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rupee tää meidän "vapaa valtio" tm kuulostaa todella paljon diktatuurilta ja poliisivaltiolta.
113 posts, 6 pages, 25,044 views
Individual, 19.10.2006 19:25:
ei jaksa kattoo, mikä laki?
RuisRuutu, 19.10.2006 19:02:
rupee tää meidän "vapaa valtio" tm kuulostaa todella paljon diktatuurilta ja poliisivaltiolta.
Bush signs bill to interrogate, prosecute terror suspects
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Some of the most notorious names in the war on terror are headed toward prosecution after President Bush signed a law Tuesday authorizing military trials of terrorism suspects.
The legislation also eliminates some of the rights defendants are usually guaranteed under U.S. law, and it authorizes continued harsh interrogations of terror suspects, a provision Bush had said was vital.
Imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and awaiting trial are Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the accused mastermind of the September 11 attacks, Ramzi Binalshibh, an alleged would-be 9/11 hijacker, and Abu Zubaydah, who was believed to be a link between Osama bin Laden and many al Qaeda cells.
"With the bill I'm about to sign, the men our intelligence officials believe orchestrated the murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people will face justice," Bush said in a White House ceremony. (Watch Bush explain how this bill will protect the U.S. -- 2:53 Video)
The Pentagon expects to begin pre-trial motions early next year and to begin the actual trials in the summer.
The Supreme Court ruled in June that trying detainees in military tribunals violated U.S. and international law, so Bush urged Congress to change the law during a speech on September 6 in the White House East Room attended by families of the Sept. 11, 2001, victims. He also insisted that the law authorize CIA agents to use tough -- yet unspecified -- methods to interrogate suspected terrorists.
Six weeks later, after a highly publicized dispute with key Republicans over the terms of the bill, Bush signed the new law "in memory of the victims of September 11."
"It is a rare occasion when a president can sign a bill he knows will save American lives," Bush said. "I have that privilege this morning."
Civil libertarians and leading Democrats decried the law as a violation of American values. The American Civil Liberties Union said it was "one of the worst civil liberties measures ever enacted in American history." Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin said, "We will look back on this day as a stain on our nation's history."
"It allows the government to seize individuals on American soil and detain them indefinitely with no opportunity to challenge their detention in court," Feingold said. "And the new law would permit an individual to be convicted on the basis of coerced testimony and even allow someone convicted under these rules to be put to death."
The legislation, which sets the rules for court proceedings, applies to those selected by the military for prosecution and leaves mostly unaffected the majority of the 14,000 prisoners in U.S. custody, most of whom are in Iraq.
It does apply to 14 suspects who were secretly questioned by the CIA overseas and recently moved to the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay.
Good news for White House
The swift implementation of the law is a rare bit of good news for Bush as casualties mount in Iraq in daily violence. Lawmakers are increasingly calling for a change of strategy, and political anxieties are jeopardizing Republican chances of retaining control of Congress.
Bush has been criticizing Democrats who voted against the law, called the Military Commissions Act of 2006, during campaign appearances around the country. He has suggested that votes against the law show that Democrats would not protect the country from another terrorist attack.
Republican House leaders, in a tough battle to maintain their majority, echoed those criticisms Tuesday in an attempt to get some political points out of the legislation they supported.
"The Democratic plan would gingerly pamper the terrorists who plan to destroy innocent Americans' lives," House Speaker Dennis Hastert said.
Bush noted that the law came amid dispute.
"Over the past few months, the debate over this bill has been heated, and the questions raised can seem complex," he said. "Yet, with the distance of history, the questions will be narrowed and few: Did this generation of Americans take the threat seriously? And did we do what it takes to defeat that threat?"
A coalition of religious groups staged a protest against the bill outside the White House, shouting "Bush is the terrorist" and "Torture is a crime." About 15 of the protesters, standing in a light rain, refused orders to move. Police arrested them one by one.
