L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres. "New Beginning" 12.01.2007 @ Turku

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Posts: 2,691

#1 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
[iso] L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S [/iso]

P r o u d l y P r e s e n t s...... 'Phase II'

After the initial success of the 'Liquid Crystal Sounds :: Launch Night', we are back again with another full on club experience! More information will follow here shortly regarding the full DJ lineup. Once again we shall be bringing over an International DJ with of course, another prime Finnish Turntable Talent! Ali Catin and DJ Progression will also be hailing the turntables to offer a prolific night of music to emerse every corner of the venue...

Thanks for all the support we have recieved in the past! We couldn't have done this without all that motivation! But, for now, sit tight and we'll keep you posted...

Liguid Crystal Sounds.

Posts: 666

#2 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster
Haa! Viimeinkin faktat pöydässä! *joo*

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde


Posts: 2,846

#3 • • villelope Lope of Lope & Kantola
Aki A hoitaa kiintiösuomalaisen virkaa... *plur*

WTF QTA FTW! *pepsodent*
Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#4 • • Edited Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
[iso]L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres. ::[/iso]

"N e w B e g i n n i n g"

L.C.S proudly unleashes the full line-up of our second event: "New Beginning". This time we are back with a mission as we transport Stephen Porter from Ireland to Turku to play with us. Finnish young talent, Aki A will also be merging forces with Ali Catin and Progression to complete a full on evening of Trance, Progressive, House and Elektro!

More information is available here:
LCS pres. :: "New Beginning"

More information on Liquid Crystal Sounds & the DJ's involved here:
www LiquidCrystalSounds com

Updates on DJ timetables and related news to follow.

See you all on January 12th 2007.

L.C.S crew :)

Posts: 7,921

#5 • • Edited Juhgu Virnistelijä
Tapahtuma ei näy haussa, jos joka kirjaimen välissä on välilyönti.

Mitään juuri kirjoittamaani ei ole sellaiseksi tarkoitettu.

Byproduct (live)


Posts: 2,846

#6 • • villelope Lope of Lope & Kantola

Juhgu, 22.11.2006 13:19:
Tapahtuma ei näy haussa, jos joka kirjaimen välissä on välilyönti.

Ainakin kalenterihaussa toimii.

(oli muuten ihan pakko testata heti)

Posts: 666

#7 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster

LooPy, 22.11.2006 14:01:

(oli muuten ihan pakko testata heti)

Myöki testasin heti... *hymy*

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde


Posts: 7,921

#8 • • Juhgu Virnistelijä
Ok ok, näyttää näkyvän :P sorry offtopic.

Mitään juuri kirjoittamaani ei ole sellaiseksi tarkoitettu.

Byproduct (live)


Posts: 5,618

#9 • • thomas
ette vaan osaa !

Posts: 4

#10 • • Edited Delta-9

Kattelin tota bilekalenteria, ja näiden bileiden kohdalla tuli sellainen fiilis että noniii jes tonne mä meen!!

"Kerrankin bileet jossain muualla kun raflassa, nää voi olla legendaariset. Meen pitkästä aikaa bileisiin, sekistelen ihan huolella ja tanssin viis tuntia putkeen. Mitä välii vaikka kaverit ei ookaan enää vuosiin halunneet käydä bileissä, ei Helsingin kaverit sen paremmin kun kaverit täällä Turussakaan.. Mitä välii, vaikka näytänkin ihan turistilta nykyään. Mitä välii, vaikka olisinkin yksin enkä tuntis ketään, ei siellä viidensadan ihmisen joukossa muutkaan kaikkia toisia tunne..."

Seuraa ilmoituksen tarkempi tarkastelu ja perehtyminen kyseiseen liquid crystal sounds organisaatioon. "Voi vittu. Voi vitun vittu nää on jotkut kahdenkymmenen ihmisen X-rust bileet (lue: sisäpiirikekkerit), joihin kaikki ihmiset tulee samalla ovenavauksella "

Miksi Turussa ei nykyään ole enää isoja bileitä? Ei ole ollut enää vuosiin kuin hyvin harvoin. Ja rafloissa pidettävät klubit on ihan turhia, ei niihin ikinä saada oikeata bilemeininkiä.

Ja miks ihmeessä nääkin on tällaset x-rust bileet? Ammutaanko turistit?

Edit: Eihän se tietty noin niinkun näiden järkkärien syy ole, että ei ole isoja bileitä... Eikä muutenkaan tartte ottaa liian vakavasti tätä juttua, vaikutti vain sellaisilta bileiltä, mihin olisin mielelläni tullut. *joo* Siis jos tuntisin ihmisiä.

