MADWAVE - MIKE KOGLIN ( UK ) 14.5.2005 @ Tampere

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#1 • • Edited shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Where: Partyhouse KIVA, Tampere
When : Saturday 14.05.2005

Age limit : 18
Capacity : 500
Entry : 8 euros ( from door only )

Who : MIKE KOGLIN ( Noys records, UK )
ALT+F4 vs. SERGEI SHKUROFF exclusive b2b dj set !!! ( Anjunabeats, Madwave )
Juki54 ( Future Floorfiller )

RX ( Finrg, Teflon bullet, Electrolysis )
FRIIK ( Säde, Hellfire, Undertaker )
Sampus ( Madwave )

LJ : Parker Kane ( Iglu )

Turbosound PA & lights : Jamboree Music



Mike Koglin burst onto the scene in 1998 with his club anthem and UK top20 hit 'The Silence', one of the defining tracks of the UK trance phenomenon which put Mike firmly onto the map as one of the key players in dance music.

Since then the Grammy-nominated Producer, Remixer and DJ has had a constant string of hits, under his own name or under one of his various aliases. And with over 50 remixes in the last 5 years Mike has remixed not only dance classics such as Lustral 'Everytime', DreamCatcher 'I Don't Wanna Loose My Way' and Brainchild 'Symmetry C' but also such big tunes as ''Fine Day'' (Kirsty Hawkshaw from Opus 3) or Dido's 'All You Want '.

In '05 Mike will continue his series of collaborations with some of the biggest names in dance including Darren Tate, JFK, Above & Beyond and Pulser. Mike's studio project with Jono Grant from Above& Beyond which brought us the massive club anthem 'Circuits' in 2004 was heavily supported by Judge Jules, Paul van Dyk and Armin van Buuren - look out for their massive follow-up single, out on AnjunaBeats in spring '05.

In 2003 Mike launched his label Noys Music which he formed as an outlet for his collaborations with some of the biggest names in trance as well as new signings from international artists. This formula has earned Noys - described as 'one of the hottest trance labels in the UK' in Mixmag recently - massive support from the world's best DJ's such as Tiesto, Armin van Buuren, Ferry Corsten, Johan Gielen, Lange, Nick Sentience, Phil Reynolds, Tom Harding, Trevor Reilly, Les Hemstock, Above & Beyond, PvD, Colin Tevendale, Andy Durrant, Graham Gold, Dave Pearce, The Thrillseekers and many more.

Having had so many years of success producing music for the dancefloor Mike turned his attention onto the decks in 2001, and this is presently reaping its rewards - having played at huge events in Japan, across Europe and around the UK he recently headlined the gigantic Illusion event in Belgium where he played alongside Marco V and Airwave in front of six thousand clubbers. Mike, an immensly talented producer and a wizzard on the decks should show himself to be one of the DJ's to watch out for in '05....



ALT+F4, AVANTO & MAGELLAN PROJECT consists of the two young finnish producers Joonas Hahmo and Matti Kotala.
It was in 2003 when Drizzly Music signed their track "Dive Theme"; for the new label Asgard Recordings. It is the theme song for Tampere´s Club Dive and has been played since the beginning of 2003 by the likes of Misja Helsloot and Black Hole Recording´s DJs Ton TB & Cor Fjineman as well as Norway´s DJ Stigma and Italy´s Giorgio Ponticelli.
This spring Joonas and Matti created a new guise named Alt+F4;. Their first release Alt+F4 which has been signed to Anjunabeats has until now been played by every big DJ in the world and gained them lots of reputation in the music scene. Names like Paul van Dyk, Armin van Buuren, Misja Helsloot, DJ Tiesto, Miika Kuisma and Super8 were knocking on the guys´ doors to get a playable CD.
At the moment Joonas & Matti have their latest massive track on Electric Sauna Records named Avanto ­The Flute with remixes by Airbase, DJ Orkidea and Mike Shiver.
So far "The Flute" has been played by any top-DJ of the world while the peak was reached when it was part of "Tiesto in Concert 2".
SERGEI SHKUROFF is a Finland based Russian DJ & promoter. Spinning records since 1999, Sergei made his way up from small basement parties to all major events in Finland, playing such nites as Godskitchen:Finland, Labyrinth, Tranzexperience and Millennium. During last 5 years Sergei has spinned alongside such djs as Westbam, Matt Darey, Warp Brothers, Proteus, Agnelli & Nelson, Mike Koglin, Airwave & Svenson just to name a few. Well known around Finland as a dj, Sergei also does bi-weekly radio show and promotes club nite "Madwave" on regular basis. Since 2004 Sergei Shkuroff in collaboration with Joonas Hahmo started to produce their own music as well.
This time at Madwave, Joonas & Sergei will play exclusive two hour b2b dj set, which will be first ever ALT+F4 dj set ever!!! Don't miss this one!