The legislation says the president can "interpret the meaning and application" of international standards for prisoner treatment, a provision intended to allow him to authorize aggressive interrogation methods that might otherwise be seen as illegal by international courts. Bush said such measures have helped the CIA gain vital information from terror suspects and have saved American lives.
After Bush signed the law, CIA Director Mike Hayden sent a note to employees saying it gives them "the legal clarity and legislative support necessary to continue a program that has been one of our country's most effective tools in the fight against terrorism."
"We can be confident that our program remains -- as it always has been -- fully compliant with U.S. law, the Constitution and our international treaty obligations," Hayden wrote.
The White House has said that disclosing the techniques that are used would give the enemy information to resist those techniques. White House press secretary Tony Snow said Bush would probably eventually issue an executive order that would describe his interpretation of the standards, but those documents are not usually made public.
Snow rejected the idea that Americans should be able to see and judge the standards for themselves, particularly in the aftermath of illegal abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison.
"The only way accountability doesn't exist is if you believe that the military is not committed to it," Snow said.
typ0, 19.10.2006 20:09:
en jaksanu ymmärtää englantia =D saaks suomeks tiivistelmän =)
mku, 19.10.2006 20:09:
Tsekatkaapas jostain myös toi leffa nimeltä "Freedom To Fascism" joka on aiheuttanut pientä hämminkiä. USA:n perustuslain mukaan kun tuloveroa ei pitäisi olla olemassakaan
JustinSan, 19.10.2006 20:12:
typ0, 19.10.2006 20:09:
en jaksanu ymmärtää englantia =D saaks suomeks tiivistelmän =)
Lyhyesti: Bush runttasi läpi lain jonka mukaan käytännössä kuka tahansa voidaan napata kadulta, pitää vangittuna ilman syytteitä ja tuomita kuolemaan salassa, rikkomatta yhtään lakia.
Lisäksi uusi laki sallii "viranomaisten" käyttää "uusia keinoja" "kuulusteluissa", eli kidututus on a-ok.
JustinSan, 19.10.2006 20:12:
Lisäksi uusi laki sallii "viranomaisten" käyttää "uusia keinoja" "kuulusteluissa", eli kidututus on a-ok.
Annakins, 19.10.2006 20:03:
7.11. toivotaan et demokraatit voittaa vaaleissa enemistön ja jotain muuttuis.
Kenen luona pidetään vaalivalvojaiset? :D
JustinSan, 19.10.2006 20:12:
typ0, 19.10.2006 20:09:
en jaksanu ymmärtää englantia =D saaks suomeks tiivistelmän =)
Lyhyesti: Bush runttasi läpi lain jonka mukaan käytännössä kuka tahansa voidaan napata kadulta, pitää vangittuna ilman syytteitä ja tuomita kuolemaan salassa, rikkomatta yhtään lakia.
Lisäksi uusi laki sallii "viranomaisten" käyttää "uusia keinoja" "kuulusteluissa", eli kidututus on a-ok.
mku, 19.10.2006 20:10:
Annakins, 19.10.2006 20:03:
7.11. toivotaan et demokraatit voittaa vaaleissa enemistön ja jotain muuttuis.
Kenen luona pidetään vaalivalvojaiset? :D
Bushin poliittinen neuvontantaja on lupaillut "october surprisea", joka monien mielestä tarkoittaa jopa uutta terroristi-iskua tai muuta mukavaa. Tämän yllärin on kuulemma tarkoitus nostaa republikaanien suosio huippuunsa ennen noita vaaleja.
Annakins, 20.10.2006 09:34:
Imo jos USA:ssa tapahtuisi terrori-isku ennen vaaleja, ni demokraateille ei olis kovin vaikeaa kääntää sitä niin päin, että Bushin politiikka on vain lisännyt turvattomuutta maassa. Juurihan julkaistiin raporttikin jossa todetaan, että Irakin sota on lisännyt terrorismia, ei vähentänyt sitä.