Samu, 19.11.2005 13:43:
Yks juttu: iPod
word up ngga!
Tolla saa ajan kuluu parhaiten (imo)
Toki myös cd-soitin, md-soitin tai jokin muu mp3-soitin käy (mut iPod jos haluut olla skenes, GBook, iPod + pipo = da shiat)
148 posts, 8 pages, 59,520 views
Samu, 19.11.2005 13:43:
Yks juttu: iPod
josh, 20.12.2005 21:51:
Lennäpä vaikka Finnairin lomalennolla (B757) Phuketiin..
Saattaisi tulla ikävä Air Francen jumboja.
British Airways advised all passengers that they would not be permitted to carry any hand baggage on board any aircraft departing from any airport in the country.
Passengers will be allowed to take only travel documents, eyeglasses and a handful of other items through airport security.
Passengers were also advised that no electrical or battery powered items including laptops and mobile phones could be carried into the cabin.
Annakins, 10.8.2006 10:46:
British Airways advised all passengers that they would not be permitted to carry any hand baggage on board any aircraft departing from any airport in the country.
Passengers will be allowed to take only travel documents, eyeglasses and a handful of other items through airport security.
Passengers were also advised that no electrical or battery powered items including laptops and mobile phones could be carried into the cabin.
Anny, 10.8.2006 10:49:
Annakins, 10.8.2006 10:46:
British Airways advised all passengers that they would not be permitted to carry any hand baggage on board any aircraft departing from any airport in the country.
Passengers will be allowed to take only travel documents, eyeglasses and a handful of other items through airport security.
Passengers were also advised that no electrical or battery powered items including laptops and mobile phones could be carried into the cabin.
Android, 10.8.2006 10:51:
Anny, 10.8.2006 10:49:
No onko tuo nyt niin kummallista, jos käy ilmi että 20 lentokonetta on suunniteltu räjäytettävän matkalla Briteistä USA:han...
La Petite, 10.8.2006 11:00:
Nyt onkin sit paaaljon tylsää aikaa lennolla. Käsimatkatavaraa ei saa enää Briteis ottaa ollenkaan, kai se tulee kohta myös tänne tuo määräys..