Stay tuned for more info and remember to support your local madness dealer!!!

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Posts: 595

jee man!
*super* MIKE KOGLIN taas täällä! *super*



Posts: 583

#3 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Infot lisätty.

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Posts: 302

#4 • • demonchild Crazy/Beautiful
Madwaveista madwaveihin *nauru* tunnelma on taattu

Kiitos ja anteeksi


Posts: 483

#6 • • NiMo PolkkaPuppe
*jiihaa* *jiihaa* *jiihaa* *jiihaa*

*pahis* Do not attempt to leave the dancefloor *pahis*


Posts: 1,260

#7 • • placiq Jorkki
Koglin rokkas kyllä viimmeks niin huolella, että *pihkassa*

Posts: 583

#8 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Ja tässä Mike Koglinin haastattelu :

In 1998, you entered into the UK top 20 with “The Silence”
but when did you starting producing and remixing?

After attending an audio engineering college in Germany, I decided to move to London in 1990 and chase my dreams of becoming a producer, remixer and dj. I have producing and remixing as long as I can remember

Only a few dance producers are nominated for the Grammy Awards and you are one of them. How did it feel?

Firstly very suprised, but the nomination was for one of the tracks I produced for Boy George which top 5 in lots of the European Charts

From your large list of productions and remixes, which one still makes you feel proud today?

Pushed On - a Track i did earlier this year - I'm still quite proud of this, as it turned out really well and was played by literally every top Trance dj from Tiesto to Armin!

We know that you’ve got good neighbours in the studio. What can you tell
us about them?

My new studio is in a large building where there are over 20 different studios with a variety great producers / labels and writers. But my next door neighbours are the guys from Above and Beyond who are very good friends of mine.

As head honcho of Noys you must get sent in loads of promos requesting to be on your label - how do you seperate the future hits from the bad bits?

I appreciate any demo or promo that is sent to me and I always take time to listen to all of them. But it seems like there are only very few that have that certain something that makes me sit up and listen.

What tips do you have for budding producers that want to hit the top?

These days it's easy to get a decent sounding track on a very low budget, as you can do most things in your bedroom on a home pc - but you have to put the hours in if you want to reap the rewards!

With the recent release of your 2005 remix of 'The Silence' looming you must be excited - what made you decide to remix an already astounding tune?

Because i got fed up of everyone asking me to play the original at dj gigs - laughs out loud - and because the old version now seems out dated so I wanted to beef it up!

Some have said that 'The Silence' started the Trance craze that swept the nation in '98 - how does this make you feel?

It was definitely one of the first big Trance hits that managed to cross over into the mainstream - it was released around the same time as Goureyella and other big Trance hits - all these tunes helped to build the Trance revolution!

Having collaborated with many Trance legends over the past year and a half on your label Noys - JFK, Simon Paterson, Dogzilla - what can Noys addicts expect collaboration wise in the future?

They can expect a future release with Simon Paterson, and a collaboration with Pulsar! - keep your eyes peeled and your ears to the ground for future collaborations - or check for more info!

You recently played main room at a 5,000 capacity event in Belgium - has this been your most memorable gig to date? - If not what has been?

Yes - that was definitely one of the best dj experiences I have had to date - The club was in a massive indoor arena - and there was a very set up for the dj booth - including a 30 foot waterfall behind the dj through which they projected laser images! It was mental! Other memorable gigs were in Japan - where the crowd is always up for it!

Which producers are really making an impression on you at the moment?

My all time favourite producer at the moment is Sam Sharp! - because the direction he is going in is where I see Trance going in the future - more attitude and very driving - wicked!

What record never leaves you dj box?

Hard beats by Silvester

Top three tunes of the moment?

Sandler - The Theme Song
Code 1 - House Music
Mike Koglin vs JFK - Relentless

Having started your own record label Noys over a year and a half ago - what made you decide to jump into the management side of record labels instead of being on the other side?

Because the way things are going in the music industry it seems to be the sensible thing to do - to take things into your own hands rather than waiting for other labels to sign your tune!

Why did you call your record label Noys?

Originally it was a play on Sony - an anagram - and I originally used the Sony font in the beginning but I recently changed the logo design - because loads of people were saying that I could get sued !! lol

How would you describe your djing style in 3 words?

Uplifting banging trance!!!

