos kaikille :)
Thank You Gavin and Ali *hali*
Ehkä parhaat kemut ikinä :)

Posts: 1,828

#45 • • Edited OCS
Olipas mukavaa. Musiikki oli koko illan laadukasta. Siitä kiitokset jokaiselle soittajalle. Harmi, että porukkaa alkoi tulla enemmän vasta 12 jälkeen. Humala ja väsymys pakotti lähtemään jo kolmen jälkeen kotiin.

Kuvia : http://klubitus.org/kuvasto.php?id=1150

Posts: 121

#46 • • 2longAndy Member of L.I Groovecommunity
First of all, big thanks for Gavin, Ali and the dynamic duo!!!But sorry m8, the biggest thank goes to Stephen Porter!!!He was really superb!!

Aki todellakin aloitti aika tech-setillä, harmi että ihmiset vielä siinä vaiheessa lähinnä seisoskeli, mut näky siellä sentään jotkut lämmittelevän setin lopulla.

Stephen otti heti homman haltuun ja piti sen myös setin loppuun asti!!*super*
Hyvää musiikkia hyvin soitettuna.Tarvitaanko siihen vielä jotain muuta?*aplodit*
Loppu puolella iltaa tulikin sitten enemmänkin juteltua.
Mikäs siinä oli synttäreitä juhliessa, mukavasti tuttuja ja toisiaan muutamia tuoreita naamoja!!
Jotkut niistä olivat kyllä vähän liiankin tuoreita, tiedätte kyllä *hmph*
Liquid bileet alkavat muodostua,hyviä dj:tä, sopivasti porukkaa ja mahtava meno!!!
Nyt ei stten muuta, kuin odottamaan seuraavia Liquid iltamia!!!

cruisin' a one day trip in an elevator


Posts: 2,691

#47 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
Thank you so so much to all who came...

I always wondered if we at LCS could deliver a party as good as the first... But we managed this! It was simply amazing! An electric time from start to Finish!

I was actually quite worried at the beginning of the event as it was a little empty. However, at around 11pm there was a gush of people through the door and things quickly heated up! *joo*

** Aki A ** was absoultely superb behind the turntables! Some tunes blowing me away. Such a carefully crafted set bringing in some lost classics with some very underground new stuff. For your age, you have learnt to guage the crowd and consider who plays after you very quickly. You brought the tempo up and down again leaving the road clear for Stephen Porter to roll his first tune seamlessly into your final track! As a DJ, I see a bright 2007 ahead of you! Keep it up!

** Stephen Porter **... Where to begin discussing about his set? It was crazy! Very different and had me transfixed for all 3hrs! I have never seen anyone use the "Hot Cue's" with such fluent control as this guy! I had a smile from ear to ear just watching him use endless trickery on the DJM600 and the CDJ's...! There was a lot for me to learn! And I think other DJ's there had that very same feeling. It was a pleasure to have Stephen at Liquid Crystal as he has span with some of the world's DJ'ing elite!

** Amber & Anny ** did an excellent job at being the Crystal Girls. Always greeting people with a smile and making sure everyone was happy too. I couldn't have done this without you! Many many thanks!

** A huge Thanks ** to each and every person who came to this party! I still have the image of a ram packed dancefloor with a damn happy Stephen Porter smiling at all in front of him! He told me he had a Ball of a time! He has told me time and time again that the Finnish people are so happy and friendly! He will be coming back again :)

Cheers Alistair for all your help and for taking care of Stephen and his girlfriend Debi in Helsinki! It was sad to say goodbye to them! Such warm and friendly people with a great sense of humour! My sides still hurt from laughing so much!!!

I'll now retire and get some much needed sleep! Keep your eyes peeled for Event three coming soon :) Until then, Take care..

On behalf of LCS :: Progression! :)

Posts: 523

#48 • • AliCat www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
what a night!!

thanks to Aki , Stephen and everyone who helped out!
The music was just fantastic throughout the evening.
It was a real pleasure to watch stephen play. Total concentration and trickery.

Both Stephen & Deborah have to come back at some point!!


Posts: 4,064

#49 • • jeesboks p u p u
yksinkertaises hitto et oli kivaa *sydän*

sen pienen hetken kaikki on täydellistä... *sydän*


Posts: 666

#50 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster
pitänee munkin jotain kirjoittaa, vaikka en oikeen tiedä mitä sanoa... Yksinkertaisesti oli niin mahtavaa, ettei sanoja tahdo löytyä! Kaikki pojat veti ihan mielettömät setit ja tunnelma oli korkeemmalla kuin katossa! *sydän*

Haluisin vielä sanoa Amma-kullalle suuren kiitoksen ja toivon ettet tullu kipeeks vaikka vähän vilu vaivasikin *vink*. Kiitokset myös Doralle avusta ja seurasta, oot ihan *super**plur*.

