Backlash03 // UMEK 23.7.2005 @ Helsinki

111 posts, 6 pages, 24,717 views


Posts: 1,260

#41 • • placiq Jorkki
UMEK - Live at I Love Techno 2001 *sydän*

Posts: 5,381

#42 • • Edited Timce
Vaikka itsekin haluais kuumottaa noita vanhoja Umekin settejä vuosiltä 2000-2003 (+ilmiömäisen hyvä Torture chamber 2 mix-cd) on kaverilta odotettavissa varmasti enempi electroa ja "aikuisempaa" teknoa, kuin bilekähinää. "Sääli" sinänsä, kun itse diggailen just vanhemmasta Umekista.

-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss


Posts: 286

#44 • • Edited tomo ¤ motaOy ¤








"dance valleyn teltta humisi ja aikaisemmin netistä imuroimani umekin setit
olivat vieneet minut teknoparatiisin, jossa huumeitakaan ei tarvitse vaan
musalla pääsee ihan minne vaan ja löytää vielä siinä samalla uusiakin paikkoja...:)"



edit>:typo. great. kukaan ei ole täydellinen, mustakin puuttuu virheet... ;)

Posts: 15,721

#45 • • UnityF joo just se
oih.. tänne kyl käypi peikon tie jos varallisuus riittää tukee näitä bileitä *hymy*

Posts: 2,010

#46 • • Viltsu noname

tomo, 7.7.2005 16:04:








"dance valleyn teltta humisi ja aikaisemmin netistä imuroimani umekin setit
olivat vieneet minut teknoparatiisin, jossa huumeitakaan ei tarvitse vaan
musalla pääsee ihan minne vaan ja löytää vielä siinä samalla uusiakin:)"




olipa muhun toimiva hypetys



teknoheput vaan hölisee bumbumbum ja sit tulee pläppläppläpböm, ihan jakomielitautista - Remu Aaltonen


Posts: 83

#47 • • Backlash
Paljon sanotaan, että biografiat ovat täynnä skeidaa. Tälläkertaa täytyy
todeta, että UMEKin bio oli mielenkiintoinen luettava ainakin puolivälistä

Suit yourself,...

Uros Umek grew up in the former Yugoslavia,
but the restrictive regime didn't halt his passion for music.
In his teens, he used to tune into an illegal London radio
station via a satellite programme. "It played techno, rave,
hardcore and breaks non-stop at the weekend and, we never
left the house all weekend in case we missed something?",
he laughs.

When Yugoslavia imploded at the start of the 90s,
Umek's native Slovenia was the first country to exit the
federation. Although the tiny state had always been more
liberal than other parts of Yugoslavia, Umek, who was
beginning to DJ, found it hard to buy records in his home
town of Ljubljana. This meant he had to drive eight hours
to Germany to feed his growing vinyl addiction.

"There's a huge passion for music here and that was part of
our ritual," he explains. Umek was also the first DJ to put
on events in Slovenia in 1992-93. Although his first few
parties were underground affairs, word of mouth soon meant
that thousands of people were attending his events and,
as he says himself, "the police and authorities didn't know
what to do, so they just left us alone."

By this stage, Umek had honed his DJ skills and was spinning
on three decks. He also started to book international guests
and names like Billy Nasty and Surgeon were among the first
guests to play at his parties.

The latter DJs' sound left a lasting impression on Umek
and he admits that his earlier releases were heavily
influenced by Birmingham techno. As Umek became more
confident in the studio, his sound shifted to the rolling
grooves of his Mumps releases for Billy Nasty's Tortured label.
Informed by Umek's love of early house as much as passion for
club techno, the first Mumps release thrust the Slovenian DJ
into the international spotlight, but he says that his
background was at first a hindrance: "It took me about twenty
releases before I got to play a lot outside of Slovenia."

In the meantime, Umek honed his art as a DJ and set up two
labels, Consumer Recreation and, together with Valentino Kanzyani,
Recycled Loops. While the later explored the duo's love of sped-up,
disco infected crossover tracks, Consumer saw Umek reignite the
flame under the synthetic techno sound.

By the late 90s, clubbers around the world were able to experience
Umek's dynamic DJing. Spinning on three decks, his sets are a
whirlwind of energy, as he works the seemingly disparate musical
elements that also characterise his productions.
Umek barely touches the pitch control and cues effortlessly as he
works every effect possible on the mixer. From tribal tech-house to
rolling party techno and taking in the disco influenced Recycled output,
the drum heavy Voices Of Africa; trilogy and his firing minimalism,
Umek's performances fuse his different production sounds,
but still manage to entertain. This ability to appeal to all dance
audiences is reflected in his non-stop DJ schedule and on his 2002
Tortured Chamber mix for Tortured - where Umek pieced together
a whirlwind 27 track selection.

Tortured Chamber was followed by a mix for German party organisers
Timewarp this year, which saw the DJ opt for a tougher, more full
on approach. Unlike the techno purists who have kept the music safe
from outside interference, Umek clearly wants his music heard by as
many people as possible and has even hinted that, in the future,
he may release an electronic pop album.

Indeed, the crossover support for Umek's work on Recycled Loops,
Bugged Out! and End Recordings and the Mumps and Voices Of Africa
series as well as for the dubby, tribal tech-house house sound of
his Earrisistible label which he launched in 2000 has been remarkable,
with mainstream names like Pete Tong charting and supporting his work.