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#9 • • Edited Kauno Saario Guest
ja me ollaan niiin menos/tulos *jiihaa* Koglin ja ihan kivat*iloinen*
ja voihan treellä muutenkin viettää vkl:a...*hymy*
pitkänmatkalaiset yöpyy jopa yhden yön.

Posts: 583

#10 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Timetable :

Main arena :

22:00 - 23:30 -- Juki54

23:30 - 01:30 -- ALT+F4 b2b SERGEI SHKUROFF exclusive dj set

01:30 - 03:30 -- MIKE KOGLIN

Hard lounge:

22:00 - 00:00 -- Sampus

00:00 - 01:45 -- FRIIK

01:45 - 03:30 -- RX

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Posts: 162

#11 • • *Bixxx*
Näitä on jo odotettu *aplodit* Polccajalkaa vipattaa *jiihaa*



Posts: 43

#12 • • Freya84

Posts: 904

#13 • • peepe
Kivaa päästä kuuntelee kixuu ja tsekkaa millanen paikka siit Kivasta sitten tuli :)

Posts: 475

#14 • • Nectarine Rouva T
tänne pitään kivaa! *jiihaa* *sydän*

Prinsessa Ruusunen


Posts: 237

#16 • • Edited Grass fiilistelijä
Hauskat pippalot oli :))

yläkerran p0lkkaa taisin kerran käydä kuuntelemassa ja toteamassa kuinka naurettavaa nykypolkka on, aivan rektumista. Alakerrassa (niinkuin yläkerrassakin) oli mukavat punaset penkkityynyhässäkät <3 muuten paikka ei ollutkaan muuttunut. Alakerran musiikki oli kohtuullista, muttei mitään huippuluokkaa :O mitä se sitten tarkoittaakin. Mutta jees ilta oli.

Posts: 145

#17 • • zombie*
yläkerran eka dj sampus heitti kyllä erittäin hyvän setin ja muutenkin oli hyvin tilaa bilettää ja käydä välillä kattelee muuallakin meininkiä.. *plur* Alakerrassa tuntu olevan hieman helsinkiläinen studio 51 meininki...*ding* mut jokainen näkee asian miten näkee.. paikka oli kyllä parantunut sisustukseltaan. Yläkerran dj pöytä oli oikein päinkin tälläkertaa ja punaset pallit oli iso plussa. *aplodit*

Posts: 53

#18 • • Edited kvaakki

oli tosi kivat pippalot, YLÄkerta rokkas
tulikin sit siä polkattua niin että paikkoihi sattuu

ois ehkä ollu viä kivempaa mut tuli oltua hiukan liikaa *känni* :nissä

Posts: 389

#19 • • cosmic :D
Hyvät pileet oli *aplodit* Joonaksen ja Shkuroffin b2b oli mainio ja kyseisestä setistä jäi mieleen pari loistavaa biisiä mutta en tiedä niiden nimiä. Ei Hypnowavesia edellinen vaan sitä edellinen biisi oli sellanen Marco V:mäinen (LOL) trancepläjäys ja se kyl toimi. Jos joku tunnisti niin kertoo ihmeessä. Sit ennen Oceanlabin Satellite+Adagio For Stringsia tuli sellanen kivan menevä kesätrancebiisi. Ois kiva tietää senkin nimi.

Mike Koglin heitti kyl aika perussetin imo, ei kauheesti mitään yllätyksiä. Polkkailemassaki tuli vähän käytyä RX:n aikana ja todella hyvää polkkaa tuliki *jiihaa*

:D is an unproductive condition.


Posts: 483

#20 • • NiMo PolkkaPuppe
*aplodit* kylläpä oli hyvät bileet *joo*
vaikka ei loppuun asti ollutkaan niin musiikista ehti nauttiin kyllä, yläkerrassa ei juuri ollutkaan joten siitä ei voi mitään oikeastaan sanoakaan. lattialla ei ollut niin paljoa ihmisiä kuin joskus on ollut, oli siis jopa tilaa liikkua. bongaili jopa tuttuja biisejä, joka piristi itseäni *nauru*
jos miinuspuolia sanotaan niin savukone haittasi melko, ellei todella paljon. ei nähnyt eteensä, saatika saanu henkeä tai pystynyt valokuvaan. *eiei**eiei*
uusi diva on kyllä nyt parempi. alhaalla on enemmän tilaa, eivätkä tuolit ja pöydät vie niin paljoa tilaa. uudet tuolit ja sohvat ovat kyllä todella mukavia *joo* yläkerta on valoisampi, mutta tanssilattialle tehty koroke kenties pienensi tilaa..
kiitos kuitenkin järjestäjille hyvistä bileistä *aplodit*

*pahis* Do not attempt to leave the dancefloor *pahis*