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde


Posts: 406

#51 • • eden Heidi
Oli kyllä taas niin kivaa *tanssittel* Hyvää musiikkia tuli koko illan ja muutenkin aivan loisto kemut *aplodit* *sydän*

Let The Music Play


Posts: 48

#52 • • Translucide La fêtarde d'aurore
Hiljaisesta alkuillasta huolimatta, aamuyön tunnit kyllä tanssitti! *tanssittel*
stephen porter

Posts: 9

#53 • • stephen porter
just thought i'd sign on here and take time to say thank you to everyone that i met over the weekend.finland is without doubt THE most friendly place i have ever DJ'ed in.people were really cool,club was nice and intimate and you guys are so fukking special.have never felt as at home as i did in a foreign place and hope it can happen again.i loved every minute of my set,get the bassbins in next time! hehehe

in ali,gav and aki you have quality talent putting on a great party.i wish it all the best and it will go from strength to strength. thanks for having myself and debbie-we loved it and reckon we could have some finish in our blood!

Posts: 666

#54 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster

stephen porter, 15.1.2007 22:59:
just thought i'd sign on here and take time to say thank you to everyone that i met over the weekend.finland is without doubt THE most friendly place i have ever DJ'ed in.people were really cool,club was nice and intimate and you guys are so fukking special.have never felt as at home as i did in a foreign place and hope it can happen again.i loved every minute of my set,get the bassbins in next time! hehehe

in ali,gav and aki you have quality talent putting on a great party.i wish it all the best and it will go from strength to strength. thanks for having myself and debbie-we loved it and reckon we could have some finish in our blood!

Good to see u here on klubitus! It was absolutely a great night and we just can't stop talking about it! U had some tunes on ur set that just blew my head away... *sydän*J ust wish I knew what they were called... Send Debbie my love, it was so good to have u here. I'm really looking forward to see u again. Soon! *hihu*

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde


Posts: 2,994

#55 • • laite MastahWankah

stephen porter, 15.1.2007 22:59:
just thought i'd sign on here and take time to say thank you to everyone that i met over the weekend.finland is without doubt THE most friendly place i have ever DJ'ed in.people were really cool,club was nice and intimate and you guys are so fukking special.have never felt as at home as i did in a foreign place and hope it can happen again.i loved every minute of my set,get the bassbins in next time! hehehe

in ali,gav and aki you have quality talent putting on a great party.i wish it all the best and it will go from strength to strength. thanks for having myself and debbie-we loved it and reckon we could have some finish in our blood!

You really played one of the best sets I´ve ever heard! At least you made it into the top-3 :)

However, few pictures: http://klubitus.org/kuvasto.php?id=1149
stephen porter

Posts: 9

#56 • • Edited stephen porter
glad you enjoyed it folks.

anny your ham rolls were mighty tasty!!

thanks again.

can i say hello to Anti also,he's one funny fukking guy!

btw whats gavin's msn?

any of you want to talk to me mines is [email protected]

Posts: 2,691

#57 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

stephen porter, 16.1.2007 20:38:
glad you enjoyed it folks.

Hi there Stephen 'cukkoo' Porter... *nauru*

It's great to see that you made the effort to come here and sign up on Klubitus! Excellento! I nice surprise for many people here i think! I guess that the overwhelming feeling is that you ABSOLUTELY rocked the show at Liquid Crystal! So many great comments... fantastic feedback... So you can be at home knowing your wanted to play here again in the future :)

anny your ham rolls were mighty tasty!!

thanks again.

I still laugh at Debbie's story about battering you around the head in the hotel lobby with a 10-pack of rolls! But its good they got rid of the boozing munchies... Anny was pleased they were put to good use :)

can i say hello to Anti also,he's one funny fukking guy!

If you want to say a hello to Antti, then click HERE!!!
(It's his home profile page on Klubitus)

btw whats gavin's msn?

Just added you to my msn so next time you log on you'll see me...

Finally, I wish both of you a chilled out few weeks after all the beer, carnage, kebabs and the rest! It was heavy... but worth every moment! And it even snowed just for you here!

See you soon and will be in touch! It was a pleasure!

Gavin :) aka PROGRESSION
stephen porter

Posts: 9

#59 • • Edited stephen porter
hi all,

part of my set from LCS is now available to download :)

i don't know where to post this so i'll put it here and maybe one of you good people can put the link in the correct place for me :)

i've also put in my warm up mix from empathy bristol with paolo mojo there if you want to listen to that too :)


right click & save link/target as :



Posts: 666

#60 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster
Wicked!! *piis*

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde