Ajattelin listata tänne omassa käytössä olevat firefox-asetukset, extensionit ja virittelyt.
Käytössä olevat extensionit:
Adblock - Mainos-kuvien ja flashien blokkaus, ärsyttävät mainokset piiloon
downTHEMall! - Öhm.. bilekuvien tallennukseen
Web Developer - työkaluja www-kehittäjälle
Live HTTP headers - http-liikenteen seuranta
Käyttöliittymän muokkaus:
Web Developer - palkin kanssa
user.js:n sisältö, jota voi editoida myös about:config :n kautta:
// Type-Ahead-Find allows the user to search for text or links on a site by just
// typing the search term.
// Find next instance of the search term is <F3>.
// Find previous instance of the search term is <Shift-F3>.
// Turn on Type-Ahead-Find
// Default: true
user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true);
user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar", 0);
// Allow type-ahead-find to work on text as well as links by default
// Default: true (Type-Ahead-Find will only work on links)
user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly", false);
user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound", false);
// Block new windows from opening up.
// Default: false (Allow popups)
user_pref("browser.block.target_new_window", true);
// When opening a link in a new tab, the default behavior is to
// put focus on the new tab.
// Default: false (Focus always goes to the newly created tab)
user_pref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground", true);
// The browser window has a throbber. By default, all throbbers will take the
// browser window to
www.mozilla.org, but this is easy to change.
// Default: "
user_pref("browser.throbber.url", "");
user_pref("app.update.autoUpdateEnabled", false);
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "file:///I:/Mikko/software/html/koulu2/links.html");
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.firstrequest", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", 8);
user_pref("content.notify.backoffcount", 5);
user_pref("plugin.expose_full_path", true);
user_pref("ui.submenuDelay", 0);
user_pref("content.max.tokenizing.time", 2250000);
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 750000);
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true);
user_pref("content.switch.threshold", 750000);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 48);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 6);
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0);
user_pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", 65536);