A bigger venue next time? And more strobe lights? And more people the organizers have never seen before? *kuolaa*
Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#11 • • Edited Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

Delta-9, 28.11.2006 21:52:

Kattelin tota bilekalenteria, ja näiden bileiden kohdalla tuli sellainen fiilis että noniii jes tonne mä meen!!

"Kerrankin bileet jossain.........

(and all the stuff in-between) *nauru*

..............organizers have never seen before? *kuolaa*

Moi! :)

Firstly L.C.S would like to say thanks for your initial interest in the "New Beginning" party. As you have probably read, it marks the second round of the Liquid Crystal Sounds parties. This we hope to be a success like the first.

It appears that in your above statement you mentioned that you're not fond of going to "Official" arranged club nights in pre-fabricated deco'd club venues with regular faces attending. You tend to like parties/raves to be more underground. That's fair enough. Not everyone likes to go to systematically run club nights. However, in Turku there are not "Loads and Loads" of choices for venues nor are there tens and tens of parties every month. To put it bluntly, It isn't easy for any club promoter to secure a place to hold ones party.

Liquid Crystal Sounds aims to try and be individual just like any other clubbing night in Turku. Each different "Club" night has it's own aims and goals. Of course, there will always be similarities between organisations... those can't be helped. But the bottom line is choice. To offer different experiences and choices.

The Raatihuone Underground venue proved to be a very intimate and successful choice for our "Launch Night". We saw over 120 people attend throughout the course of the event. There were faces we had never seen before and also faces recognised from Klubitus. It was a mixture of all sorts and a fantastic night full of happy people.

Liquid Crystal Sounds is "NOT" a Private party. There is "NO" invite needed. We wish to open our doors to people who want to come and enjoy our music and our clubbing experience which we offer. It is irrelevent if people are keen electronic music followers or just first time listeners...

I hope that the above answers some of your own inner questions. As everybody always says: Try something once, and if you do not like it... then look at other options.

On behalf of all of the LCS crew, we hope to see you on January 12th :)
Kalle Karvanen

Posts: 454

#12 • • Kalle Karvanen

Delta-9, 28.11.2006 21:52:

Seuraa ilmoituksen tarkempi tarkastelu ja perehtyminen kyseiseen liquid crystal sounds organisaatioon. "Voi vittu. Voi vitun vittu nää on jotkut kahdenkymmenen ihmisen X-rust bileet (lue: sisäpiirikekkerit), joihin kaikki ihmiset tulee samalla ovenavauksella "

Miksi Turussa ei nykyään ole enää isoja bileitä? Ei ole ollut enää vuosiin kuin hyvin harvoin. Ja rafloissa pidettävät klubit on ihan turhia, ei niihin ikinä saada oikeata bilemeininkiä.

Ja miks ihmeessä nääkin on tällaset x-rust bileet? Ammutaanko turistit?

X-Rustissa aktiivisesti toimivana henkilönä tämä pisti hieman silmään :) Mielenkiintoista että X-Rustin bileet mielletään "sisäpiirikekkereiksi". Tämä ei tietenkään ole tarkoituksemme vaan toivotamme kaikki avoimesti tervetulleiksi bileisiimme. Harmillista jos joku on saanut väärän kuvan.

On totta, että musiikki meidän bileissä on sellaista joka ei noudattele nykytrendiä eivätkä artistimme välttämättä ole kuuluisia. Meillä ei myöskään ole lakkapintaisia flaikkuja, kiljoonaa moving headsia, psykedeelisiä dekoja tai mitään muutakaan blingblingiä :) Kuitenkin yli 10 vuotta toimineena X-Rust tietää missä se on hyvä, mitä sen kannattaa tehdä ja mitä ei. Kompromisseihin emme halua suostua, ja valitettavasti tämä näkyy joskus myös kävijämäärissä.

Turussa ei enää pahemmin ole vaihtoehtoja jos haluat pitää bileet jossain muualla kuin rafloissa. Kaikki potentiaaliset bilepaikat on joko muutettu toimistoiksi tai rafloiksi, purettu tai niiden hinta/vuokrauskäytännöt ovat sen verran korkeat/vaikeat että ei kannata. Raatihuoneen Kellari on paikkana hyvä, mutta alkaa pikkuhiljaa olemaan hieman turhankin kovassa käytössä. Valitettavasti pakon sanelemana on pakko tyytyä siihen mitä saa jos haluaa jotain bileitä pitää. Uskoisin että tässä asiassa myös muut promoottorit ovat samaa mieltä.

Posts: 4

#13 • • Edited Delta-9

Moi! :)

Firstly L.C.S would like to say thanks for your initial interest in the "New Beginning" party. As you have probably read, it marks the second round of the Liquid Crystal Sounds parties. This we hope to be a success like the first.