That's not to suggest that he has deserted his underground roots:
apart from the Slovenian producer's Consumer Recreation releases,
his Zeta Reticula series for Electrix which is at number four so
far show Umek is also adept at making underground electro and
Maurizio / Basic Channel inspired dub tracks. "I want to be an
all round producer, I need new challenges. I've got to a stage
where my tastes have changed: I love electro, tech-house and percussive
house, so what's the point in just putting out banging techno", he asks.

2003 also saw Umek release his debut album, 'Neuro' and make a break
with the dance floor. Inspired by abstract artists like Autechre as
well as industrial artists like Nitzer Ebb, the album was a brave
move for Umek. It might not have appealed to fans of his club techno,
but it satiated his need for making new, innovative music.

Umek has also been prolific as a remixer in the last few years,
and has lent seminal synth pop act Depeche Mode his magic touch.
He also worked with fellow Slovenian act Laibach on their recent
comeback, providing remixes for the art terrorists' comeback single,
'Tanz Mit Laibach'.

"I work seven days a week on music, and the reason I produce so
much is that I love what I do," Umek maintains.
Perhaps the most stunning indictment of Umek's crossover appeal was
his comeback gig in Slovenia in the autumn of 2001 after an 18 month break,
where he played to five thousand adoring fans, who screamed his nickname...

Posts: 5,381

#48 • • Timce
Liput taskussa. Enää 5 aamua... *pihkassa*

-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss


Posts: 563

#49 • • juGis
Prkl prkl, pitäis mennä joo hakeen liput, mut rahat on kyl ihan loppu :S Pitänee lainaa jostain, ettei käy köpelösti sit lauantaina..

Posts: 563

#50 • • juGis

juGis, 18.7.2005 16:00:
Prkl prkl, pitäis mennä joo hakeen liput, mut rahat on kyl ihan loppu :S Pitänee lainaa jostain, ettei käy köpelösti sit lauantaina..

Jee, homma hoidettu. Täällä nähdään :))))

Posts: 1,219

#51 • • Peikkotyttö
Tää ois rok! Taitaa vaan budjettivajeen takia jäädä väliin*nyyh*

Groove is in the Heart


Posts: 563

#52 • • juGis

peikkotyttö, 18.7.2005 18:14:
Tää ois rok! Taitaa vaan budjettivajeen takia jäädä väliin*nyyh*

Äkkiä nyt joltain lainaamaan sen verran, että tänne pääsee. Eihän tätä voi missata. :)

Posts: 1,219

#53 • • Peikkotyttö

juGis, 18.7.2005 18:16:
peikkotyttö, 18.7.2005 18:14:
Tää ois rok! Taitaa vaan budjettivajeen takia jäädä väliin*nyyh*


Äkkiä nyt joltain lainaamaan sen verran, että tänne pääsee. Eihän tätä voi missata. :)

Ellei olis jo kaulaansa myöten veloissa *uuh*

Groove is in the Heart


Posts: 156

#54 • • Pusu Diiba-Daaba
Tän jos missaan niin voi prkle *grr*

Umek *sydän*

Lepakot lentää, lehmät ei.


Posts: 1,936

#55 • • Kon-tiki The Unsinkable
Joo pitää itekin pikku hiljaa raahautua lippukauppaan. Teknohan on myös kesämusiikkia!

Posts: 2,096

#56 • • sune Turkkilainen lammaspaimen
mitähän luulette saaks lippuu viel ovelta vai pitäskö hakee ennakkoo. ei mitään tietoa kuinka haluttuja nää liput on ? *ding*

ei kovin ihku eikä plur

#57 • • ikj Guest

sune, 18.7.2005 23:54:
mitähän luulette saaks lippuu viel ovelta vai pitäskö hakee ennakkoo. ei mitään tietoa kuinka haluttuja nää liput on ? *ding*

tuskin loppuu..

Posts: 563

#58 • • juGis
np: Umek - Brotax *jiihaa**aplodit**pihkassa* Perusteknoo, mut ihan vitun kovaa.

Posts: 444

#59 • • soulsaw 1.0
argh *eiei* Umek jää väliin *uuh*



Posts: 83

#60 • • Edited Backlash

Umek peruuntuu

Raskaiden neuvotteluiden jälkeen olemme tulleet siihen tulokseen,
että perumme Umekin tulon Suomeen.

Tapahtuman ennakkomyynti on ollut hälyttävän pieni, jolloin riskit liian
kovista tappioista kasvoivat. Osasyynä myöskin se, ettemme halunneet
Umekin tasoisen DJ virtuoosin soittavan lähes tyhjälle salille La Tourissa.
Jo tässä vaiheessa olemassa oleva tappio on useita tuhansia euroja,
jolloin kukin voi päätellä minkälaiset summat johtivat tähän päätökseen
- joka ei todellakaan ollut helppo.

La Tourissa tulee olemaan tekno/elektro painotteinen ilta suomalaisvoimin, joka tiedotetaan huomisen (Perjantai) aikana ja hinta tulee olemaan 5 euroa.

Liput lunastetaan täysimääräisinä maanantaista alkaen Streetbeatista ja
Tiketistä. Lippuja lunastetaan myös La Tourissa Lauantaina. Lippu vastaa
myös neljän ihmisen sisäänpääsyä Lauantain tapahtumaan.

Pahoittelumme ovat syvät. Pettymyksemme mittaamaton.

Backlash Promotions 2005

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