Illusions Productions 15th Anniversary 1.10.2011 @ Helsinki

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Posts: 23

#63 • • IllusionsProductions


We will sell today Special Advance tickets at FLOW(Suvilahti) and Mixxed(Bio Rex Terrace).

Only 15€, limited supply.

You find us with Illusions golden flyers in our hands :)

Posts: 23

#64 • • IllusionsProductions
Bongaa diileri!

Flowssa kulkee lauantaina miespuolinen diileri, joka on pukeutunut mustaan, etupuolelta vasemman olkapään tienoilla kohtaavilla valkoisilla raidoilla koristeltuun pitkähihaiseen. Asua täydentää siniset farkut ja ainakin alkuillasta isosta auringonkukasta kädessään jota hän raahaa ympäriinsä. Hiukset tummat ja lyhyet, tottelee nimeä Oskari ja tyrkyttää välillä flyereitä. Diilattavana tietysti muutama lippu Illusionsin 15 vuotis synttäribileisiin 15€ hintaan. Nykäise hihasta ja pyydä oma annoksesi!

Posts: 2,010

#65 • • Edited Viltsu noname





circa forever!


teknoheput vaan hölisee bumbumbum ja sit tulee pläppläppläpböm, ihan jakomielitautista - Remu Aaltonen


Posts: 5

#66 • • Fuzzy
Eeeiii jeee! Lähden koska Nose ^^

Posts: 3,224

#67 • • Jammailija d a n c e m a c h i n e s
Tänne E H D O T T O M A S T I*super**hih*!

Näkemys yksilöstä oli se, että tällä ei ole pysyvää minää ja se kaipaa jonkinlaista pysyvää onnea, turvaa ja vakautta ja on alituisesti tarkoituksettoman toimelias...


Posts: 7,734

#72 • • epicuros

I KNEW IT!! x]

Mr.A & Pieatri | Doom Set

Dodi! Onhan noista jo "tovi" <3


Valid criticism does you a favor.


Posts: 23

#73 • • IllusionsProductions

Let´s get Twisted!

Years ago, when the clubbing culture was fresh and still mainly underground, certain music styles were developing amongst the more energetic subcultures. U.K. was the main source for several ground breaking steps forward such as Drum & Bass. And at the while house was getting more recognition in the mainstream, new, or should we say nu, more aggressive styles were embraced by the more underground ravers.

Gathering its inspiration largely from the continental rave, techno and hardtrance and fusing it to british garage and house (not forgetting the local acidtechno influence), DJ´s like Tony de Vit, Blu Peter and Mrs.Wood were amongst the pioneers to create the sounds of Hardbag and Nu-NRG in clubs such as Trade, Fish, Heaven and Torture Garden. These clubs were the absolute apex of hedonism and debauchery at the time and were filled with fetishes and sexual minorities.

Doom was the equivalent in Finland. Everything at Doom reeked of leather, latex and bodily fluids. From the infamous flyers to the legendary decorations and ubiqitous DJ mixes their aural and visual presentation was so invasive that it overwhelmed everyone who attended their parties. As Wayne G declared in his legendary collaboration with

Stewart Who? :

"Excuse me, do you fuck as well as you dance? Are you as hot in the bedroom as you are on the dancefloor?"

Doom was the dystopian cyberphunk fantasy and Mr.A and Pietari were the ceremonial high priests punishing the weekday ravers (yes, it was a Wednesday club at Nylon) to ever harder frenzy of adoring sin and let them infuse into the abyss of sexual side of dancing. Their sound pioneered the hard dance scene in Finland years before there even were such monikers. Like many other genres in the beginning, it was more of a mixture of different styles: techno, house, trance, even some rave and acid, but always containing the funky edge. It had the soul and it had the character. It wasn´t about the fast bpm:s or the ruff hoovers but total indulgence to represent the culture it was about to create!

In the end, it appeared real, not just an Illusion. And when the night was over, you always felt that something remarkable had changed.

Mr.A & Pietari | Doom set

Posts: 7,734

#76 • • Edited epicuros

Nosturissa on sen verran monet hyvät muistot saatu aikaiseks, et on hyvä saada ilta-/aamubileet yhdellä iskullam kun siihen vihdoinkin on tilaisuus. Ihan, kuin silloin 10-11 vuotta sitten, kun "silloin-tällöin" Club Labyrinth tarjosi iltakemut useamman eri genren kera ja sit illut hoiti aamut aika pitkälti rutiinilla kerran kuussa progen ja trancen merkeissä. Luvassa laatua!!

Just the way it used to be! <3



Valid criticism does you a favor.


Posts: 7,734

#77 • • Edited epicuros
hah! Unohtamatta tietenkään, et todellinen hatunnosto vielä mr.a:lle ja Pietarille, et vetävät piiiiiiiitkästä aikaa sitä aitoa oikeaa kovaa taloa!!
*pahis* *pahis* *pahis*


Valid criticism does you a favor.


Posts: 23

#78 • • Edited IllusionsProductions

Saturday 01.10

22:00 - 23:30 --> Tony Profondo & N.Geselle

23:30 - 00:30 --> D.N.A

00:30 - 02:30 --> Mr.A & Pieatri | Doom Set

02:30 - 03:30 --> Neon

Sunday morning 02.10

05:00 - 06:30 --> Zwek

06:30 - 08:00 --> Orkidea

08:00 - 09:00 --> Dj Tab | Illusions Set

09:00 - 11:00 --> Super8 & Tab

11:00 - till end--> D.N.A

Posts: 23

#79 • • IllusionsProductions

Illusions Special Recycler advance tickets available again!

Sami alias Sapeli will be selling them today in Club Colors @ The Circus. You will recognise him by his uv-blue eyebrows! Be as cool as he is, get your ticket before it is too late. 15 €, no additional fees. Cash only, smiles accepted as a tip.
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#80 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
ois ollu kiva jos orkidea ois soittanu illalla.. mut herralla taitaa olla keikka samana päivänä. :(

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.