It appears that in your above statement you mentioned that you're not fond of going to "Official" arranged club nights in pre-fabricated deco'd club venues with regular faces attending. You tend to like parties/raves to be more underground. That's fair enough. Not everyone likes to go to systematically run club nights. However, in Turku there are not "Loads and Loads" of choices for venues nor are there tens and tens of parties every month. To put it bluntly, It isn't easy for any club promoter to secure a place to hold ones party.

Liquid Crystal Sounds aims to try and be individual just like any other clubbing night in Turku. Each different "Club" night has it's own aims and goals. Of course, there will always be similarities between organisations... those can't be helped. But the bottom line is choice. To offer different experiences and choices.

The Raatihuone Underground venue proved to be a very intimate and successful choice for our "Launch Night". We saw over 120 people attend throughout the course of the event. There were faces we had never seen before and also faces recognised from Klubitus. It was a mixture of all sorts and a fantastic night full of happy people.

Liquid Crystal Sounds is "NOT" a Private party. There is "NO" invite needed. We wish to open our doors to people who want to come and enjoy our music and our clubbing experience which we offer. It is irrelevent if people are keen electronic music followers or just first time listeners...

I hope that the above answers some of your own inner questions. As everybody always says: Try something once, and if you do not like it... then look at other options.

On behalf of all of the LCS crew, we hope to see you on January 12th :)


yeah you are right, I like more rave/ one-off parties than clubs that are held in restaurants. Somehow clubs held in restaurants lack that something I want to feel when I go to a club (or raves if there were anymore that kind of thing…). People turn into average restaurant people when they are in a restaurant environment. You know, drunken dullness and arrogance of an average restaurant night…

Somehow parties and party people seemed to be more open minded a couple of years ago. Or I don’t know… Maybe they were just doing more ecstacy. Anyway, that’s the thing I would like to find again in some parties. Dozens (or preferably hundreds) of people dancing around you, smiling with and at you, music banging almost too loud and strobes flashing in your eyes. Then you leave the big room for a while to go to drink something and smoke a cigarette, you meet your friends, say hi, go to the toilet and find out that like you all the guys in the toilet as well think the previous dj played so unbelievably good set, come out of the toilet, go to the smaller room with more subtle beats and end up sitting on some sofa in the corner and mingling with some nice people you have met never before. *joo*

That just never happens in small parties with a distinct inner circle. Of course smaller parties are better if you want to really listen to music and be with your friends, but I can listen to some good music also at my place or at my friend's place. And plus, the bonus, at my place or at friend’s place I can take a couple of hits from the bong and disturb nobody by doing that.

Yeah, I think I could come and check your parties, it’s just that somehow I have a feeling that in practice it’s not so easy to go and get to know other party people and in general to feel like in big parties. But yeah I’ll come (I hope a swig or two of some kossu helps I’m not too afraid of to come... )

Posts: 4

#14 • • Delta-9

X-Rustissa aktiivisesti toimivana henkilönä tämä pisti hieman silmään :) Mielenkiintoista että X-Rustin bileet mielletään "sisäpiirikekkereiksi". Tämä ei tietenkään ole tarkoituksemme vaan toivotamme kaikki avoimesti tervetulleiksi bileisiimme. Harmillista jos joku on saanut väärän kuvan.

On totta, että musiikki meidän bileissä on sellaista joka ei noudattele nykytrendiä eivätkä artistimme välttämättä ole kuuluisia. Meillä ei myöskään ole lakkapintaisia flaikkuja, kiljoonaa moving headsia, psykedeelisiä dekoja tai mitään muutakaan blingblingiä :) Kuitenkin yli 10 vuotta toimineena X-Rust tietää missä se on hyvä, mitä sen kannattaa tehdä ja mitä ei. Kompromisseihin emme halua suostua, ja valitettavasti tämä näkyy joskus myös kävijämäärissä.

Turussa ei enää pahemmin ole vaihtoehtoja jos haluat pitää bileet jossain muualla kuin rafloissa. Kaikki potentiaaliset bilepaikat on joko muutettu toimistoiksi tai rafloiksi, purettu tai niiden hinta/vuokrauskäytännöt ovat sen verran korkeat/vaikeat että ei kannata. Raatihuoneen Kellari on paikkana hyvä, mutta alkaa pikkuhiljaa olemaan hieman turhankin kovassa käytössä. Valitettavasti pakon sanelemana on pakko tyytyä siihen mitä saa jos haluaa jotain bileitä pitää. Uskoisin että tässä asiassa myös muut promoottorit ovat samaa mieltä.

Siitä on jo muutama vuosi, kun olen X-rustin bileissä käynyt, mutta silloin kun kävin pari kertaa, niin valitettavasti se pari kertaa riitti. Ei mullekaan tarttis mitään lakkapintaisia flaikkuja olla, mutta kun olis sellanen mukava ilmapiiri, niin se riittäis.

Eikö bilejärkkärit vois yhdistää Turussa voimiaan ja järkätä sellasia monen huoneen ja monen musiikkityyliin bileitä vaikka pari kertaa vuodessa? Kai nyt jonkun Kårenin vaikka saa vuokrattua?
Jussi Soro

Posts: 6,385

#15 • • Jussi Soro choon!

Delta-9, 29.11.2006 21:32:
Eikö bilejärkkärit vois yhdistää Turussa voimiaan ja järkätä sellasia monen huoneen ja monen musiikkityyliin bileitä vaikka pari kertaa vuodessa? Kai nyt jonkun Kårenin vaikka saa vuokrattua?

Mennään jo vähän offtopikin puolelle tässä, mutta niin kaunis kuin toi onkin ideana, niin paikat on yksinkertaisesti aika vähissä. Kåren olis just sopiva, mut sitä ei ikävä kyllä saa vuokralle. Muut isot paikat oleen jo sit jotain urheiluhalleja / vastaavia, eli menee jo Turun mittakaavassa aivan turhan isoks.

Haku on kyllä koko ajan päällä ;)
Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#16 • • Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

Delta-9, 29.11.2006 21:25:

Yeah, I think I could come and check your parties, it's just that somehow I have a feeling that in practice it’s not so easy to go and get to know other party people and in general to feel like in big parties. But yeah I’ll come (I hope a swig or two of some kossu helps I’m not too afraid of to come.. )

Your welcome... Come down, check it out, chill, drink up, mingle with the people and keep your ears open for some top music emersing every corner of the venue :)

Posts: 523

#17 • • AliCat www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
Yea, some of the best partys ive been to have been where you walk around meeting random people, just chilling, doing your own thing, occasionally dancing...and all the rest but ive found that size of venue has nothing to do with this. Have had these type of nights in venues for 80 peeps to venues for 3000 peeps. I think its 'X' pure and simple. I know in Belfast there are certain big and small clubs that have a very high proportion of people who do this drug and the atmosphere is noticabley different to other clubs which are more alcohol orientated. I think the risk for people to use 'X' is too great and is too expensive to acheive the same effect in big partys. It seems all too common that the younger generation of clubbers are now relying on other drugs such as butyrolactone which has VERY serious health risks associated with it and this really damages the live electronic music profile for venue owners/promoters, police and society in general. There also seems an unusually high money turnover required by venue promoters here and i think it makes things much harder for club promoters to put on a good show.

Personally i think promoters in Turku (and many in Helsinki) have put on great partys. As yet, ive only been to two big club nights in Turku; Pinky and Choon(!) and everything about them has been superb, the audio equipment, visuals, music/DJs, the booze and plenty of nice bodies floating about :) In Belfast and many Cities in the UK and Ireland, we dont see this effort going into clubnights. Belfast is dominated by a few big nights with poor visuals albeit some good DJs and music.

As regards our party, of course its a small venue but we really are trying to get good acts to play at it. For me, the 1st party was great! Gavin, Marky and Defa, rocked the place and i will expect the same from Aki A & Stephen Porter. Porter has after all played with huge names in the DJ field (Mojo, Holden, Slacker, Pappa to name a few) ...and hes getting great support for his own tunes. I think were gonna learn a think or two with him.

rant almost over......lastly here is one of many articles on the internet about GBL and how dangerous it is!



Posts: 666

#18 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster

Delta-9, 29.11.2006 21:25:

Dozens (or preferably hundreds) of people dancing around you, smiling with and at you, music banging almost too loud and strobes flashing in your eyes. Then you leave the big room for a while to go to drink something and smoke a cigarette, you meet your friends, say hi, go to the toilet and find out that like you all the guys in the toilet as well think the previous dj played so unbelievably good set, come out of the toilet, go to the smaller room with more subtle beats and end up sitting on some sofa in the corner and mingling with some nice people you have met never before. *joo*

Sound likes the good old Millenium parties at Feenix... Unfortunately venues like that don't exist anymore in Turku... *uuh* In a way those were the days... And everyone who went there knows what i'm talking about. *piis*

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde


Posts: 2,729

#20 • • akiapina apinaki
Näkin on ihan pian:) Itse ainakin odotan ton Porterin näkemistä kovasti, odotukset on melko korkealla, miehen oma tuotantokin kun on melkoisen hyvänkuuloista..oma setti tulee tod.näk. koostumaan vähän housemmasta ja progemmasta matskusta, pitkään settiin mahtuu varmasti monentyylisiä ja ikäisiä biisejä:)